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How much weight would you say I have to lose

Oct 30, 2020
I started out 170 lbs 3 weeks ago, down to 159 as of today. 5'9. I'm guessing I have 20 pounds to go before I get down to 10-12 percent bf.

Working out everyday

Also, can anyone give an approximate guess of my body fat percentage
No one can say exactly how much body fat you have. Maybe you have more muscle inside, maybe not.

If you want to know how much body fat you have, buy this:

you will be around 145 lbs if you want to get to the 10-12% bf range. I have the same height and similar build to you. 135 lbs to be completely shredded where girls cant resist u
l0vebone said:
you will be around 145 lbs if you want to get to the 10-12% bf range. I have the same height and similar build to you. 135 lbs to be completely shredded where girls cant resist u

Geez really? I'm 5'7" and I thought 145 was my ticket to winnit. I don't have experience with this though - first cut.
joe_ronimo said:
l0vebone said:
you will be around 145 lbs if you want to get to the 10-12% bf range. I have the same height and similar build to you. 135 lbs to be completely shredded where girls cant resist u

Geez really? I'm 5'7" and I thought 145 was my ticket to winnit. I don't have experience with this though - first cut.

people severely underestimate how much fat their body holds and what it takes to get legit shredded. Outside of a few genetic freaks, its a LOT harder to get shredded than most people think. People lift weights for a year and bulk up and think they look big because now they have muscle on them, but when they start getting to 10% bf they think they lost all of their muscle, but really its just a testament to how much fat they carry.

Which makes sense. Fat is there to protect us in times of extreme hunger. Thats why if youre ripped now a days you stand out, a lot. Barely anyone you see outside is legit 10%bf
You look around 20% body fat right now. I'd say you need to lose 15 lb of FAT to be really cut. That would bring you to ~12% body fat which will have you looking pretty good. The emphasis should be on SLOW weight loss while still working out to maintain muscle mass and lose fat. The fat loss would bring you to 145 lb which is a bit small for your size. If you are a new to lifting, then you can easily gain a lot of muscle from newbie gains. I'd say within 1 year you could be 155 lb at ~13% bodyfat if you are consistent with it, but you need heavy resistance training (LIFT) in addition to diet. Don't neglect cardio for heart health, but for aesthetics it is not as important as lifting and diet.

Also don't do bulk/cut cycle. Just focus on increasing strength while not fluctuating in weight too much. You want to lose some weight right now, but once you hit 150-155, you should maintain your weight and focus on increasing strength because that correlates to how much muscle you are carrying. If you are not losing weight, you need to eat better/less. If you are not gaining strength, you will most likely not be gaining much muscle.

For reference, I am ~5'10" and 160 lb around 13-14% body fat. If I lost 5 lb of fat, at 155 lb I'd be ~10-11% where I'd be extremely cut for the average person. I don't have gym access so I haven't been lifting heavy, but I am usually deadlifting mid 300s, squatting upper 200s, benching near 200 for reps at my normal weight of 165 lb. At that weight I am not huge by any means, but I look built and decently lean. It'd probably take me 2-3 years to gain the muscle to go from 165-170, and another 5 years to be around my genetic potential which I'd think is around 175 lb.
s8onic said:
You look around 20% body fat right now. I'd say you need to lose 15 lb of FAT to be really cut. That would bring you to ~12% body fat which will have you looking pretty good. The emphasis should be on SLOW weight loss while still working out to maintain muscle mass and lose fat. The fat loss would bring you to 145 lb which is a bit small for your size. If you are a new to lifting, then you can easily gain a lot of muscle from newbie gains. I'd say within 1 year you could be 155 lb at ~13% bodyfat if you are consistent with it, but you need heavy resistance training (LIFT) in addition to diet. Don't neglect cardio for heart health, but for aesthetics it is not as important as lifting and diet.

Also don't do bulk/cut cycle. Just focus on increasing strength while not fluctuating in weight too much. You want to lose some weight right now, but once you hit 150-155, you should maintain your weight and focus on increasing strength because that correlates to how much muscle you are carrying. If you are not losing weight, you need to eat better/less. If you are not gaining strength, you will most likely not be gaining much muscle.

