How are my pics? (UPDATED)


Jul 22, 2021
Howdy, would yall mind telling me how I could improve my pictures?

I think I may be ugly with the number of likes I get, or lack thereof.

(Deleted my old pics, new ones are posted somewhere below).
My bio Is "Pakistani Cowboy"
It's supposed to be short and sweet, but honestly, I have no idea what I am doing.
So any help would be appreciated.
Hard to tell how good/bad are your pics since you blurred the most important thing to look at...

But I still can tell that all of your pics have a framing problem : you need to fill the frame more.
Your style actually looks decent, but your pics make you seem like a loner.

Add a few pics of you with some friends, you doing a hobby, and maybe one of you holding a happy dog and it will give your profile a big boost.

I agree with Lord Rey, you are too far away in every picture. Crop them closer so you fill up most of the frame.

Also, definitely crop the sleeping blonde girl out of pic #1! Girls who see that will think it's creepy as hell and think you drugged her or something!

(not saying this to be mean, just want you to know how women are most likely reacting)
hannangame said:
Howdy, would yall mind telling me how I could improve my pictures?

I think I may be ugly with the number of likes I get, or lack thereof.

I'm going to be a little harsh here, all in the name of trying to help you.

What I see:
-Backgrounds that are cluttered and unflattering
-You looking stiff and posed
-Photos that don't say anything about you, just you in different places

Sure, you have a lot of improvement to be made with your physique and fashion (hit up Radical for some style advice, he has a new course and a free youtube channel) but you can 100% be getting laid now by improving your photos. I wouldn't call you ugly.

What you should do:
-Have photos of you doing things
-Improve your fashion for new photos
-Hire a professional if you're very motivated and have the financial means
-Read this article with more tips and examples that I guest wrote for Playing With Fire:

(Mods, if you don't want me posting the link, no worries just let me know and I'll take it down. I just figured it would be much easier than trying to type everything out and attaching a ton of photos)
Tone down your nationality mate, if you are living in Europe.

I am Turkish originally, living in Germany. And unfortunately racism exists.

I dont mention this until matching. I assume, I would be getting half the matches I get, if I pre-screened girls.
I deleted Tinder because I wasn't getting matches, I took some new pics and cropped my old ones.
I tried to incorporate yall's advice.
How are these?
Also, I showed my face, tell me how I look too.
Leave the one with the crown.

Also the one where you have your mate next to you. Your pose is good, but he is ruining it. He should be blended out by a better objective and you have to be the focus.

The gym photo is good, but you can take a better one in the gym.

In general, you need a DSLR camera with an appropriate objective like Andy recommends. I paid 1500€ for that machine but do not regret a cent of it.
I'm tempted to say these are all pretty poor, but when beating back my negativity and giving credit where credit's due, each of these photos has some good qualities and some bad qualities. Over all, each one is kind of "meh" and don't stand out; but none of them are actually bad.
Put these together and you'll have a mediocre array of pictures. Not bad, but if your dating market is like mine, it'll get poor results on Tinder.

I'm listening to a live podcast Andy's on right now, so going to multitask and explain my thoughts (not an expert, but have some intuition for photos that aren't of me) on each photo:

