How to find Housing? (Developing a detailed guide - work in progress)


Jun 22, 2022
Improve NG Social Skill
If anyone has further input to add to this, I would love to hear it, whether formatting, parts to expand, parts to streamline, or others. References, people to dm, or resources are also welcome.

Recently the issue of (finding) housing came on my radar (as someone moving out from their parents for the first time), and I want to ask for advice and compile it into a guide as I haven't found a good one here on the forums. Given game is generally better/easier in cities, this would be focused around finding apartments, discussing points to consider when moving, and so on.

By the way, Ed_ , KillYourInnerLoser told me that you had, at one point, made a list of points to consider when moving into or looking at apartments. If you still have that, do you mind sharing that file?

I've done some preliminary internet research about finding apartments, and here's what I've found:

Finding an apartment/living location:
  • Start saving for a down payment if you haven't already
  • Find a city you want to move to (a few threads have discussed this before)
  • Searching for a place
    • Know your budget; less than 30% of your budget, preferably less (we're all about saving money where reasonable)
    • Make a list of important points of your ideal apartment, like a balcony, or a bedroom separate from the rest of the place, or what size of a place you want. How easy would it be to bring a girl up into your apartment. I'm not sure how layout could affect that, though.
    • You can find realtors at places like
    • Generally, you want to find people who know the neighborhoods of your target city
    • Also search neighborhood info on places like and
    • Try living in the city and see how you like its vibes--hustle and find potential apartment options; one place for that is here:
    • Apparently top and bottom floors can cost more, so consider middle floors for cheaper
    • One thing KillYourInnerLoser suggested as an option is living in a hotel or couchsurfing (the latter if which you can do at this website
  • Consider living with a roommate depending on the cost; articles suggest facebook groups, , and asking friends of friends. Make sure to discuss thoroughly with them to make sure you're on the same page on habits, sleep schedules, splitting rent, etc.
  • Take a tour of each potential option; take pictures and notes of each place; things missing, good points, etc. Dress well on the day of.
  • Make sure things work properly; it can help to bring an experienced person along (even just a friend or acquaintance who's been around the block--might be handy to reach out to guys on here). I see water faucets, locks, the water heater, electrical sockets (just visually, do not touch them), and isolation from others being the crucial points to check off your list for each possible option.
  • Ask about utilities and potentially set them up; here's a useful article that goes over common utilities:
  • Read the fine print on your lease agreement, some places take certain kinds of payment or include benefits.
  • When hustling, consider paying more down than the landlords ask for--say, 3 months' rent. That can grease the gears to make them pay attention or be more interested in having you as a renter. Bring your checkbook and be ready to pay after you've gotten an idea of what options are in the market and if a given place is in your interest.

  • Planning:
    • Make a plan for the actual move about all the things you need to gather up.
      • This can work better if you make a list of all the rooms you need to gather things to pack from
    • Make a day goal for your target moveout date, and tell anyone pertinent
    • Know your budget and how much financial flexibility you have for after you move.
    • Contact companies for moving; if moving last minute, you may need to contact several to find one available to help you move.
    • Make sure you have a job lined up for your location, or solid plans for finding one.
    • Some articles recommend getting renters' insurance
    • Contact your utilities to make sure you have the essentials where you're moving and ending your utility service at your old location
  • Packing & Preparations
    • Gather packing materials in one place, to be used for packing; boxes, trash bags, packing tape, markers, suitcases, etc.; office supplies stores should be able to sell boxes. It seems like moving the things to pack into that area is generally more efficient than going to each room with the packing supplies.
    • Pack one room at a time, and when possible, try to keep similar items in the same boxes. Sort out essential items you need in the first few days if possible. Take care to wrap fragile items with bubble wrap and foam pouches, if any.
    • Evaluate items to see if they're genuinely necessary or something you'll use--have you used the item in the past 3-6 months? Is it heavy or bulky, like an oven or refrigerator, which you can buy in the new location? Sell or give away items you don't want to take
    • Make sure you have the necessities; seems like a good list.
    • Prep yourself emotionally; many of us try to practice stoicism, but moving can take a toll on you mentally, emotionally, and physically--I know it's even worse when moving to another country, as Manganiello and colgate have shared recently
    • Tell people your new address, and talk to the USPS (for US people) to have mail forwarding starting on your moveout date. Also alert the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles, US) with your new address
    • Consider meal prepping to ease into the first few days of move-in.
    • Consider cleaning your new place before moving, so you can avoid having to clean around moving boxes
  • Make the Move
    • For moving day, if possible, recruit as many friends and family as possible (suggestion: make a party out of it!)
    • When unpacking, some sites suggest going one room at a time, especially the bedroom so you can sleep on your bed
    • Once moved in, celebrate with those who helped you move, and optionally (optimally) get to know your neighbors.
    • Get to know your kitchen and if you cook, prep your cooking supplies.
    • Add in furniture; it can be beneficial to use furniture that's easy to take apart, for easier moves in the future, depending on your long-term plans.
this is a good start and a needed guide

however i think it's way too long, unfocused, and too general. it's kind of intimidating haha

people on this forum usually want to move to get laid after all. therefore, a guide for finding housing should be in the scope of that. most other details are personal preference.

