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How do you work on one goal at a time, in practice?

Sep 13, 2021
So this feels like a redundant and stupid question to ask, but me being me (see username) I struggle with actually working on only one goal at a time.
That, or my thinking tends to be very black and white when it comes to prioritizing.

Say that my goal was to have an online record label release my music on their platforms.
Would prioritizing this goal over say, hitting the gym consistently, entail that I'd stop working out completely for a set period of time, so as to give me more dedicated time to solely spend my free time working on tracks?

Conflict arises quickly in my mind when I put it to this extreme, mainly because I know how much I _love_ working out, and that it affects my energy levels/sleep/mood/focus etc.
At the same time, while typing this out, I realize that OK, if cutting out gym 100% feels too extreme, then maybe just limit myself to 1 hour each session? (Thinking out loud here)

Again, I know this might seem obvious for some of you, but I'm interested in getting practical advice or hearing experiences from from guys who's struggled with prioritizing and then overcome it:
  • What did you tell yourself?
  • How long did it take to get used to this kind of mindset?
  • Do you ever relapse and go back to spreading your efforts thin over multiple goals?
This has been on my mind a ton lately, especially in regards to balancing something that's more mentally draining like cutting or fighting AA. I tried to "do everything" back in May and it led to serious burnout / backsliding. The past month or so I've successfully been losing weight by making that my only real goal, but I feel like I could be doing so much more. Definitely curious about what more experienced people have to say about this.
I think you can work on multiple goals at a time, but can't start at the same time
If you start bodybuilding and start creating music and promoting it at the same time, you might fail, there's too much new stuff to do, to be conscious about. Otherwise if bodybuilding is already a habit for you, what's the problem?

Starting both at the same time would be difficult because you'd have to figure out a schedule for working out, a program to follow, learn the moves, join a gym, learn nutrition, get a diet plan, cook often... and also do all the music related stuff.

Now, if you already have a program, already are into the habit of going to the gym 4x a week, meal prepping every Sunday, know what to do in the gym without having to think about it... all of this is effortless, just part of your routine. As long as you keep showing up, you're on the right track to hit your fitness goals. Find time for the music stuff, just make sure it doesn't overlap with your bodybuilding routine

Stopping working out so you can focus on something else, to me this the kind of thing that can help in the short term and will be counterproductive in the long term: where will your energy come from when you don't work out anymore, don't care about your diet anymore and aren't getting the results you want regarding music yet?

Hard2Focus said:
  • What did you tell yourself?
  • How long did it take to get used to this kind of mindset?
  • Do you ever relapse and go back to spreading your efforts thin over multiple goals?

I'll take my financial goal as an example:
In the beginning I had to read *a lot* of blogs and books, take notes, find multiple sources of knowledge, sign up to different brokers, learn about stocks, cryptos, investing in general, investor mindset, what to do when stocks go up, down...
Now all I do is:
- note down what I spend in an excel sheet: < 3 minutes per day
- reflect back on my spendings once a month and see how my network has evolved
- invest once a month: 10-20 mins max
- optional: read one investing newsletter: 1h / week

This is effortless to me, as long as I keep showing up to work and keep doing this, my networth is going up, I'm not constantly "hustling hard to get rich"

Set a goal for one part in your life.

Hit that goal.

Then make that goal your new baseline behavior.

EXAMPLE: You want to start hitting the gym to lose weight and build muscle. That becomes priority. Hit the weights. Clean up your diet. Create yourself a meal plan. Focus mainly on this until you hit the goal.

After that, this is your new normal. You no longer have to think about doing it. It becomes a part of life.

Soon, you are on to the next goal while still doing this new baseline behavior.

That's how people at the top "appear" to be firing on all cylinders on every single aspect of their life.

When really it's just that they got to a baseline and then integrated it into part of their day to day actions.
Hard2Focus said:
So this feels like a redundant and stupid question to ask, but me being me (see username) I struggle with actually working on only one goal at a time.
That, or my thinking tends to be very black and white when it comes to prioritizing.

