How to approach girls while driving


Jul 10, 2021
While looking for a place to park, I saw some really gorgeous girls walking by or waiting for the light. I had this moment lots of time driving in the city too. I drive a luxury car so the opportunity is great too. How can I approach her in this situation? I feel it's kinda weird to talk to them from the car? Should I just quickly "park"(blocking traffic) near them and then get out to talk to her?
greenfavor said:
While looking for a place to park, I saw some really gorgeous girls walking by or waiting for the light. I had this moment lots of time driving in the city too. I drive a luxury car so the opportunity is great too. How can I approach her in this situation? I feel it's kinda weird to talk to them from the car? Should I just quickly "park"(blocking traffic) near them and then get out to talk to her?

I had a few situations like this. I park as soon as I can (not blocking traffic) get out, run to them if necessary, and tell them I had to park because they were really cute and chat them up, see if they're free etc.

Every single time they've been super flattered by it.

If you want to block traffic, that's your risk. I wouldn't suggest it but do what you like. I also wouldn't hit on them from the car.
Thank you for the thoughtful response. Yeah, I've never really thought of really running to them to catch up. I will do that more often when the girls are simply walking pass too. Super useful tip!
I remember when I first read about Homeskills seeing a hot girl on the street, parking and then approaching a girl it was revolutionary thinking for me -- like I hadn't even considered that as an option before.

About showing off the luxury car, you can definitely try it and I'll be interested in hearing how things go.
I’ve done this a few more times. Quickly parked and getting out of the car or if I was just parking and saw some girl walking by.

Also it puts me in the right mind set so when I actually get out of the car and walk, it’s way easier to hit on girls walking by as well
greenfavor said:
While looking for a place to park, I saw some really gorgeous girls walking by or waiting for the light. I had this moment lots of time driving in the city too. I drive a luxury car so the opportunity is great too. How can I approach her in this situation? I feel it's kinda weird to talk to them from the car? Should I just quickly "park"(blocking traffic) near them and then get out to talk to her?

I would say just park quick and get out. To me it's weird to shout out from the car lol but maybe there is a way to do it.
Following because this is a common occurrence in my vehicle, will report after field testing.

The good news is that it's very likely that they've already checked me out because of how obnoxious the whole situation is
greenfavor So recently I did an approach where I was driving and saw a group of girls. Just pulled my car over quickly and pulled into an open driveway. Literally ran to catch up to a pair of hot chicks and called one girl pretty.

Might not work as well downtown, but if ur in a more residential area then it can work better. Or just double park and put ur "park anywhere" lights on.
Toast said:
@greenfavor So recently I did an approach where I was driving and saw a group of girls. Just pulled my car over quickly and pulled into an open driveway. Literally ran to catch up to a pair of hot chicks and called one girl pretty.

Might not work as well downtown, but if ur in a more residential area then it can work better. Or just double park and put ur "park anywhere" lights on.

I don't even bother putting my hazards on; the people who will issue you a ticket/call for a tow just see that as an admission of you knowing you were doing something wrong.

Still very excited to work on car approaches lmao.

Anyone have any ideas on how to quickly exchange info WHILE driving? Was thinking of having them pull over; I heard about it once in a David DeAngelo program's guest speaker, the dude was one of those Cali bros driving a big truck. The modern day version of what he did would be to just shout "Whats your name? What's your Instagram?". Was also thinking about putting an Instagram QR code on the sides of the vehicle, which is enormously douchey, but if it works it works lmao.

The good news for me in particular is that the vehicle I drive has a very positive connotation in culture, and it conveys fun/carefree/dominance/adventure/ruggedness, so any interactions with me will have a different vibe than someone attempting the same from a luxury car.

Again, I'm just keyboard warrioring here, will have to report with more tangible results ASAP.