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How to keep energetic while approaching


Sep 8, 2021
I have an issue in which I can't approach (or even talk) to anyone more than 10 minutes at a time.
It ends either I go silent and let the awkward talk come in, and I ask the other person to follow suit because I'm exhausted. (They usually go into a monologue, leave, or on rarer occasions follow suit)
When approaching girls on the other hand I talk to 4 girls for 5 minutes each.
"Hey you're cute, you from around?"
"Thanks. No, I'm from [city name]."
"I know nice places around tel aviv and would like to show you around."
"Oh nice. But... [rejection]" or "Oh nice, what were you thinking?" Than I list a local coffee shop or a park. The latter means she's interested.
Exchange numbers and sit a back because I'm tired.

How the hell do you guys approach 20+ girls a day while I'm exhausted having to do this exchange with only 4 girls?
NightChains said:
I have an issue in which I can't approach (or even talk) to anyone more than 10 minutes at a time.
It ends either I go silent and let the awkward talk come in, and I ask the other person to follow suit because I'm exhausted. (They usually go into a monologue, leave, or on rarer occasions follow suit)
When approaching girls on the other hand I talk to 4 girls for 5 minutes each.
"Hey you're cute, you from around?"
"Thanks. No, I'm from [city name]."
"I know nice places around tel aviv and would like to show you around."
"Oh nice. But... [rejection]" or "Oh nice, what were you thinking?" Than I list a local coffee shop or a park. The latter means she's interested.
Exchange numbers and sit a back because I'm tired.

How the hell do you guys approach 20+ girls a day while I'm exhausted having to do this exchange with only 4 girls?

Just wanted to let you know this happens to me too. I lose steam the longer I'm out. Honestly I just push through it so I can hit my goal # of approaches for the day but the first 5-10 approaches go 10x better than the last 10-15
Avihihi said:
How the hell do you guys approach 20+ girls a day while I'm exhausted having to do this exchange with only 4 girls?

I never talk that long.

30 to 60 second convos than get the number.
There's no hard rule here. I just kind of talk as long as I feel like.

The length of the interaction doesn't seem to effect of the girl gives her # our or not.

5 minutes conversations would drain me dry. I can't even pretend to be interested that long.

20+ approaches in a day come from being in a good area. Having quick conversations and quickly finding another girl after you've approached one.

I still get lethargic sometimes. I usually just take an energy drink honestly. And then purposefully do hard approaches. The approaches I least want to do give me the most energy. Especially if I do them in quick succession.
Manganiello said:
5 minutes conversations would drain me dry. I can't even pretend to be interested that long.

If 5 minutes is too long for you in set, wouldn't that suggest that a date with the same woman would be doomed?

In an ideal world, the conversations I have in set are as long as possible to the point where they immediately become dates. Collecting numbers I've found, doesn't work that well. If you are getting exhausted that quickly, then you need to take breaks. I'd usually meditate in situations like that to restore my energy.
NightChains said:
How the hell do you guys approach 20+ girls a day while I'm exhausted having to do this exchange with only 4 girls?

If you come from a PUA background, you might pressure yourself to do certain things. I was reading Nick Krauser's Daygame Mastery and was overwhelmed with the "checkpoints". You might be the same, thinking you need to learn 3 things about her before she leaves, reach a point where she shows interest in you via asking a question, creating an image of things you'll do in the future, etc.

Mike Mehlman (top cold approacher in the world right now) says the male is in his most attractive when he's winging his behavior. Even when I approached 51 girls in a few hours, I wasn't drained because, other than 2-3 lines that are automatic, I was winging my convos completely.

As Manganiello says, interactions shouldn't last over a minute. If you click with the girl, take her on an insta date instead of standing there; I promise it will feel more natural.

Got one number today. Here's how the convo went:

Hey I thought you were cute and wanted to say hi
Oh thanks, but I'm in a hurry
That's OK, I also have to go this way. Are you from around here?
I'm not but listen I really need to go, I have an interview in 10 minutes
Cool, gimme your number so we can go out sometime
(while giving me her number, I also asked her name)

Less than 60 seconds interaction. She'll 99% 👻 but that's not dependent on the length or quality of the convo. I've had girls with amazing chemistry 👻 me, and girls with awkward, short conversations that went on dates with me.

