How to improve my body?


Jun 6, 2022
Im not sure if i should bulk or cut. Im eating calories at maintain level and get stronger slowly.

Should i cut down for my abs to show but i will be really thin in clothes. Started working out again since February or so. Sadly no balls to use the roids i bought

Also im stretching to fix my posture
So here is the sad reality:

Even if you have a ultra ripped 8 pack, you'll suffer the curse of the natural, meaning that you'll look ok with clothes and fucking fantastic without, but unless you live in a sea/beach place that is cool to be shirtless most of the time, a 6 pack won't get the results that generally are associated with that.
What you want to do is up to you, you want to look bigger with clothes? just feel better at yourself looking in the mirror? lift heavier? it's all within you :)

PS: throw the roids in the garbage, they will do you more harm than good
I would definitely add mass in your case, albeit slowly and try not to add too much body fat. You are rather slender for your physique.
AskTheDom said:
So here is the sad reality:

Even if you have a ultra ripped 8 pack, you'll suffer the curse of the natural, meaning that you'll look ok with clothes and fucking fantastic without, but unless you live in a sea/beach place that is cool to be shirtless most of the time, a 6 pack won't get the results that generally are associated with that.
What you want to do is up to you, you want to look bigger with clothes? just feel better at yourself looking in the mirror? lift heavier? it's all within you :)

PS: throw the roids in the garbage, they will do you more harm than good

Isnt a defined sixpsck better for tinder? I would guess my bf level at 15-17% is that correct?
its_not_over said:
I would guess my bf level at 15-17% is that correct?
It's hard to measure body fat but I'd say that's a pretty fair estimate. You can get a scale that measures it too, but that usually has a pretty large error margin.
Squilliam said:
its_not_over said:
I would guess my bf level at 15-17% is that correct?
It's hard to measure body fat but I'd say that's a pretty fair estimate. You can get a scale that measures it too, but that usually has a pretty large error margin.

yeah most of the ones i used were out of the this world but been obsessed with fat % for years, i would say more close to 17%

I would focus on "mangaining" so try to add as much lean mass as possible by being slightly on surplus and focus hypertrophy workouts, i mean summer is basically over already, and having a six pack on a "slim" body doesn't really add much, it's like being buff but with a bear belly, it's the combo of both that kills it :)
AskTheDom said:
I would focus on "mangaining" so try to add as much lean mass as possible by being slightly on surplus and focus hypertrophy workouts, i mean summer is basically over already, and having a six pack on a "slim" body doesn't really add much, it's like being buff but with a bear belly, it's the combo of both that kills it

I would second this. Take some pictures now for tinder with the best lighting you can get to show the contours of your abs.

Then go on a slight surplus by very slowly adding calories. So take whatever your maintenance calories are now and 100 calories. Then workout for two weeks and another 50-100 calories. Workout for another few weeks and add another 50-100 calories. Every time you add just a slight amount of calories you are boosting your metabolism just slightly. You want to get your metabolism to the point that your eating 500+ calories, but you are not adding bodyfat because those calories are being shuttled to muscle building. You will know this is working if your weight is only going up slightly on the scale over a long period of time from muscle growth, rather than sudden weight gains from eating too many calories at once and gaining fat.

Then after you have added some mass, even 5-10lbs would greatly help your frame, you can cut those 500+ calories you added during your bulk and will start cutting the fat you have. Cut to the point you happy with the amount of abs you can see.

Then take some new pictures for tinder, and start the process again to add some more mass or if you're happy with your looks then go on maintenance.
MFbag said:
In my opinion bigger shoulders would do wonders for your physique. I think big shoulders are the #1 thing and will make you look way better in a shirt. Do a ton of lateral raises.
Look at this blurry ass picture of my arm. The deltoid mass makes all the difference. Im trying to get my shoulders so wide i have to turn sideways to walk through doors.
Boulder shoulder my guy

ahh the death star deltoids! and yes, the secret to fit better the t shirts, bigger delts, millions of side raises tho
Just dropping in to mention the face gains you make from being lean. But as others have mentioned, six pack on a skinny dude isn’t impressive.

Personally for my body type, I have found that “scoop neck” or wide neck shirts reveal a nice part where your lower neck comes together with your upper chest, and this can reallyyyy show off your physique. It’s something I don’t think a lot of men have caught on to, but I highly recommend that style if you can find it and it works for you.
its_not_over said:
Im not sure if i should bulk or cut. Im eating calories at maintain level and get stronger slowly.

Should i cut down for my abs to show but i will be really thin in clothes. Started working out again since February or so. Sadly no balls to use the roids i bought

Also im stretching to fix my posture

Chest and Shoulders big time. You're already lean in the waist so create more upper body stature to give you more power and stability
Those are my #1 focus other than cutting down to < 15% BF. I'm a fatty right now LOL