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House of Brother Project: Summer visits. spots fully booked, Lord Rey in the city

May 2, 2021
House of Brothers: Founding a "loser fraternity"

Yeah you read that right. It's happening.

Key facts:

  • 4-6 guys, 1 house/big apartment. Private room each, shared kitchen and living/work space
  • 2 years
  • tight community of brothers that support each other
  • pledge against any digital media distraction
  • full commitment to fulfilling your dreams
  • Location is up for debate and to be agreed upon by the guys who join. Probably Freiburg (Germany) Basel (Switzerland) or a different Swiss city.
  • start: August or September 2024
  • Cost: "none". It's non-profit. Rent is shared. We will probably implement that every member pledges to save a certain amount (like 100 or 200€) per month that he can spend on any coaching or self-improvement seminar he wants
  • rules can still be shaped

What do you bring to the table:
  • a radical willingness to change your life
  • your very own goals and dreams
  • the desire to live in the real world instead of behind screens
  • honesty towards yourself
  • openness to talk about problems and emotions

So far committed to this project are a close friend of mine and me.

This is a project that will massively benefit those who are aware that living alone and being constantly exposed to the vortex of the digital realm is a key factor that is holding you back. People prosper in community. KYIL is a great community. This project takes it to the next level.

We are not looking for people who are losers stuck in their room with no ambition and that are not doing anything to bring their life forward. We want people that are already hustling to improve their lives. I am posting this on KYIL because I know this is a place where those kind of men find each other.

If you are interested or got questions, drop it below
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I totally love this idea, I can only imagine the amount of progress people in that house will be making.

A couple of questions
- Is the main idea of the house to create accountability, brotherhood, or supportiveness to hooking up?
- How quiet is the household supposed to be during working hours? --> Will there be much noise due to working together or are we mostly calmly working on our goals
- What are the options to jump in on the project later?

If I was in a position to join, I would immediately sign up. Unfortunately due to certain conditions (I won't go into detail), I'm guessing I'd be able to fully commit to a life abroad around the beginning of 2026.
Hey man, I have thought about something similar for a while now. Do you want to talk in private about this?
this is a fucking awesome idea, i will advocate this idea from my experience as i have personally done something similar.

i used to live with my previous mentor troy (whom you know of as well) and lacroix in nashville. we were doing nightgame like 3x a week and i got so much value from just hearing troy speak about dating and life mindset 24/7.

while not everyday was 1000% ideal, the big picture was that we were all hustling and we all grew. in the 6 month period i was in my own "loser fraternity", i got fucking jacked and laid (lost my v-card and got a plate!), lacroix got his first nightgame lay and learned how to deal with a relationship from troy. i absorbed their talks like a sponge and carried that knowledge to japan, where i got a gf whom i bust huge loads on daily while she's dressed in catgirl cosplay and meows.

i cannot recommend this idea enough to any dude, especially in europe, who is thinking of joining. if you have to pay rent in 2 places to join, it is 100% worth it (both myself and lacroix did as well)
kratjeuh said:
I totally love this idea, I can only imagine the amount of progress people in that house will be making.

A couple of questions
- Is the main idea of the house to create accountability, brotherhood, or supportiveness to hooking up?
- How quiet is the household supposed to be during working hours? --> Will there be much noise due to working together or are we mostly calmly working on our goals
- What are the options to jump in on the project later?

If I was in a position to join, I would immediately sign up. Unfortunately due to certain conditions (I won't go into detail), I'm guessing I'd be able to fully commit to a life abroad around the beginning of 2026.