  • First photo: Good points are that you have a solid haircut, it's a good area/background, the suit looks decent on you; bad points include that it's not a good pose to be looking down at your phone (everyone does that), with that kind of posture. Would have been better just to be looking off into the distance.
  • Second: Good stuff includes the necklace and stuff is solid and on point with the shirt, which is also decent, it's got you at a good distance and proportion in the shot. Bad stuff: The hat plus glasses, but especially the glasses, obscures your face in a bad way. Also the facial expression is like "woah, this is so cool" which could work for an Instagram hype post, but isn't very attractive for a dating profile.
  • Third: Good just generally, but has a few points that hold it back and drag it to mediocre (that if you adjusted would make a pretty solid photo); specifically, your expression looks like you're kind of astonished, whereas a determined look (closed mouth, eyes intensely focusing forward) would look better here. Also smaller point, but it'd be even better to see the muscles flexing (instead of catching the end of a rep while your arms are more relaxed). And the glasses don't help you here to look masculine, but you might not be able to help that until your next round of photos.
  • Fourth: Good style, and great that you're showing you have a cool hobby. But again the same expression from the second photo (bad), and it emphasizes your results and has you in a bad position. Much cooler would be a shot from the side while you're drawing back the string of the bow with an arrow notched, that could work a lot better at adding "cool hobby" factor instead of the vibes I get here "dude gets overly surprised by moderately good but not stupendous results" in the current photo. Archery is cool and rare to see on Tinder, but this doesn't emphasize that cool athleticism factor.
  • Fifth: Not cropped enough and a bad posture, with glasses that are too dark. Hard to see your face. Decent outfit and the background could be good if it was defocused, but as it is it doesn't show you well.
  • Sixth: hard to tell what to say here. This feels like a halfway goofy picture and halfway serious, hard to tell what, but it's a mix that doesn't work well. Good squint, like the unique necklace. But somehow the picture feels like it has a bad lighting and the shirt color doesn't contrast in a good way in my mediocre, still-learning-fashion opinion/eye. Also, you could find a lot better backgrounds/places to take the same pose for this picture and it'd compliment it better.

This was a bit negative, sorry about that. I hope this helps you to see what I see in your photos, and helps to guide you in what to look for and nitpick in your own pictures in the future; this is the kind of feedback I'd have wanted to receive if I were in your position, but I can't know how much it might help you or be gratuitous and unwanted. Keep taking more pictures! Keep improving! Keep us updated about your exploits! Keep crushing your goals!

TheGreatTurk said:
In general, you need a DSLR camera with an appropriate objective like Andy recommends.
This is good advice too, but if you're cheap like me, just make sure all of your pictures are taken in portrait mode on your phone.
TheGreatTurk said:
In general, you need a DSLR camera with an appropriate objective like Andy recommends. I paid 1500€ for that machine but do not regret a cent of it.

I don't fully agree with this. You want like 2, max 3 professional pics in your profile. Women will assume you paid for a photoshoot if you rock too many professional pictures which comes across as tryhard
OK I really appreciate the advice. I’m going to use my uncle’s DSLR camera and take pictures over Thanksgiving break.

By the way do y’all think I could improve my style/beard I sometimes feel like I’m ugly because I don’t get matches.

And how do I get girls to take pictures with me I guess I’m supposed to “just do it.” Like you guys think I can go up to random girl and ask her take a picture with me?
kratjeuh said:
TheGreatTurk said:
In general, you need a DSLR camera with an appropriate objective like Andy recommends. I paid 1500€ for that machine but do not regret a cent of it.

I don't fully agree with this. You want like 2, max 3 professional pics in your profile. Women will assume you paid for a photoshoot if you rock too many professional pictures which comes across as tryhard

Can confirm this is not true. I have taken professional photos for over 100 guys and the matches and dates they get speak for themselves, plus they've sent me reactions girls give them.

Not saying this to save my business... I'm getting more than enough.

Saying this so that people reading this thread don't make a mistake and avoid posting "too many" professional photos.

Girls might know you did a photoshoot - this part is accurate. But most don't think it's try hard. I know this is true because my clients show me the reactions they get. Some girls ask if they got a photoshoot, then when they say yes, they get MORE excited about them.

I think some girls think it's try hard, but those are the same girls who are judgemental about guys in general.

The rest see it as a sign that you invest in yourself and you're serious about your goals.

Also to note, if the photos don't seem authentic or candid (look too posed or like you're playing a role) then girls won't swipe right but that's because of the quality of the photoshoot was low, not the fact that you did a photoshoot itself.

