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How do you guys combat loss of HGH


Feb 3, 2023
As we age, roughly passing the age of 30, our HGH levels begin to drop off pretty drastically.

I've done several cycles of HGH peptides since turning 30. I'm not sure how effective they were. Sometimes I felt like I got a headrush after pinning, which you're supposed to because it indicates a surge of HGH, but most times I didn't feel shit. The science certainly indicates that every pin gives you a HGH spike. However, I never went to get blood work done to confirm if it was actually working.

Just wanted to ask what others on here are doing if anything.
Consuming a lot of high quality red meat elevates HGH.

Hey man there's really 2 options for this

1 is using MK-677 (Ibutamoren) which pretty effectively increases natural GH levels by around 50-70% in a 24 hour bleed as you dose once a day but the problem is it works through stimulating Ghrelin hormone which is your hunger hormone. So this makes it difficult to stick to a calorie plan and pretty much impossible to go on a cut. Also if your natural HGH levels have gone super low, increasing even by 80% might still not put them in an optimal range unless you maybe stack with CJC wDAC.

2nd option and what I do is pinning HGH each day. People have this idea that HGH is super expensive but that is more the case for American big Pharma HGH and for anybody getting an actual prescription. There's legit Chinese Pharma companies which make pharma-grade HGH at way lower prices and retailers which they can be bought through. Ansomone and Qitrope are a couple examples of this.
I’m a doc.

First thing that came to my mind when I read this was “oh,no”.

First off, I’m on test. After dealing with gout from excessive muscle breakdown for over 6months and one gout attack that lasted 1 entire month, I finally went forward with the prescription after running into injuries and muscle pain after powerlifting with repeated infections and scurvy. I’ve smdeveloped stage 3 renal dz from the NSAIDSs as well as from other issues I took because I took too long to start therapy.

It’s not the test or the HGH that’s bad, body natural test and HGH is far better. It’s the preservatives and the introduction of foreign material into the body that’ll cause long term effects. When you need it you need it. It’s your body, but I respectfully request that for as long as possible, go natural. Without meds, clean food, clean water, avoid synthetic chemicals from entering your body.

I mean reverse osmosis filtration, no food from the bazaar besides fresh meats, poultry, fish nuts. Use the flea market or fresh products from the farms locally. Lose the fat, gain some muscle. Get with a solid social circle with attractive woman, get rid of phytoestrogens,get rid of gluten and wheat, get rid of xenoestrogens, don’t trust the Chinese, like the matrix, who wish bad things. Monitor your soaps, detergents, deodorants, body wash, toothpaste-conditioners, like they presume it’s safe until considered harmful and I don’t prescribe medicine until it’s been out in the field for at least 2 years.

Avoid micro plastics. Going back to reverse osmosis filtration, look up chromium 6.

Get rid of non stick pans. Use zinc and omega 3 liquid. Lift heavy, walk more and sprint. Get sunlight at least 30 minutes a day. Get more and better sleep.

It’s not increasing HGH and test but removing the factors that reduce them.

My 02 cents.
Wnyhg said:
I’m a doc.

First thing that came to my mind when I read this was “oh,no”.

First off, I’m on test. After dealing with gout from excessive muscle breakdown for over 6months and one gout attack that lasted 1 entire month, I finally went forward with the prescription after running into injuries and muscle pain after powerlifting with repeated infections and scurvy. I’ve smdeveloped stage 3 renal dz from the NSAIDSs as well as from other issues I took because I took too long to start therapy.

It’s not the test or the HGH that’s bad, body natural test and HGH is far better. It’s the preservatives and the introduction of foreign material into the body that’ll cause long term effects. When you need it you need it. It’s your body, but I respectfully request that for as long as possible, go natural. Without meds, clean food, clean water, avoid synthetic chemicals from entering your body.

I mean reverse osmosis filtration, no food from the bazaar besides fresh meats, poultry, fish nuts. Use the flea market or fresh products from the farms locally. Lose the fat, gain some muscle. Get with a solid social circle with attractive woman, get rid of phytoestrogens,get rid of gluten and wheat, get rid of xenoestrogens, don’t trust the Chinese, like the matrix, who wish bad things. Monitor your soaps, detergents, deodorants, body wash, toothpaste-conditioners, like they presume it’s safe until considered harmful and I don’t prescribe medicine until it’s been out in the field for at least 2 years.

Avoid micro plastics. Going back to reverse osmosis filtration, look up chromium 6.

Get rid of non stick pans. Use zinc and omega 3 liquid. Lift heavy, walk more and sprint. Get sunlight at least 30 minutes a day. Get more and better sleep.

It’s not increasing HGH and test but removing the factors that reduce them.

My 02 cents.

This is one smart doc ^

I agree.

In addition, managing light environment & sleep optimisation.

Darkened environment for the 3-4hrs post sunset.

Proper melatonin secretion is required for restorative sleep and release of HGH.

Nailing sleep is a priority for hormones and something all self-improvers need to work on imo