To your q's
  • It's about accountability and brotherhood and supporting each other in whatever goals the members have. It's not designed as a pickup house. Naturally though, this will probably be a major goal of many of the participants, including me.
  • Is your noise question related to working remote? We will look out for each other, if people need silence throughout the day, we'll make it happen. The term "fraternity" might be a bit misleading maybe. It's not a party house. We'll spend great time hanging out together and doing trips though, without blasting our brains out.
  • jumping in on the project late isn't intended. we want all the members to commit to the project for two years, start to end. Idea is to move on then, it is not intended to be permanent, although I might try to initiate/help others initiate similar projects if it proves a success. Purpose is to create the life you truly want in those two years and then keep living it fully afterwards

Since you are not going into it, I don't know what reasons hold you back from going abroad. I'll DM you cuz in my experience a lot of impossibilities are actually not impossibilities if someone else takes a look.

Chamele0n said:
Hey man, I have thought about something similar for a while now. Do you want to talk in private about this?

I'll DM you and we'll do a video call

colgate said:
this is a fucking awesome idea, i will advocate this idea from my experience as i have personally done something similar.


i cannot recommend this idea enough to any dude, especially in europe, who is thinking of joining. if you have to pay rent in 2 places to join, it is 100% worth it (both myself and lacroix did as well)

Yeah I remember you posting about that, it sounded fucking cool.

The double rent thing isn't intended unless someone has a binding rent contract that lasts onward elsewhere. The house isn't designed as a drop-in place where you go when you feel like working on your goals. It's intended to be the place you actually live and center your life. Might be a little different in that regard compared to Troy's house.

By the way, if any of you know people that could be interested in this, are working to improve their lifes and that are not on the forums, feel free to share it with them
I've done this since I started.

Lived with TimmyTurner.

And then, Paw.

Now, going to NYC with September with 3 months.

And then, probably back with Paw, or someone else from my inner circle.

This is an amazing idea, good work Cain on your desire to drive SUCCESS in your life, and flying the flag of SELF IMPROVEMENT!




News on the house project

So far, we haven’t had any success finding new members for the house. Every person we told about the project thinks it’s an amazing idea but paradoxically, noone is willing to join.

I think the reason is that it is simply a very big ask. It’s essentially “hey come move in with me!”. Even if people are really convinced of the value that the project could bring for them, the threshold is simply huge.

I’ve been brainstorming with my coach on how to go about it differently. There is two steps I’m pursuing. First off, I want to become a part of relevant communities. Communities with people that are already in the process of actively building a life they love. In these communities I wanna play an active part, be seen and have some sort of status. That is a very good baseline position for people to build the trust that is required for a project like this

From thereon out, I wanna start hosting small events, like a weekly call where people discuss the issues that surround the housing project: How to deal with digital media addictiveness, finding your own tribe instead of being lonely, and working on your passions. Through regular interaction a mini-community can be built. From that community I think it is much more plausible and much less big of a jump for a few people to start living together.

In that spirit, I will post more often again here on the forums. I have been quite lazy about that because I have noticed that the value of being on here has diminished for me. But I actually have a lot of value to give. I have been getting some very cool lays lately, and overall building a sick lifestyle. Sharing it can be an inspiration for people who are earlier on in the journey and are wondering if it is for example worth it to get into cold approach.

That being said, if you feel inspired by one of the stories in my log or are interested in the topics mentioned two paragraphs above, drop a post in here or a private message to me and I will set up a video call once a handful of people are down for it.

Another community that I’m considering getting into is the startup community. Wednesday I’ll be attending a weekly meeting of a startup group at my university. Let’s see how it goes and how committed these people are to building something great.
Yoyo Cain!

So pumped you are staying with the project.

I have done this several times.

Why I pulled it off, was because I met the dudes in person several times, I posted here daily for a while at that point, they knew I was solid as fuck, so when I asked if they wanted to live with me, the answer was a prompt yes.

Why not arrange some meetups where you guys can build rapport, get to know each other, and perhaps commit to a month long short term stay at first?

If all is good, you can take it from there.

Regarding you seeing less value from the forum. This is a big problem I am trying to solve with the forum, man, and I kinda need some help on it.

Right now, these men are just seeing this forum as a "getting laid" forum. I guess that's fair enough, but the issue here, is that once guys fix this and get it sorted, take off their training wheels, most guys are like, well....this is all good now, let's move on.

