How do you screen for crazy girls?

Sep 13, 2021
Lately I've matched with a cute, fit 22 year old that, in my opinion, seems a bit crazy.

I sent her a super like several weeks back, and out of the blue she accepted it some days back with a 🤩 emoji.

Banter back and forth has been relatively simple, I've and before she gave me her snap I asked her:

Me: So do you have any plans for this summer, or are you open to suggestions?

Her: Open to sugesstioooons

me: depends on how brave you are tho

her: Pretty brave :*
Her: snap?
her: username

After adding her it's been mostly random stuff back and forth. Among others, she's sent a pic of her hand with a joint while she was out on a hike (presumably).

Her photos are mainly her in skimpy clothing or underwear.

I also tracked her down on Facebook, and she's friends with several of the people I met at a psytrance rave some weeks back, leaving me to wonder if she's a hardcore party girl with (presumably) lots of issues..

One part of me wants to try and sleep with her, because shes 22 and got a nice body.

Another part of me is scared I'll end up sticking my dick in crazy, which I imagine (and from what I've read) can cause unwanted problems down the line.
Seeing how she reacts to you putting up boundaries is a good test. People who are mentally unstable don't handle that well typically.

Not sure why you're automatically assuming she is crazy though. She goes to raves and does drugs, so what? She is 22, that's pretty normal.

If you're that concerned, don't sleep with her on the first date, get to know her a little bit better.

But yes, don't stick your dick in crazy. Case in point: Jodi Arias
Hard2Focus said:
I also tracked her down on Facebook, and she's friends with several of the people I met at a psytrance rave some weeks back, leaving me to wonder if she's a hardcore party girl with (presumably) lots of issues..

One part of me wants to try and sleep with her, because shes 22 and got a nice body.

Another part of me is scared I'll end up sticking my dick in crazy, which I imagine (and from what I've read) can cause unwanted problems down the line.

I think youre:
- too much presumtions
- be honest with her and that you want to pump her
- if shes crazy. Tell her how you feel about her and exit.

From my personal experience. The redflags will show themselves in meeting up with them.
Just take her on the first date and see how you get on. If she starts giving you her whole life story with all the drama in the world, then don't plan a second date.

I'm personally not into the drug scene but I'm fine if other people do without going over the top. People advertising drug use in their profiles is a deal breaker for me like you are marketing yourself as a product, why would you lead with that?
Honestly, I don’t screen for crazy at all. Crazy girls are the fucking best in bed. Keep your distance, but go enjoy what will likely be amazing sex.
Jesseetc said:
Honestly, I don’t screen for crazy at all. Crazy girls are the fucking best in bed. Keep your distance, but go enjoy what will likely be amazing sex.

Came here to say this. They'll do your head in and ruin your life, but at least the sex is good 🤷🏻‍♂️
Kratos said:
Jesseetc said:
Honestly, I don’t screen for crazy at all. Crazy girls are the fucking best in bed. Keep your distance, but go enjoy what will likely be amazing sex.

Came here to say this. They'll do your head in and ruin your life, but at least the sex is good 🤷🏻‍♂️

Indeed. I tend to keep a healthy distance. Made that mistake once; never again.