Say that my goal was to have an online record label release my music on their platforms.
Would prioritizing this goal over say, hitting the gym consistently, entail that I'd stop working out completely for a set period of time, so as to give me more dedicated time to solely spend my free time working on tracks?

Conflict arises quickly in my mind when I put it to this extreme, mainly because I know how much I _love_ working out, and that it affects my energy levels/sleep/mood/focus etc.
At the same time, while typing this out, I realize that OK, if cutting out gym 100% feels too extreme, then maybe just limit myself to 1 hour each session? (Thinking out loud here)

Again, I know this might seem obvious for some of you, but I'm interested in getting practical advice or hearing experiences from from guys who's struggled with prioritizing and then overcome it:
  • What did you tell yourself?
  • How long did it take to get used to this kind of mindset?
  • Do you ever relapse and go back to spreading your efforts thin over multiple goals?

In a year, you can hit one PRIMARY goal.

You have 1 big goal, work your ass off on it, and get it. This was then an amazing year.

The MAJORITY of your hours in the day need to be directed towards the achievement of that goal, for you to feasibly make it happen.

Outside of that, you can get on with life stuff, working out, things like that.

Anyone who is serious about being elite will work out. That's non-negotiable. It's like brushing your teeth. Consider that part of being a man on his path.

Otherwise, what's your schedule like? Break it down hourly, and then show us how the main activity of your day can be oriented towards your PRIMARY goal.

I have done this since Nov 2021 and it is how I have been able to improve myself and make positive progress on my own goals for the year.

Further comment on mindsets:

if you want to be elite in life, you will need to develop focus. and IRON WILL. Once the goal is set, there is NO GOING BACK dude. NONE.

Your sword is in your hands, you have been trust into the field of battle. All that is sacred is at stake. Should you fail, untold suffering will unfold. Once the goal is set, you are entering a different part of your life. All that you have in your mind, body and soul will need to be harnessed, and you will need to GO ON THE ATTACK.

You will need to be able to commit to ONE PRIMARY GOAL, and be able to go hell for leather at that thing and stick at it for way, way, way, WAY longer than you even imagined.

It's also not, well I'll do it for a year and if I fail, I'll move onto the next. I have been through this but in my heart and soul I know the truth. I may say all sorts of shit bro, but look at my work. I show up EVERY DAY and bust my fucking ass focused entirely on the goal. Despite what my words may be at time, my ACTIONS are focused and my energy is all directed to the goal.

Once you have a goal, you must be willing to go to war to achieve it and stop at nothing.

Accept that achieving a BIG GOAL may take 5-10+ years of extreme grinding. I had to realise for me to get the kinda girl i want, I am gonna have to blast this shit for years, cosmetic surgeries, hard, hard ass work in the gym, improving my game and continuing to become more successful as a man.

I am around a lot of higher level guys and get sucked into other objectives. And this always KILLS my progress.

I have been doing The Phoenix Project since Jan 2022 going BALLS TO THE WALL. And until I have gotten 10 lays, no matter how much I am often hurting and in such agony, I will hammer it relentlessly and show no mercy. Sometimes I will spend time creating content, exploring biz, other stuff like that. It is fucking retarded but I do it.

The way to be a success in life is simple. ONE PRIMARY GOAL -> Direct the majority of your time and energy to it and hit it hard as fuck for as long as it takes to achieve it -> Accomplish it, sit down with your tribe and formulate your next goal, then repeat the process.

This done over 5-10 years will lead to an elite life.

It's what I am doing.

Prolly a few people here find my methods insane. So be it. Give me 5 years, and you'll see where I am in my life. Give me 10, and you'll see the stuff of legends.

We are both gonna be in our 40s in 10 years bro. Some of us will be rich and have beautiful women. Some of us will have kids and be living an elite life of abundance. And some of us here, I am sorry to say, will not have done jack shit and will have the rest of their life to ponder the guy they never became.