It pains me to see this, because smart, capable men, just ghost. It's happened for years.

I think we need to restructure this forum, and change the ethos towards a more broad church, and allow it to be a container for the larger masculine journey in life. This, should be reflected in a greater commitment to areas like biz/finance/career and also physical health/physique.

I am now the admin, we're transitioning the database, and frankly: I do not want to run a defacto dating forum. Rather, I want to build an epic self improvement community and see men (or, indeed, women) become the best version of themselves over the course of time.

How we can do this, I am not entirely sure. Furthermore, another issue I may have, is that we also need to attract more men who care about things other than vaginas. That is definitely an issue we do have right now and one I'd like to find ways to resolve. At present, something is off about our forum culture, and it just becomes a container for an endless hamster wheel of sex. Which is cool, I guess, but I believe the human animal is capable of more than that.....

Hey MAC, appreciate you chiming in.

As to developing the forum, I’m not sure that turning away from the getting laid topic is the right way.

Firstly, the internet is a tool to deliver you hyper targeted audiences. That’s why this place exists in the first place, people uniting over one shared issue. If you dilute it and turn it into a generalist self-improvement forum, I am not sure whether new people will be as interested as up to now. In my experience people don’t care big time about general self-improvement, but get into it because they experience a grave deficit in an area of their life, like getting no pussy. Sure people are capable of more, but that isn’t what catches their attention to become part of a community. The sex drive is a huge motivator.

Secondly, I don’t think people move on that quickly from the getting laid focused phase. It’s a process that takes a while if you wanna get really good. The issue is more that this forum is only for people in their early phases. The people that start getting success usually move on because there is not enough value in this forum for intermediate and advanced guys.

I feel like the GLL forums at their peak where different. The culture was more about celebrating successes of real players and becoming like them, while this forum is about struggling through the initial hurdles. On GLL there were guys getting laid like crazy. I honestly don’t know of any regular posters on here that have 10+ cold approach lays or even reach intermediate GLL defined goals like getting a lay a month from cold approach.

Another major difference is how heavily this forum is geared towards online dating. One can set up a great profile and get laid regularly via Tinder, but this won’t translate fully into overall player skills. The Winner Within Forum is kinda the softie version of GLL.

As an illustrative example, it was completely normal to post naughty creepshots on GLL, while here it’s not accepted anymore. This sounds like a joke but I know of a guy that made it to the intermediate level and left when this rule was changed.

I also went back and looked at the log of a friend of mine who posted on here for a while and is a HUGE player. Have met him in real life and he is legit. Nobody really paid attention to his log because his stories seem so far out of the usual conversation of this forum that people couldn’t relate or didn’t believe what he was saying. Back on GLL, the creepshots actually served as proof of your stories. He got barely any likes or posting interaction and eventually stopped posting, even thought he had many things to say.

Meanwhile, beginner logs of struggling people that whine about starter shit get a lot attention. I think that’s important too because it is a phase where people are filled with doubt and support is important. But I think we should pay more attention to the succesful guys to keep them around. Once a few more of them post regularly, they see value in each others post and that keeps them around as well.

Anyways, I’m not sure if the forum can be turned around in that way or whether that’s the direction you wanna take it. It still delivers a lot of value to starting guys and I appreciate it for that. It helped me a ton when I was working on getting over my AA. And I have made so many cool connections through here. I’ll try to keep posting for a while.
Excellent post.

Hmm. Alrght, Well, peak GLL was GOAT-tier and it inspired us all. However, we live in very different times dude.

-Social media
-Online dating
-Toxic dating culture
-Baseline levels of female mental health are poor

That said, honestly dude, I take your points on board. I just want to make a damn difference and help some people before I am dead.

Thanks for giving us good stuff to think about & I do appreciate you man.

Keep up your hustle and of course a warm welcome back to you.

