How to improve my routine for look maxing?

Sin Silver

Jun 30, 2020
I've been work following the same work out since mid May. I’ve been making good progress, but my concern is that my PT is a body builder, and hasn’t included any abs exercises. This is the routine he has given me.

Leg extensions
Leg press
Lying leg curl
Calf raises
Romania deadlift

Iso high row
Lower pulley seated row
Close grip pull down
E-Z bar bicep curl
Machine mid back row
Dunbell hammer curls

Incline dunbell bench press
Flat dunbell press
Pec dec
Seated shoulder press
Dunbell side raises
Overhead triceps extensions

My soluion to this problem has been to add leg raises and planks to the push and pull day. Any advice anyone has on how I can improve on this would be appreciated.
Also, here are some pictures I just grabbed. My chest/shoulders and arms are good, but my wasit/abs are looking a little slim.

Ideally, If I cut back to 10-15%body fat, I want a sweet pair or abs there.

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It is mostly your diet that will give you abs.
Leg raises and planks are good for the core. Add weight when it gets too easy.
In general you don't need to workout abs if you do compounds such as squats and deadlifts.
When starting to workout is much better to have a full body routine with fewer exercises, having a higher frequency, that serves two purposes, helps you learn the motion pattern, and helps your muscles and your brain to understand how to work together, that's why you gain strength so fast at the beginning, cuz it's depending on teaching your muscles how to contract at the right moment.

That also helps a lot, cuz more frequency means you have more stimulus for growth, as pointed out in one of the comments above, diet is what determines that your abs will show or not, so you need to focus on proper nutrition (cutting calories) or increasing your physical activity by doing cardio, since weight training barely spends any calories.

If you really wanna do ab work, you can do it at the end of your sessions, but they won't improve much the abs definition, but it doesn't hurt to have a strong core, quite the opposite, but if you do work your abs, train your lower back as well.

So if you wanna improve your routine for looks maxing, I'd recommend to focus on big lifts ( compound exercises like squat, bench press, deadlift), and also do work for arms and shoulders, newbie gains help a lot, so the less amount of exercises you do, the better at this stage, focus on progressive overload and taking good care of your diet ,track your weight daily, also your food intake, that will let you know how many calories you consume, and what effect does it have on your body, you gain weight? drop calorie intake, keep the same weight? drop it, loose it? keep doing it, but not very intensively, you should aim for roughly a pound per week, specially since you don't have that much weight to loose, you might just benefit from adding cardio and keeping calories roughly the same, just swap some foods to increase for high protein products which will help with satiety.