Success and achieving your goals is not guaranteed. All you have is a chance. But if you give it your all, at some point, the Universe, God and Creation will stand by your side, and will assemble people around you who will walk with you on the path.

Study success. Study people like Andy. Andy is a perfect example for you. Know that Andy focuses on the goal, and goes absolutely balls to the wall (he's a harder worker than anyone here, he destroys me my a country mile). He has a high IQ, is insanely good at coaching, leans into his gifts and has a brutal, brutal work ethic. That's how big money is made, great life expeirneces gained, and how he has an impact on all our lives. Love you Andy (KillYourInnerLoser )

This is how you become an unstoppable person who achieves his goals.

That is what I personally want this place to be about. To be about setting a goal and fucking achieving it. To then set a new goal the next year and achieve that. And for us all to achieve more and be more successful year after year.

I want us to be men of true excellence and abundance. Many dudes get laid, and are still fucking losers. Winning the game of life is about money, women, and clout/status.

Thanks for starting a thread on goals I love this topic

hush said:
I think you can work on multiple goals at a time, but can't start at the same time
If you start bodybuilding and start creating music and promoting it at the same time, you might fail, there's too much new stuff to do, to be conscious about. Otherwise if bodybuilding is already a habit for you, what's the problem?

Starting both at the same time would be difficult because you'd have to figure out a schedule for working out, a program to follow, learn the moves, join a gym, learn nutrition, get a diet plan, cook often... and also do all the music related stuff.

Some times it does feel like there's just not enough hours in the day to do all the things I'd like to do. That being said, I've come to the conclusion over the last couple of weeks that I have a strong tendency to get distracted - like a LOT.

At the same time, I've been told by different people over the course of the last years that I seem to be doing a lot of the "right" things one "should" do.

Hell, one girl even told me she'd be exhausted if she were to do all the things I'm doing:

Hit the gym, cold showers every day - even on weekends, eat clean, meditate regularly (40 minutes minimum), keep a steady gratefulness journal, keep a steady sleep routine, avoid porn and alcohol for the most part, work on creative outlets, continually work on improving my self by going out alone, going on dates, improve my tinder-pictures etc.

Now, if you already have a program, already are into the habit of going to the gym 4x a week, meal prepping every Sunday, know what to do in the gym without having to think about it... all of this is effortless, just part of your routine. As long as you keep showing up, you're on the right track to hit your fitness goals. Find time for the music stuff, just make sure it doesn't overlap with your bodybuilding routine.

Absolutely. Like I said, it does at times feel like I try to do way too much in any given day - especially when I have a regular day-job that requires me to be on top of my "work game" + working on combating loneliness in the day-to-day.

Stopping working out so you can focus on something else, to me this the kind of thing that can help in the short term and will be counterproductive in the long term: where will your energy come from when you don't work out anymore, don't care about your diet anymore and aren't getting the results you want regarding music yet?

Could not agree more. Several times over the last 6 months I've come to the conclusion that hitting the gym + getting enough sleep is the bedrock of my personality. If I start skipping the gym my sleep gets worse, which affects my overall energy and mood, which then eats away at my mental health, my ability to focus on my most important goals and so forth.

Slickbackkhair said:

Set a goal for one part in your life.

Hit that goal.

Then make that goal your new baseline behavior.

It's that easy, huh?
Reminds me of this meme:

In all seriousness though, I realize that bigger goals require more time to reach.

And after thinking about my initial post for a couple of weeks now, I think I'd rephrase it to:

  • "How do you stay focused on one goal over a longer period of time without loosing focus/getting discouraged?"

EXAMPLE: You want to start hitting the gym to lose weight and build muscle. That becomes priority. Hit the weights. Clean up your diet. Create yourself a meal plan. Focus mainly on this until you hit the goal.