I think this is an awesome idea and I would have done this in a heartbeat a few years ago. This is far superior to any form of coaching or trying to do this on your own.
CainGettingLaid said:
Another major difference is how heavily this forum is geared towards online dating. One can set up a great profile and get laid regularly via Tinder, but this won’t translate fully into overall player skills. The Winner Within Forum is kinda the softie version of GLL.

At some point most guys who are taking action and going forward are tired of the easiness of Tinder. Then they seek a different challenge and can’t find anyone relatable so the interest fades away.

CainGettingLaid said:
The issue is more that this forum is only for people in their early phases. The people that start getting success usually move on because there is not enough value in this forum for intermediate and advanced guys.

There are so many other routes to take after the initial hurdles that it’s difficult to find someone alike. For example I’ve stopped posting because my intent is to get girls out of my SMV league (out of my league doesn’t exist btw) and there’s no one who can offer help even though some posters are very successful in other areas.

On the house situation, the initial demand is too high especially since you barely met anyone of us.
I would be down to try it out if I could land a remote job but I’m not immediately jumping into a 1 year contract.
If you can find a way to get guys to try it out for like a month or something, you’ll have more success in this pursuit.
CainGettingLaid said:
I also went back and looked at the log of a friend of mine who posted on here for a while and is a HUGE player.

can you tell me who this is i want to see too lol (pm is fine)
kratjeuh said:
CainGettingLaid said:
Another major difference is how heavily this forum is geared towards online dating. One can set up a great profile and get laid regularly via Tinder, but this won’t translate fully into overall player skills. The Winner Within Forum is kinda the softie version of GLL.

At some point most guys who are taking action and going forward are tired of the easiness of Tinder. Then they seek a different challenge and can’t find anyone relatable so the interest fades away.

CainGettingLaid said:
The issue is more that this forum is only for people in their early phases. The people that start getting success usually move on because there is not enough value in this forum for intermediate and advanced guys.

There are so many other routes to take after the initial hurdles that it’s difficult to find someone alike. For example I’ve stopped posting because my intent is to get girls out of my SMV league (out of my league doesn’t exist btw) and there’s no one who can offer help even though some posters are very successful in other areas.

On the house situation, the initial demand is too high especially since you barely met anyone of us.
I would be down to try it out if I could land a remote job but I’m not immediately jumping into a 1 year contract.
If you can find a way to get guys to try it out for like a month or something, you’ll have more success in this pursuit.

Please upload an avatar as per the forum rules.

The biggest slayers I ever met (Dante, Scotty, The Dom) actually enjoyed the community and brotherhood and learned from all sorts. Scotty and Dante, both have asked my opinion on various things. I wrote the copy for Dante's website (Dante has slayed hella models as you may or may not know) and we chat regularly. Of course, I absorbed tonnes from them, and when I needed help, they were there.

Point being, men of value just find others of value and connect with them because they see Greatness in them.

If I wanted to get the highest SMV chicks, I'd still see value in posting. I'd throw all caution to the wind and GRIND MERCILESSLY and not stop until I had what I seek. I would love the community support and the opportunity to give back also.

IMO, it is a sign of a mature and positive man, to help other men. These men helped me, and I am so grateful, I help every man here, daily, and do it with love and respect.

Creep pics jeopardize the entire forum from a legal perspective. And I never understood it anyway. I got started in this sphere by reading anonymous game writers. Tried their advice. It worked. Never saw "proof" of them with hot girls. But what does it matter? Their advice worked. They could've been braindead monkeys banging on a keyboard for all I care.

Also, as fun/inspiring as these playboy stories may be, it's not replicable. You can't have crazy adventures every week. You can't systematize the randomness inherent to social interaction.

Efficient game looks very boring from the outside. I have 70 lay reports here. 99% of them are the same. Even the odd cold approach lay is very by-the-books. Tell a girl she's cute, exchange contact info, meet up later, bang.

Even my threesomes are boring now.

Truth is: it's really not that hard. Chris really figured it out. Look good + talk to girls + have some killer instinct.