Approaching is literally one of the few skills where quantity is more important than quality. The guy who approaches 100 girls, has 15-60 sec convos, and ends most interactions on a low note will get laid more than the guy who approaches 50, has 5+ min convos, and ends most interactions on a high note.
Manganiello said:
If 5 minutes is too long for you in set, wouldn't that suggest that a date with the same woman would be doomed?

I haven't had that issue. I'm pretty good at talking to people. Just having a long conversation with someone I just met feels a little forced.

Especially since the girl can be fairly bland too.

Vast majority of numbers don't go anywhere. But if you're talking to them for the hopes of getting a date you can still Instadate them while having a conversation under a minute.

And pretty much agree with everything Crisis_Overcomer just said.
Drink lots of water and have a protein bar with you for energy.

Suggest an instant date that will rejuvenate you, like smoothies.
Manganiello said:
Especially since the girl can be fairly bland too.
Do you talk more to the ones that seem more interested or just spend 30-60 seconds all the time?
HyperR said:
Manganiello said:
Especially since the girl can be fairly bland too.
Do you talk more to the ones that seem more interested or just spend 30-60 seconds all the time?

I'd say so. But it usually peaks at 2-3 minutes I would say. Majority are still about minute long.

I don't think there's a hard rule here. I just like quick conversations. If you don't that's fine. But dont think the length changes how much she wants to go out with you.

If you want to do longer convos go for it. But it will diminish you're ability to hit high approach counts in a day.
When you exchange info (preferably Instagram), make sure to talk to her for a few more minutes after the exchange to solidify the interaction. Some girls are used to men running off after the exchange that you'll have to use your communication skills to hook her back in.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
As Manganiello says, interactions shouldn't last over a minute. If you click with the girl, take her on an insta date instead of standing there; I promise it will feel more natural.

Got one number today. Here's how the convo went:

Hey I thought you were cute and wanted to say hi
Oh thanks, but I'm in a hurry
That's OK, I also have to go this way. Are you from around here?
I'm not but listen I really need to go, I have an interview in 10 minutes
Cool, gimme your number so we can go out sometime
(while giving me her number, I also asked her name)

Less than 60 seconds interaction. She'll 99% 👻 but that's not dependent on the length or quality of the convo. I've had girls with amazing chemistry 👻 me, and girls with awkward, short conversations that went on dates with me.

interesting, that convo feels like she'd ghost you even if she would've been 100% into you. I had plenty exchanges like those during my teens 14, and than 17-19. Not one bears fruit, I'm just wondering how do you turn that to the 1% that do work?

Manganiello said:
20+ approaches in a day come from being in a good area. Having quick conversations and quickly finding another girl after you've approached one.

I still get lethargic sometimes. I usually just take an energy drink honestly. And then purposefully do hard approaches. The approaches I least want to do give me the most energy. Especially if I do them in quick succession.
That's impressive dude, I drink 3 coffees on a reg. day due to studying comp sci. It's not to hit on girls per se as I'm only investing in those that show interest after saying hi to them.

but never thought of it being in a good area and privilege that gives better results. I live in Tel aviv which is considered the pua capital of my country. So the women here started developing golden vagina syndrome, so the need to move to another area is required now.

How do you tell good areas from bad areas?
NightChains said:
I live in Tel aviv which is considered the pua capital of my country. So the women here started developing golden vagina syndrome, so the need to move to another area is required now.

I'd bet every single dollar that is not true.

You have to understand nobody does day game. Nobody. It's extremely rare. Even when people do do it. They're doing 10 approaches a week on average.

That's not why they have "golden vagina" syndrom. If they even do. That's a bad mindset. You earn the right to think that after 1000 approaches.

I just want to make that clear.

So how to tell if an area is good.

1) approach there a lot and after 600-800 approaches see if you're getting dates from it.

So no easy way of determining that ^^ before you move somewhere unfortunately. But the next one you can.

