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how much do you push them coming over to yours before you go on a date?


Jul 24, 2020
example: cold approached girl, got her number. invited her over. She said something like "i dont think so, I dont even know you haha"

and i basically said okay do you wanna get to know each other? and she stopped replying lols, but i did get her to say im cute so shes probably just not available right now

Obviously the answer is talk to more girls, girls that WOULD just come over, but how hard would you persist with a girl like this to just come straight over before you go on a date?

i think im gonna leave her in the "hit her up once/twice a month to see if shes DTF" camp
Just to answer my own question because I already know this shit (not sure why I posted it in the first place) for the benefit of anyone else:

-Asking them over immediately is good. That's what you're suppose to do.

-If they say yes, good. If they say no, see how far you can push the idea, if its a definite no, try to set up a date

-If she resists the date too, put her in the list of girls that you just mass text every once in a while, she might come around, she might not. Fuck it.

So basically: be aggressive, talk to more girls

I know we don't really do theory on here, but I do think there are some (slight) benefits to theory, especially if it involves reinforcing in your minds the basic ideas (numbers game, sexual availability, agressiveness being the three most important imo) and I guess since I did get her number, I did put some work in, so the post may be justified, however insignificant that work was though.
orrrrr you talk to her ,let her feel that you are not just prepositioning her for sex and you will still get the lay relatively fast. You are trying to sell the product(yourself) before they can know what the product is , the parrellell would be you had sex with a girl once and she wants to push for a relationship instead of waiting til you have been sexing each other for over a couple of months, its the same thing you are doing!
I think for most guys who aren't giga-chads (e.g. Chris GLL), hyper-screening cold approach girls is a poor ROI. I've only done it a couple of times and those were outliers. You play the get laid or get lost game when you have a TON of leads (usually from online). Otherwise you are putting all those hours of cold approach to waste.
Eh ill continue to be as aggressive. Actually im only going to be even more aggressive. I want girls to know that at this point in my life i only see them as a number like chris said hah.

Ive tested it out with 3 girls now and 2 werent down but their attention def grew on me and another one was down but i wasnt able to actually have her come over (live with parents) at the time, i only did it to see her reaction.

In pua terms im letting her know that my default position is that im going to waste as little energy as possible on her. Thats a position of power, going on dates and getting to know her is not because im not actually trying to do that
l0vebone said:
Eh ill continue to be as aggressive. Actually im only going to be even more aggressive. I want girls to know that at this point in my life i only see them as a number like chris said hah.

Ive tested it out with 3 girls now and 2 werent down but their attention def grew on me and another one was down but i wasnt able to actually have her come over (live with parents) at the time, i only did it to see her reaction.

In pua terms im letting her know that my default position is that im going to waste as little energy as possible on her. Thats a position of power, going on dates and getting to know her is not because im not actually trying to do that

I don't think you're going to have much success with that method, but you're going to have to see that for yourself.

That's also a terrible return for time invested. Nobody wants to feel used. You're going to spend time going out, gaming women, to get a single lay then they're going to start over again.
l0vebone said:
Eh ill continue to be as aggressive. Actually im only going to be even more aggressive. I want girls to know that at this point in my life i only see them as a number like chris said hah.

Ive tested it out with 3 girls now and 2 werent down but their attention def grew on me and another one was down but i wasnt able to actually have her come over (live with parents) at the time, i only did it to see her reaction.

In pua terms im letting her know that my default position is that im going to waste as little energy as possible on her. Thats a position of power, going on dates and getting to know her is not because im not actually trying to do that


That is all.
aggressive is good. But I always meet up somewhere random right next to my place (coffee, park). You can go for the pull after 10 mins. Important thing is that they're out.
^ the reason Chris recommended doing that is that 1/100 times it’ll actually work. (Legit probably 1/100 times from personal experience). For guys trying to maximize lays it’s worth trying everything. But totally not worth it from mental health/reputation perspective.

To answer OP’s question screening like that is stupid. Not because girls don’t want to hook up with a hot guy. But because a) it’s socially uncalibrated and b) girls are scared of getting raped/murdered man. That’s why they usually want to meet in a public place first even if they’re dtf. So they can sus out whether you’re normal.

Not to say it doesn’t work. But personally I get far lower quality girls that are willing to come straight over. Like 3-5s.