After that, this is your new normal. You no longer have to think about doing it. It becomes a part of life.

Soon, you are on to the next goal while still doing this new baseline behavior.

That's how people at the top "appear" to be firing on all cylinders on every single aspect of their life.

When really it's just that they got to a baseline and then integrated it into part of their day to day actions.

100% agree. I've been going to the gym consistently since 2018 and it hasn't been until the recent two years that I've actually woken up to the fact that proper nutrition, consistency in the gym, getting enough sleep and other aspects revolved around getting jacked has become second nature.

MakingAComeback said:
In a year, you can hit one PRIMARY goal.

You have 1 big goal, work your ass off on it, and get it. This was then an amazing year.

I think it's THIS that I need to keep in the forefront of my mind at any given time, regardless of what I'm working towards.

The MAJORITY of your hours in the day need to be directed towards the achievement of that goal, for you to feasibly make it happen.

Random question, but do you have a steady income/job at the moment to pay for stuff like rent, food and other necessities?

At the moment the majority of my hours in any given day goes to being at work or hitting the gym.

I don't have any savings to speak of, and because of this, my main goal (getting a new job in a bigger city) is only something I work on when I have some free time in-between work, gym and sleeping.

Outside of that, you can get on with life stuff, working out, things like that.

Anyone who is serious about being elite will work out. That's non-negotiable. It's like brushing your teeth. Consider that part of being a man on his path.

Gym is 100% ingrained in my daily routines, and it has been an extremely rewarding experience so far.

Otherwise, what's your schedule like? Break it down hourly, and then show us how the main activity of your day can be oriented towards your PRIMARY goal.

I have done this since Nov 2021 and it is how I have been able to improve myself and make positive progress on my own goals for the year.


My schedule shifts depending on how busy things are at work, but on regular weeks with no overtime or late shifts, my weekdays roughly oscillates in this pattern:

MakingAComeback said:
Further comment on mindsets:

if you want to be elite in life, you will need to develop focus. and IRON WILL. Once the goal is set, there is NO GOING BACK dude. NONE.

Your sword is in your hands, you have been trust into the field of battle. All that is sacred is at stake. Should you fail, untold suffering will unfold. Once the goal is set, you are entering a different part of your life. All that you have in your mind, body and soul will need to be harnessed, and you will need to GO ON THE ATTACK.

You will need to be able to commit to ONE PRIMARY GOAL, and be able to go hell for leather at that thing and stick at it for way, way, way, WAY longer than you even imagined.

It's also not, well I'll do it for a year and if I fail, I'll move onto the next. I have been through this but in my heart and soul I know the truth. I may say all sorts of shit bro, but look at my work. I show up EVERY DAY and bust my fucking ass focused entirely on the goal. Despite what my words may be at time, my ACTIONS are focused and my energy is all directed to the goal.

Once you have a goal, you must be willing to go to war to achieve it and stop at nothing.

Accept that achieving a BIG GOAL may take 5-10+ years of extreme grinding. I had to realize for me to get the kinda girl i want, I am gonna have to blast this shit for years, cosmetic surgeries, hard, hard ass work in the gym, improving my game and continuing to become more successful as a man.

Not gonna lie here, reading your take on this is actually giving me some sort of low-level anxiety. Like, it seems scary going hard on ONE goal, and not stopping before I reach it.
My impression is also that this is very common, and it's talked about a lot by Andy and other guys on here as well - that it's all irrational fears one have to simply push through in order to get to the other side.

At the same time - I actually get more scared about the idea of dicking around for another 10 years, taking forever to achieve the things that I truly want out of life, only because I'm scared to go all in.

I am around a lot of higher level guys and get sucked into other objectives. And this always KILLS my progress.

I have been doing The Phoenix Project since Jan 2022 going BALLS TO THE WALL. And until I have gotten 10 lays, no matter how much I am often hurting and in such agony, I will hammer it relentlessly and show no mercy. Sometimes I will spend time creating content, exploring biz, other stuff like that. It is fucking retarded but I do it.