2) Get into high density areas. Meaning you need to have an area where you can talk to many girls in the span of an hour. Day Game is all about # of conversations per hour. That's the only way you can play the numbers game with it.

Example: busy train stations, busy public plazas, very busy malls. Etc.

If you talk to 30 girls per hour vs 5. You'll get way more results from it.

The best I can do in my city is about 15 per hour. If you live in some European cities or Japan you can get to 40-50+ approaches per hour.
Manganiello said:
So how to tell if an area is good.

1) approach there a lot and after 600-800 approaches see if you're getting dates from it.

So no easy way of determining that ^^ before you move somewhere unfortunately. But the next one you can.

2) Get into high density areas. Meaning you need to have an area where you can talk to many girls in the span of an hour. Day Game is all about # of conversations per hour. That's the only way you can play the numbers game with it.

Example: busy train stations, busy public plazas, very busy malls. Etc.

If you talk to 30 girls per hour vs 5. You'll get way more results from it.

The best I can do in my city is about 15 per hour. If you live in some European cities or Japan you can get to 40-50+ approaches per hour.
This is gold.

How does your exchanges go In comparison to mine?
NightChains said:
"Hey you're cute, you from around?"
"Thanks. No, I'm from [city name]."
"I know nice places around tel aviv and would like to show you around."
"Oh nice. But... [rejection]" or "Oh nice, what were you thinking?" Than I list a local coffee shop or a park. The latter means she's interested.
Exchange numbers and sit a back because I'm tired.
NightChains said:
Manganiello said:
So how to tell if an area is good.

1) approach there a lot and after 600-800 approaches see if you're getting dates from it.

So no easy way of determining that ^^ before you move somewhere unfortunately. But the next one you can.

2) Get into high density areas. Meaning you need to have an area where you can talk to many girls in the span of an hour. Day Game is all about # of conversations per hour. That's the only way you can play the numbers game with it.

Example: busy train stations, busy public plazas, very busy malls. Etc.

If you talk to 30 girls per hour vs 5. You'll get way more results from it.

The best I can do in my city is about 15 per hour. If you live in some European cities or Japan you can get to 40-50+ approaches per hour.
This is gold.

How does your exchanges go In comparison to mine?
NightChains said:
"Hey you're cute, you from around?"
"Thanks. No, I'm from [city name]."
"I know nice places around tel aviv and would like to show you around."
"Oh nice. But... [rejection]" or "Oh nice, what were you thinking?" Than I list a local coffee shop or a park. The latter means she's interested.
Exchange numbers and sit a back because I'm tired.

Hey you're cute.
Aw thanks

What are you up to?
Whatever she says

Cool do you go to school
Whatever she says.

Alright I got to go that way. Let's grab a drink later what's your number?

Tbh I wing most of the interactions.

They're pretty short convos. Usually 60 seconds or so if she hasn't ignored me.
Manganiello said:
interesting, that convo feels like she'd ghost you even if she would've been 100% into you. I had plenty exchanges like those during my teens 14, and than 17-19. Not one bears fruit, I'm just wondering how do you turn that to the 1% that do work

You probably cant.

I wont say that Ive done hundreds of number closes where I spend a lot of time with girls, but Ive Def done a few dozen. Zero correlation between 👻 and time spent learning stuff about her.

I’ll point out that at 14 and 17-19, you might lacked experience and had no idea how to turn the # into a date and hookup.

You need also to consider what the girl is looking for. My first cold approach lay, after she became a plate, straight up told me she thought I was nuts when I first approached her. When I asked what made her then go out with me, she shamefully said "Its been a while since I had sex". In her case, a short convo was enough.

Another lay was suuuuuper skeptical the entire time and a bit paranoid. I Insta dated her and I think if I hadnt, she wouldnt go out again with me. She probably needed more than a 60 second convo.

Btw, the above are just flukes. In no way am I saying I knew what those girls wanted and I adjusted my approach to them. One of my friends was a big time cold approacher who had various styles, depending on the girl he had in front of him, and could supposedly adjust the what and how (take this with a grain of Himalayan salt since he might be embellishing)