How would you go about dating girls from another city?

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Jan 5, 2024
So I matched with a couple of baddies - problem is they live in another city, some 100km away along the coast. I don't normally visit the place and I don't have a car just yet (trying to find a good deal and a car I actually like) - what are ways I can still meet up, get intimate with and keep in touch with girls from other cities? Do I 100% need my own vehicle, where would we be able to do private stuff if not at their place, any Tinder strategy for working with girls I can't see right away? Funnily enough the ones out of town are the ones I like most and seem the most keen to see me too, but that will have to wait.
You dont unless its your only option. If you have your own place you make them come to your city. I dont have one and I live about an hour away from my dating pool and it has made the process a lot harder. What I do:
- screen very hard on girls with their own place. Learned this the hard way after succeeding on dates but not being able to fuck just because of logisitics. Hasnt happened to me in months now.
- screen very hard on sexual availability. If time and money are not a constraint this doesnt matter as much.
- get a drink in their city, escalate until you are basically making out, then ask to go to their place
I dated this girl who lived 200 feet away from me and it was the most amazing thing ever. Personally I wouldn't but if you think its worth it then fuck it
I would often do it back in the GLL days. I live in a country where the cities are just not that big, and it was easy to simply run out of girls to swipe on. Some of those trips were the best memories I have from that time, seeing different places etc. I would always just drive to meet the girls at their place or whatever. I think it only happened a few times that the girl didn't wanna fuck, and one time when I bet she did but there was LMR and I was too timid since I had just a few lays under my belt at that time. Most of the time just the fact that I was driving to another city meant the girl knew what I was up to and wanted it. And most of the time it was already agreed upon by text that I would be staying the night, after all it's a long drive and I need to rest :D

I want to do the same now, but am stuck in my head with questions like "what if she thinks it's needy?" or "should I lie that I have other business in that city so that she won't think I'm only coming there because of her?" I guess going by my own experience back in the day it didn't matter.
Yo bro!

Good work, and keep it up. Love it.

I will make a video clarifying the rules, this is my bad, but basically, the mod team here has agreed, we don't want "single use" dating threads because they encourage a lot of mental masturbation.

For dating questions, we prefer you post them in your progress log. Do you have a log? If so, please post in that!

Gonna close this one, but keep up the good work, keep posting, and work hard bro.

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