You can get to 20 lays and feel like you've solved the problem. Only a tiny percentage of men, the ambitious, curious, perhaps a bit autistic, will really try and see "how far can I take it."

Even back in the old school days, the primary goal of the average dude into PUA was "get a girlfriend." Let alone have a rotation of 3 girls, fuck 100 college students, and have a threesome every month.

It's a very front-loaded effort too. To go from 0 to 1 lay is a million times harder than to go from 50 to 60.

I also wish more intermediates/advanced guys stuck around but that's just the nature of the beast. It's always going to be a small group of guys, a minority of a minority of a minority.

I still find value in posting partly because I get to help newbies, for venting purposes, and for the occasional psychological insight you get from an outsider's perspective.

I've been running my 6 bedroom rental as rent-by-the-room while living there part time for a couple years now, so a big part of its success is the relationships and community of the people who live there. Beyond ensuring the roof doesn't collapse and the toilets still flush, I see maintaining that community as the biggest and most important part of my business. I've applied a lot I learned from my dating life to this aspect of my business.

First of all, take ownership and show people what they are gonna get. A non-profit venture of equally shared responsibility is great.... if you already know everyone involved. But you don't - you are trying to sell other people on joining you. So you need to plunk down that deposit on the rental and commit to paying the rent on it even if all the rooms aren't filled. You need to pick the place so that it fits your goals and the goals of people who you want to join you. Are the rooms soundproofed? Where is it located relative to jobs, schools, nightlife, transit, etc? What is the monthly rent? Is there more emphasis on spacious bedrooms for solitude/remote work/a king sized bed, or is there more emphasis on common areas for house dinners/parties/randomly hanging out? Note that smaller bedrooms *encourage* social interaction, since residents will feel cramped hanging out in them all day. You need to find your ideal place, then move in and furnish it to suit your goals. How are you going to decorate? How will you arrange the furniture? Will the living room feature a liquor cabinet and high quality stereo, or common workspaces where people can comfortably hammer away on their laptops? Once you have all this put together, then take pics of it to show off that this is *good* and *real*.

Once you have that together, you can start pitching to people you don't know as well. Show them pics of the space, tell them about the location, tell them about what you and your friend are currently doing in the day to day.

One big lesson I learned is *not* to ask for a lot of commitment up front. You don't ask your tinder match to marry you before even meeting her for the first time - why would you ask someone to sign a 2 year lease before you've even met? Instead, offer as little commitment as possible. I now insist on giving all new tenants a 3 month lease when they first move in. If after a month and a half either of us is unhappy, we can simply choose not to renew - they have enough time to find a new place, and I have enough time to find a new tenant. While this might seem on the surface to be more work than demanding 1 year leases up front, in actuality it is far less work - primarily because dealing with someone who doesn't want to live there for an entire year is a gigantic pain in the dick, not least because forcing someone who doesn't want to live there to keep living there absolutely poisons the rest of the community. But also because you will attract cooler people who already have lots of options who like the fact that you are letting them keep their options open. It also displays confidence in your product - you aren't trapping people into a 2 year commitment because you don't need to. You know that if they just try your product, they will love it so much that they will stick around without coercion.

