How do my clothes and my appearance look?

Jan 31, 2022
I'm still fairly new to this whole thing, but right now I'm trying to fix my clothing and my appearance. So on that front, went out took a couple pictures, and I'm wondering if y'all have any advice or insight on how I look right now, especially with the clothes, haircut, and facial hair. I honestly have been thinking of trying minoxidil as I can't grow a full non-patchy beard and I think I might look better with a full beard. Right now I don't have any other pictures, this is really a starting point for me.
Non-threatening and very basic. Unlikely to hurt you, unlikely to help you.

Agreed that you need to either grow a beard or shave.

Gaining muscle would also help fill out your shirt.
Hey man, it looks like you're wearing glasses. If that's the case, don't blur your face next time, your glasses are an extremely important part of your look, they can make you look better or worse.
That's the kind of accessory where you don't want to be cheap. Go to a good eyewear shop, ask for advices, take pictures, ask us and the good looking ladies you know which pair they prefer

Your look is OK, no big mistake I'd say, clothes are the right size, the watch doesn't add anything to the look in my opinion, the t shirt sleeves are a bit too big, Stan Smith are a bit basic imo but white sneakers are a good pick
Add a belt to your jeans
Try the same jeans and sneakers with a sky blue shirt