For reference, I am ~5'10" and 160 lb around 13-14% body fat. If I lost 5 lb of fat, at 155 lb I'd be ~10-11% where I'd be extremely cut for the average person. I don't have gym access so I haven't been lifting heavy, but I am usually deadlifting mid 300s, squatting upper 200s, benching near 200 for reps at my normal weight of 165 lb. At that weight I am not huge by any means, but I look built and decently lean. It'd probably take me 2-3 years to gain the muscle to go from 165-170, and another 5 years to be around my genetic potential which I'd think is around 175 lb.

This advice is basically golden and essentially how i did it myself as well.
s8onic said:
You look around 20% body fat right now. I'd say you need to lose 15 lb of FAT to be really cut. That would bring you to ~12% body fat which will have you looking pretty good. The emphasis should be on SLOW weight loss while still working out to maintain muscle mass and lose fat. The fat loss would bring you to 145 lb which is a bit small for your size. If you are a new to lifting, then you can easily gain a lot of muscle from newbie gains. I'd say within 1 year you could be 155 lb at ~13% bodyfat if you are consistent with it, but you need heavy resistance training (LIFT) in addition to diet. Don't neglect cardio for heart health, but for aesthetics it is not as important as lifting and diet.

Also don't do bulk/cut cycle. Just focus on increasing strength while not fluctuating in weight too much. You want to lose some weight right now, but once you hit 150-155, you should maintain your weight and focus on increasing strength because that correlates to how much muscle you are carrying. If you are not losing weight, you need to eat better/less. If you are not gaining strength, you will most likely not be gaining much muscle.

For reference, I am ~5'10" and 160 lb around 13-14% body fat. If I lost 5 lb of fat, at 155 lb I'd be ~10-11% where I'd be extremely cut for the average person. I don't have gym access so I haven't been lifting heavy, but I am usually deadlifting mid 300s, squatting upper 200s, benching near 200 for reps at my normal weight of 165 lb. At that weight I am not huge by any means, but I look built and decently lean. It'd probably take me 2-3 years to gain the muscle to go from 165-170, and another 5 years to be around my genetic potential which I'd think is around 175 lb.

Thanks. You think 2 lbs a week is too aggressive? I'm comfortable with it so far but not sure if I'm losing some muscle. I eat 1500 calories a day of basically only chicken and eggs. And do heavy resistance training until failure.

I'm pretty impatient and just want to get the fat off me asap.
pussypounder9000 said:
Thanks. You think 2 lbs a week is too aggressive? I'm comfortable with it so far but not sure if I'm losing some muscle. I eat 1500 calories a day of basically only chicken and eggs. And do heavy resistance training until failure.

I'm pretty impatient and just want to get the fat off me asap.

In my honest opinion, there is no such thing with being too aggressive with weight drop...thats if you dont care about losing muscle. I've maintained being lean year round and still making gains. Ive been powerlifting for 4 years and with a lot of diet experience. I would check out Greg Doucette on youtube. He has pretty good advice.

I eat super clean. If you wanna drop a shit ton of weight. I recommend eating lots of greens or salads (after 1-2 weeks, youll learn to enjoy it). If you do salads. Only use vinnergerate dressing since ranch and other dressing have a shit ton of calories. Plus do 100m sprints for 10 minutes a day if you wanna drop weight quicker. My meal plan looks like this...sometimes it doesnt always look like this. My schedule is extremely crazy with my 2 businesses lmao.

Lots of Alkaline foods. NO ADDED SUGAR. No dairy. No Gluten. No Processed shit. No nuts (except almonds). No Meat (except chicken and fish).