And finally, you need to maintain the community. There are a lot of day to day issues that crop up in a space shared among multiple people. The biggest ones are usually cleanliness and guests. Most people hate having a sink full of dirty dishes, even if they themselves added plates to the stack. And everyone gets annoyed when one roommate starts having their girlfriend living there rent free without even asking anyone. You need to strike a delicate balance here between setting a good example, making sure the problem gets solved, and not letting everyone become too dependent on you as the problem solver. As the leader, you should expect to simply do one or two dishes which have been left in the sink every day to ensure it stays empty, because that easy and simple act creates a culture and an expectation that dishes are not left in the sink. You should also point out this act of service to others - eventually, *everyone* realizes they are late for a meeting in the middle of breakfast and just *has to* leave their dirty dishes in the sink - so establish the idea in the culture that the act of doing a few dishes which aren't your own is an act of good will and service toward the community, and a form of penance for one's own imperfections. At the same time, if someone is persistently not cleaning up their messes or has their girlfriend move in, something needs to be done. What that something is, is having an open and honest discussion with that person about the problem. As the leader, I find it is best if you do one of two things. The first option is to set a hard rule which you tell to everyone before they move in - and then as soon as they break the rule, you bring the hammer down. The other option is to wait until someone else brings the problem up to you - or else to casually mention it with other roommates and ask them if they have a problem with it. Then when they express their unhappiness, task *them* with discussing the problem with the problematic roommate, possibly calling a house meeting to discuss the issue with everyone. In these situations, you need to present yourself as open-minded, caring for all parties, and being solution-focused. Your role is largely to be the mediator, allowing all parties to discuss how they feel, and prompting parties to come up with their own solutions for their problems. This fosters a culture of open dialogue, and encourages roommates to solve their own problems among themselves instead of relying on you as their daddy who they can complain to to solve their problems.

If this sounds like a lot of work and risk on your part - yes. Unless you are able to preemptively establish strong relationships with enough people you trust first, you'll be taking on a fair bit of risk and effort to make this happen and find people who are good fits. If you want to do this as a completely non-profit venture, that is very noble of you. But for this level of effort and risk, many would think you deserve to be paid... maybe try structuring the rent so that you and your friend don't pay rent or have discounted rent as long as all the rooms are filled. Not necessary, but maybe the additional incentive you need to make it happen.


This forum suffers from the problem of many of the old-style forums it is based on. Experienced users find their helpful comments are buried under dumbass comments from people who don't know what they are talking about. And their more difficult and nuanced questions never get answered due to the deluge of newbie questions. This makes them feel underappreciated and bored, and so they leave. This was a problem on old IT and software question and answer forums a couple decades ago, too, which is what led to the founding of Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange. They realized that the most important thing in a goal-oriented forum was the engagement of experienced users who actually knew how to solve people's problems. They therefore implemented a point system where users received more points for providing answers that were *useful*, not just for posting a lot. And having these points wasn't just for show - more points granted the users more privileges, like the ability to edit other users posts or to restructure the site. I'm not saying this is an exact drop-in-place solution to the problem, but the general concept - privileging and rewarding the more high-value users - seems like a good starting point. One thought I had was that - once a ranking system was established - there could be sub forums created where only higher-ranked users could post, where they could do things like write how-to guides for newbies (where only other higher-ranked users would be able to comment on them), or ask questions that other intermediate or advanced guys would be able to respond to. This would also stimulate engagement from more advanced guys who want to filter out newbie questions, and talk about more advanced questions.

I remember reading a blog post a while ago about how Stack was "broken". It had become impossible to get lots of points anymore because power users would immediately lock questions as duplicates and point to previous answers given to the question. This deprived newer users of the ability to engage and answer questions. Hilariously, this highlighted the fact that the system was working as intended - the most high-level users had stayed engaged in the community, and users of all levels were consistently getting their questions answered. And this was achieved by ignoring the desire of mediocre users to have their egos fed.
Svadhishthana said:

This forum suffers from the problem of many of the old-style forums it is based on. Experienced users find their helpful comments are buried under dumbass comments from people who don't know what they are talking about. And their more difficult and nuanced questions never get answered due to the deluge of newbie questions. This makes them feel underappreciated and bored, and so they leave.

Where is this happening? This is very different from my experience using this forum. I definitely agree what you describe is a trend with communities in general but I have to say I've been constantly surprised at the quality of advice that is given here overall. Newbies mostly lurk and ask questions, experienced guys mainly comment and give good advice.

I haven't seen any difficult/nuanced questions that have gone unanswered, and haven't noticed experienced users leaving for this reason.
Thanks for the feedback I greatly appreciate it!

The takeaway for me, was giving more senior users some more responsibility, that is interesting. I do have ideas for that.