i'll consider writing in more detail if anyone has questions, but as someone who actually moved multiple times for the specific purpose of getting laid (see my america log in my sig), this is all i would boil this down to

priority no matter what:
- walkable date spots (<5 mins of coffee, bubble tea, bars. preferably multiple nearby date spots)

if your focus is daygame:
- <10 mins commute to an approach venue (preferably multiple)
---- universities: girls are agreeable but ghost rate is way higher. also can run through the supply
---- malls/shopping districts: good "bread and butter" but can be variable quality. also some are notorious daygame spots
---- grocery stores: uncommon venue choice but depending on the area, consistent. however, low volume and should use multiple

if your focus is nightgame:
- <10 mins walk to all the bars/clubs

also i would strongly consider airbnb'ing if you don't quite want to commit to a city. many places offer discounts if you book monthly.

uncommon, but month-to-month contract apartments also exist. i had one in austin downtown.
colgate said:
this is a good start and a needed guide

however i think it's way too long, unfocused, and too general. it's kind of intimidating haha

people on this forum usually want to move to get laid after all. therefore, a guide for finding housing should be in the scope of that. most other details are personal preference.

i'll consider writing in more detail if anyone has questions, but as someone who actually moved multiple times for the specific purpose of getting laid (see my america log in my sig), this is all i would boil this down to

priority no matter what:
- walkable date spots (<5 mins of coffee, bubble tea, bars. preferably multiple nearby date spots)

if your focus is daygame:
- <10 mins commute to an approach venue (preferably multiple)
---- universities: girls are agreeable but ghost rate is way higher. also can run through the supply
---- malls/shopping districts: good "bread and butter" but can be variable quality. also some are notorious daygame spots
---- grocery stores: uncommon venue choice but depending on the area, consistent. however, low volume and should use multiple

if your focus is nightgame:
- <10 mins walk to all the bars/clubs

also i would strongly consider airbnb'ing if you don't quite want to commit to a city. many places offer discounts if you book monthly.

uncommon, but month-to-month contract apartments also exist. i had one in austin downtown.
Good advice. I agree that location is the #1 factor if you're trying to get laid. Having shitty logistics and having decent ones is night and day. I think the reason I got so many more lays in 2022 vs 2020/21 was exactly because of choosing a better location.

For example, my place is 5 minutes from the train station, and like a 2 minute walk from the bus stop.
NightRoller said:
Searching for a place

Some places to search for discussions about neighborhoods and the vibe of different parts of a city:

  • These forums -
  • Reddit Seduction -
  • Good Looking Loser forums (getting more dated now, but some helpful info is still there) -
  • The city's local subreddit
  • Some big cities have their own subreddit "lair" about pickup
  • Local Facebook groups for pickup (I think almost every city has one of these. There are Telegram groups too, but I don't know how to find them)
  • Local neighborhood Facebook groups (not pickup related) (these are pretty "nomie", but they will give you an idea of what's happening in the area)
  • Bumble BFF (I haven't tried this, but Andy say's Bumble BFF works for finding guys who are working on getting laid. Set your location to the city you are moving to, and get some help from local guys who sound like they know)
  • City-Data (most discussion are kinda dated now, but they have some details conversations about the vibe of different cities, the pros/cons of different neighborhoods, etc.) -

NightRoller said:
For moving day, if possible, recruit as many friends and family as possible (suggestion: make a party out of it!)

I try and move as much as possible by myself and only leverage my friends to the big items that I need help with. Keep it under two or three hours and get as many friends to help at once. No one likes being recruited into a day long moving process, boxing up someone else's junk for hours on end.

A couple other thoughts:
  • When I moved to Austin, I actually paid a former GLL member (friend of a current KYIL member) $100 for a hour video call. He gave me the "lay of the land" and pointed me towards what parts of town we best for nightlife, day-game, and living in.
  • Keep a simple document and just copy insighful chunks of text from the above discussions. You might read a dozen threads on reddit to only find one helpful comment. Keep them all in one place to help you review. Especially if you are comparing cities
  • Remember: ever after you move, if you made a mistake and chose the wrong apartment/neightbhood/city, you can move again. You did it once, you can do it again. It's like this move is in any way permanent and worst case you're out of a few months of time and a few thousand dollars (so make sure you budget).