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How to stop watching P?

hush said:
ziva said:
I even found a pdf of someone who added important points to the book, which I'm still reading right now.

Can you share?

Congrats on the progress and thanks for your openness :)

No problem, here you go!
Skelly92 said:
@ziva Glad to hear that it has been of use to you and you have been able to quit porn.
Well done!

Ed_ said:
Going back to @ziva 's original question, focusing on the positive sex benefits from no-fap has helped me more than any other method. Instead of the usual negative motivation (I shouldn't fap this, it's bad), I've moved to a positive motivation (I want to have the best sex possible with this next girl, so I want to not fap).

I agree. If you can work yourself up to a point where you don't even want to watch porn and fap, that's when you will actually see success. You can think about porn, feel the sensations, and still go "Nah I don't even want to do that because of (your personal reason)". I think the reason for not wanting to PMO might be at least a little different for everyone. Finding out your reason is what can take some time and introspective thought.
Great points from ya'all. I want to add another method which is proving really effective for myself.


I'm not talking about a shitty one that you can uninstall yourself or bypass easily. Porn is a ridicilously hard addiction to beat with willpower alone. I could read easypeasy and all sorts of other material, including testaments from people who beat the addiction, but then still relapse on a bad day. For me a good blocker is making the battle a lot easier. I'd probably relapse right now if it wasnt for the blocker. I love porn lol

I always discounted a blocker before because i thought i'd just find an easy way to bypass it, but the one i'm using is a pain to bypass. Before the blocker, my mind would decide: today were gonna watch porn and it became this day long battle to resist. Now there's no longer a drawn out battle to not click. It's no longer avaiable with a single click.

Blocker i'm using is called canopy. it doesnt come without some minor hurdles though. you'll need a friend to have control of the parent interface, and the blocker isn't perfect. it's gonna block some shit that doesnt need to be blocket and your friend is gonna have to grant permission to certain sites, like KYIL.
Something that helped me was to give my buddy 100 bucks if I relapsed. Any thoughts I have of starting I just remember that 100 dollars. Its very effective
What worked for me is slowing turning it off. I told myself softcore was okay, but not actual porn. Then social media okay, but not anything else. Eventually you will have the same cycle of thoughts as for which you are quitting actual porn as for soft porn and will quit that too. I’m 2 years in and it has improved my confidence, my daily focus, and made me objectify girls less. Expect a 1.5-2year journey to really see the benefits which are gradual.
There's an app on the app store called Brainbuddy. It's an app that helps you abstain from porn and masturbation. I recently downloaded the app less than a week ago and I'm already on day 5 of noFAP or porn. This is coming from a guy who has been masturbating twice a day (first then when I wake up, last thing I go to sleep) for YEARS.

There's a 7 day free trial, try it out and download it. There are other apps on the app store but this is the one that I'm familiar with and so far, it's been amazing. I also go to bed when I'm tired, instead of going to bed whenever and exercise has helped that out (been working out 1-3 times a day for the past month).

I probably will relapse in the future as it's statistically more likely to happen than not, but that's okay with me. I just have a hard rule to not masturbate to porn at all, it has to be with my imagination or NSFW audio i.e. the subreddit named audiogonewild or something like that.

Also have some extensions on my phone and PC that don't allow me to surf NSFW websites so that helps.

All in all it is possible to work on this, and if you relapse that's fine. Part of the human experience is sex, as long as you're not going overboard with it.

But MY stance on MY belief is masturbation is fine, don't masturbate more than once a day and only to my imagination or audio or any porn that you made with someone else.
Also check out the website yourbrainonporn,com, pretty interesting stuff to give yourself the knowledge on PMO (PORN MASTURBATION ORGASM).