0330 Drink
-Lemon water
-Supps: 4 Red beat pills (filthy pump)

0400 Heavy ass lifting
Water, water, water...and water

1030 Drink
- 1/2 teaspoon of Slippery Elm Bark Tea (Help digest food more efficient throughout the day)

1100 Breakfast
- Oatmeal w/chia seed, pumpkin seed, 1/2cup greek yogurt, cinnamon, sweetener
-Granola and Almond Milk. I'll only eat this if I do heavy single sets/high volume
- Celery Juice
- Supps: Turmeric, Fish Oil, Milk Thistle, Vitamin D3, Biotin

1300 Lunch
- My Sweet Potato Mash: sweet potato, shit ton of spinich, chopped celery and carrots, chickpeas or chicken, salt

Water, water ,water and water

1800 Dinner
-Any food that contains. Fish/Chicken, Greens, Brown rice
After dinner: A couple dark chocolate squares and 1 tablespoon of Olive oil

Im really into optimum nutrition and gut health. I have ton of energy all the time and I feel so fucking good. My meals are big with little calories and keep me very full. I dont count calories because I know how well this works for me. If you eat super healthy, you will gain muscle and lose bad weight no matter what because these foods are so calorie dense.

If you eat sexy you WILL look sexy
Also if you want momentum and drop weight super fast (mostly water weight), Just to get some hype in your head.
Do an apple fast for 3-5 days. Eat as many organic tasty, juicy ass apples as you want for several days. Then before you start eating normal again have 1 cup of greek yogurt, 1 hour before you eat.
I lost 15 pounds after this. Lots of health benefits plus you look lean as fuck. Gets you hyped to diet hard
tdoggw is correct that you can be aggressive if you want. The tradeoff is you may lose muscle, which you will need to gain back to fill out your frame. It honestly depends on what your preference is in terms of bulk/cut.

You can drop the 15 lb aggressively. Then try to gain back some muscle by bulking slowly.


You can drop the 15 lb slowly while maintaining/gaining muscle.

It doesn't matter too much and depends on what works for you. You seem to want to drop the fat so go for it I say. Do try your best to increase or maintain strength in the meantime tho.

However, also depending on you, it will become more difficult as you lose more weight and reach your genetic set point. Also good advice from tddoggw is to check out Greg Doucette. He gives good dieting advice, mainly find "low calorie dense" foods.
s8onic said:
For reference, I am ~5'10" and 160 lb around 13-14% body fat. If I lost 5 lb of fat, at 155 lb I'd be ~10-11% where I'd be extremely cut for the average person. I don't have gym access so I haven't been lifting heavy, but I am usually deadlifting mid 300s, squatting upper 200s, benching near 200 for reps at my normal weight of 165 lb. At that weight I am not huge by any means, but I look built and decently lean. It'd probably take me 2-3 years to gain the muscle to go from 165-170, and another 5 years to be around my genetic potential which I'd think is around 175 lb.
Apologies in advance if reviving older threads is discouraged.

Hey s8onic,
I came across this post while looking for info to set a more accurate goal weight for myself (not strictly necessary, but for me it greatly helps to chase a tangible number) My body holds weight in the midsection so the electric current through the legs scale probably won't give me an accurate reading, and I'd prefer not to shell out 200 dollars for a DEXA scan.

Anyways, I'd be more than happy with the physique in your profile pic, but I'm surprised by these seemingly low numbers for body weight. I am also 5'10", currently 199lbs and I was shooting for a goal of around 180lbs.

My working estimate was that I'm currently around 25-28% and that 180 would be nearing my goal of 16% body fat. I can bench 225 for a few reps (I've been increasing weight rather than reps, not sure if/how that translates to your routine benching 200)

Based on your experience, do you think I'll have to get down to 170 or less? Or is it possible you just have a slimmer frame than me naturally?

I do have a slimmer frame. At 180 lb I would fill out my entire frame and probably be at or near my peak weight for my frame.

If you are 199 right now at 25% BF you need to drop 20 lb of PURE FAT to reach 180 lb at 15%. I think that is somewhat reasonable for your frame. Depending on where you store fat on your body though you might be more than 25% bodyfat. I'd say 170-180 is a good start to see where you need to go. I am not an expert, but just focus on cutting fat and maintaining strength.