All this said, I like putting 1 shittier smartphone photo near the end of a profile so girls don't think you're a bot. Don't know if this helps or not but I like doing it personally.
MILFandCookies said:
kratjeuh said:
I don't fully agree with this. You want like 2, max 3 professional pics in your profile. Women will assume you paid for a photoshoot if you rock too many professional pictures which comes across as tryhard

Can confirm this is not true. I have taken professional photos for over 100 guys and the matches and dates they get speak for themselves, plus they've sent me reactions girls give them.

Not saying this to save my business... I'm getting more than enough.

Saying this so that people reading this thread don't make a mistake and avoid posting "too many" professional photos.

Girls might know you did a photoshoot - this part is accurate. But most don't think it's try hard. I know this is true because my clients show me the reactions they get. Some girls ask if they got a photoshoot, then when they say yes, they get MORE excited about them.

I think some girls think it's try hard, but those are the same girls who are judgemental about guys in general.

The rest see it as a sign that you invest in yourself and you're serious about your goals.

All this said, I like putting 1 shittier smartphone photo near the end of a profile so girls don't think you're a bot. Don't know if this helps or not but I like doing it personally.
MILFandCookies said:
The rest see it as a sign that you invest in yourself and you're serious about your goals.

I would like to add something to this.

Most girls are in fact, quite desperate to find a quality guy.

It is not an uncommon thing to come across a sexy 8-9 out of 10 that have not had sex or met a quality man for 6-12 months.

You appearing "larger than life" or "out of her league" is a very, very effective strategy to gain her appreciation and makes things down the road way easier for you.

Which includes also professional photos as well.
hannangame said:
And how do I get girls to take pictures with me I guess I’m supposed to “just do it.” Like you guys think I can go up to random girl and ask her take a picture with me?

I'm not at all convinced that you "must" have pictures where girls are with you. But it's more likely to hurt if the girl's vibe is off; I don't recommend using a girl in your photos until you've had at least a few successes online already, girls you feel you can talk to not just about sex (but, of course, also about sex).
I agree it may often seem like "these guys on this forum have their lives together and mine is shit". I often feel the same. Practicing and improving your photos, and realizing that the important thing is experience and continuing to try without giving up, is what seems to help the most towards alleviating that feeling of insignificance.
You don't have to have all the right answers. Feel free to ask. Glad you did, in this case. Sometimes there is no right answer, but many possible answers. If you feel very strongly that you want a girl to be in your pictures, and feel like it will significantly help your results, you'll find a way to do it, I know it. Think of all the female friends you have, ask about their female friends, perhaps suggest photo shoots where you both help each other take photos and then take a few together at the end to commemorate it. This might not work at all. But you have some options, more than you think you do.
In fact, while it's really hard to think this way because of your age, you have the option to "just wait", focus on other things, keep improving yourself, and come back to this when you have more life experience and resources. It's an option. Just never quit, keep working on yourself in some shape or form. And if you don't want to wait, use any frustration and anger and fear and disappointment as fuel to drive you to find more information, try more things (like testing out going up to a few random girls, asking for pictures, asking if they could then take a picture with you) and see if they work without feeling like you have to ask us if it's okay (though I understand having to ask that sometimes to give yourself permission, and I often do the same). You can do this.
NightRoller said:
I'm not at all convinced that you "must" have pictures where girls are with you.
You don't. My opinion is that most people overrate the value of a social photo. Yes, it helps, but only marginally. And it very well could hurt your profile if it's not a good social photo.

The most important thing is having quality, natural looking photos where you look attractive. Some hobby pics are good too.
Squilliam said:
NightRoller said:
I'm not at all convinced that you "must" have pictures where girls are with you.
You don't. My opinion is that most people overrate the value of a social photo. Yes, it helps, but only marginally. And it very well could hurt your profile if it's not a good social photo.

The most important thing is having quality, natural looking photos where you look attractive. Some hobby pics are good too.

Controversial opinion, but I agree. My experience and that of my clients' supports this.

It can help for sure, and if you want to maximize your profile, I'd get one but it's not going to be a night-and-day-difference.