How do you take the right pictures with girls to show preselection?


Jun 15, 2022
I know that there are some people here who have a lot more experience on this topic than I do.

How to take good photos with attractive girls for social media/maybe dating apps to show preselection? How should these pictures look like? Especially when there is only one girl in the picture, I really want to avoid that girlfriend vibe. I once lost tons of female followers on Instagram after I had a relatively neutral pic with an attractive girl in my story and also received negative messages from girls about it. Like „bye, you have a girlfriend now“ and so on.

Of course the best case would be small group pics or social pics with attractive girls on an event or smth like that and not just one girl, but that's very difficult to get at the moment for me.

I'm currently dating casually an extremely attractive young girl, absolute high-end. She even modeled for a while (no wannabe 5/10 IG model). On Sunday I will take some portrait shots of her just to improve my photography skills and just thought about getting pictures together with an attractive girl. I have no idea how to properly stage these pics as I believe small things can create a completely different vibe here.

I've tagged some people who i know have knowledge about this. Of course, any answer is welcome.
KillYourInnerLoser Ed_ tommygun95
Vamos said:
How to take good photos with attractive girls for social media/maybe dating apps to show preselection? How should these pictures look like? Especially when there is only one girl in the picture, I really want to avoid that girlfriend vibe. I once lost tons of female followers on Instagram after I had a relatively neutral pic with an attractive girl in my story and also received negative messages from girls about it. Like „bye, you have a girlfriend now“ and so on.

There is no way to avoid the "girlfriend vibe" in a photo of just you and another girl.

If that's all you have access to at the moment, don't bother getting such a photo.
pancakemouse said:
There is no way to avoid the "girlfriend vibe" in a photo of just you and another girl.

If that's all you have access to at the moment, don't bother getting such a photo.
Still winter where i live, so life is slow and nobody really does big social stuff. Spring and summer will bring options.

btw do you have a blog? I read a blog with the username you have a few days ago.

edit: saw your log here, you are the one, haha the world is small, i like your blog!
KillYourInnerLoser said:
pancakemouse said:
There is no way to avoid the "girlfriend vibe" in a photo of just you and another girl.



On that note:

A really good quote that's served me well in life is "Never say never".

Another one: "Every problem has a solution".

Another: "Always be in the position of student, ready to learn, open to new ideas. The second you say "I know", you step into the role of teacher/expert, and your mind closes down to new possibilities. You become stuck."

Another: "Nothing is impossible".


Legendary response. The first photo is awesome, looks like a magazine cover
KillYourInnerLoser said:
pancakemouse said:
There is no way to avoid the "girlfriend vibe" in a photo of just you and another girl.



On that note:

A really good quote that's served me well in life is "Never say never".

Another one: "Every problem has a solution".

Another: "Always be in the position of student, ready to learn, open to new ideas. The second you say "I know", you step into the role of teacher/expert, and your mind closes down to new possibilities. You become stuck."

Another: "Nothing is impossible".


Yes, this is also "girlfriend vibe".

A portion of women who swipe on your profile assume this is your partner (in some fashion) and swipe left.

Whether the provocative nature of the photo outweighs that is a different story.

My point is that one man and one woman in a photo together always evoke feelings of "he's partnered" in women.
Disagree here

The first pic especially is like a 'modelling, artistic pic' I dont think the majority of women would assumer partner on that at all

You could do pro level fashion photography shots with just one female model and also it wouldnt make people think 'thats his partner' - more likely an assumption you've done some modelling

We've seen Ed_ in particular have a lot of success with some shots he took with a female model

He's been on a run of 3 new girls a week or something lately just from online, if a profile with one of these types of pics is working to a high level any potential girlfriend vibe concerns are probably overblown
Radical said:
We've seen @Ed_ in particular have a lot of success with some shots he took with a female model

Yep, I'm totally giving off "boyfriend" vibes using these photos over the past two years (sarcasm)