The way to be a success in life is simple. ONE PRIMARY GOAL -> Direct the majority of your time and energy to it and hit it hard as fuck for as long as it takes to achieve it -> Accomplish it, sit down with your tribe and formulate your next goal, then repeat the process.

This done over 5-10 years will lead to an elite life.

It's what I am doing.

Prolly a few people here find my methods insane. So be it. Give me 5 years, and you'll see where I am in my life. Give me 10, and you'll see the stuff of legends.

We are both gonna be in our 40s in 10 years bro. Some of us will be rich and have beautiful women. Some of us will have kids and be living an elite life of abundance. And some of us here, I am sorry to say, will not have done jack shit and will have the rest of their life to ponder the guy they never became.

Success and achieving your goals is not guaranteed. All you have is a chance. But if you give it your all, at some point, the Universe, God and Creation will stand by your side, and will assemble people around you who will walk with you on the path.

Study success. Study people like Andy. Andy is a perfect example for you. Know that Andy focuses on the goal, and goes absolutely balls to the wall (he's a harder worker than anyone here, he destroys me my a country mile). He has a high IQ, is insanely good at coaching, leans into his gifts and has a brutal, brutal work ethic. That's how big money is made, great life expeirneces gained, and how he has an impact on all our lives. Love you Andy (@KillYourInnerLoser )

This is how you become an unstoppable person who achieves his goals.

That is what I personally want this place to be about. To be about setting a goal and fucking achieving it. To then set a new goal the next year and achieve that. And for us all to achieve more and be more successful year after year.

I want us to be men of true excellence and abundance. Many dudes get laid, and are still fucking losers. Winning the game of life is about money, women, and clout/status.

Thanks for starting a thread on goals I love this topic


MAC - I have to say, seeing how much this topic excites you is contagious. Thanks a lot for stopping by and chiming in with your perspective on all of this!
I love and implement Warren Buffett's "5/25 rule" as given in this video:
klondike said:
I love and implement Warren Buffett's "5/25 rule" as given in this video:

can you talk about how you personally implement this in more detail instead of video dropping us
colgate said:
klondike said:
I love and implement Warren Buffett's "5/25 rule" as given in this video:

can you talk about how you personally implement this in more detail instead of video dropping us
I do the 5/25 exercise habitually. I write out 25 things I want to do with myself, then only focus on the top 5, and avoid at all costs spending time on anything in the bottom 20.

Specifically my top 5 atm is 1) excelling at work and building a solid career 2) remaking my body 3) building wealth 4) building frame and improving my game and 5) pursuing my creative interests.

Outside the top 5 I want to: start going to kickboxing classes, travel to different cities and countries, pursue a major writing project, build an online business. I avoid these things at all costs because pursuing them would draw time and effort away from the top 5. When attention and effort is diffused over many subjects it amounts to nothing.
Interestingly enough, Chris from GLL had a series called Success Principles. One of the 12 Success Principles he has is called, Nothing in Moderation (Principle #7).
Since KYIL is basically the modern version of GLL, I'd definitely check it out.

Success Principle #7: Nothing in Moderation

Links to all Success Principles in article form: https://www.goodlookingloser.com/forums/red-pill-general-lifestyle/16898-major-gll-lifestyle-success-principles-read

Links to all Success Principles in audio form: https://soundcloud.com/goodlookingloser/sets/success-principles

Chris did private his website a couple of weeks ago and privated all his videos about a year ago. Now his videos are privated again, I hope he unprivates them again. He did say on Twitter that, "I might be coming back but in a different capacity than you know me." https://twitter.com/GoodLookingLosr/status/1570351281675575301?cxt=HHwWioDRzfWKgcsrAAAA]

I wish I had downloaded some videos before but I didn't, oh well. Hope this helps friend.