Regarding the problem of clueless newbies leading others astray - frankly, I have not seen this take place. I am confused by this statement. Mostly, what I see is guys who have been there, and done it, chiming in to help others along.

I hope this continues as a trend and I do agree that guys who are not a proven commodity can regretably spew a lot of nonsense. I see plenty I disagree with, and disagree with many dudes who're experienced and can create outcomes. But, when it's sincere and evidence based, I like having the various opinions.

When it's theory and conjecture, yeah, that can get to fuck.

Pushing back the schedule, saving 15k

I appreciate you guys input, especially the one from @Svadhishthana. Lol not sure how to tag people in this new forum.

I have lived in many shared flats and have had a de fact leader role in most of them and so a lot of the stuff wasn't new, but a good reminder. The most crucial part was to rethink the project and realize that it will probably not be possible to find guys that bring that much commitment up front, but that there is still a way to make a project like this work: By letting men test it for a few months and me fronting a load of cash and carrying additional financial risk throughout.

The truth is, I don't have the savings yet to do that. So that's where my priority will be for now. My goal is to save at least 15k within a year, maybe more, maybe in shorter time. That'll be enough to get such a project kickstarted.

Until then, I'll keep searching for guys that are interested to join, even if just for a three month period.

If you are interested, hit me up with a DM and we'll link up in a video call and maybe in person down the line.
Hey MAC, appreciate you chiming in.

As to developing the forum, I’m not sure that turning away from the getting laid topic is the right way.

Firstly, the internet is a tool to deliver you hyper targeted audiences. That’s why this place exists in the first place, people uniting over one shared issue. If you dilute it and turn it into a generalist self-improvement forum, I am not sure whether new people will be as interested as up to now. In my experience people don’t care big time about general self-improvement, but get into it because they experience a grave deficit in an area of their life, like getting no pussy. Sure people are capable of more, but that isn’t what catches their attention to become part of a community. The sex drive is a huge motivator.

Secondly, I don’t think people move on that quickly from the getting laid focused phase. It’s a process that takes a while if you wanna get really good. The issue is more that this forum is only for people in their early phases. The people that start getting success usually move on because there is not enough value in this forum for intermediate and advanced guys.

I feel like the GLL forums at their peak where different. The culture was more about celebrating successes of real players and becoming like them, while this forum is about struggling through the initial hurdles. On GLL there were guys getting laid like crazy. I honestly don’t know of any regular posters on here that have 10+ cold approach lays or even reach intermediate GLL defined goals like getting a lay a month from cold approach.

Another major difference is how heavily this forum is geared towards online dating. One can set up a great profile and get laid regularly via Tinder, but this won’t translate fully into overall player skills. The Winner Within Forum is kinda the softie version of GLL.

As an illustrative example, it was completely normal to post naughty creepshots on GLL, while here it’s not accepted anymore. This sounds like a joke but I know of a guy that made it to the intermediate level and left when this rule was changed.

I also went back and looked at the log of a friend of mine who posted on here for a while and is a HUGE player. Have met him in real life and he is legit. Nobody really paid attention to his log because his stories seem so far out of the usual conversation of this forum that people couldn’t relate or didn’t believe what he was saying. Back on GLL, the creepshots actually served as proof of your stories. He got barely any likes or posting interaction and eventually stopped posting, even thought he had many things to say.

Meanwhile, beginner logs of struggling people that whine about starter shit get a lot attention. I think that’s important too because it is a phase where people are filled with doubt and support is important. But I think we should pay more attention to the succesful guys to keep them around. Once a few more of them post regularly, they see value in each others post and that keeps them around as well.

Anyways, I’m not sure if the forum can be turned around in that way or whether that’s the direction you wanna take it. It still delivers a lot of value to starting guys and I appreciate it for that. It helped me a ton when I was working on getting over my AA. And I have made so many cool connections through here. I’ll try to keep posting for a while.
Plus 1 for bringing back the creep shots