I definitely want to go out with you again


Jul 25, 2020
so i went on a date with this girl and we really hit it off. after we left the bar I kissed her and she was super into it. we end up in her car making out for like 15 minutes and Im kissing her neck, playing with her tits over her shirt etc but i knew i wasnt gonna bang her that night (cant go to hers and i live too far away). anyways before i left i said we'll definitely go out again and she seemed pretty enthusiastic about meeting again too. later in the week i text her and get no response. now we all know this typically means that she's probably not ever gonna respond but honestly im pretty fuckin desperate to get laid so i'll try messaging her again, but what should I say? the second date is something i seem to be really struggling with. i haven't gone on another date with any of the girls i've seen so far, even when the date went well
Text her ask her how is she. That you'd like to meet her again.

It does not matter really what you say.

Send a few texts, if she doesn't respond next
If she does tell her you want to see her again. She wants or not. No big deal, there are other girls and you should pursue them.

Quick question : why didn't you try and have sex with her in her car ?
Wifty said:
Quick question : why didn't you try and have sex with her in her car ?

well one reason is that we were in a public parking garage and someone actually did walk past us lol. but the main reason is i just hadn't quite worked up the courage. like i figured she wouldn't want me to be that forward. this same exact situation happened with the first girl i met from online dating and i only very meekly insinuated that we should go back to her place - needles to say i didn't bang her. to be fair to myself though i had never even kissed a girl up until that point so shoving my tongue down her throat and actually touching her tits and stuff was a pretty big step for me. i have resolved to absolutely try and finger the next girl i go out with though
Logistics mate. Its a big factor
You say you were too far away. That needs to be sorted before you go on the date

Also get used to flaking, doesnt bother me that much nowadays

pussypounder9000 dude refrain from giving advice on subjects you lack experience in if you only know about from observation

This isnt reddit
pussypounder9000 said:
I'm no dating expert but this is what I've learned from guys who bang girls on first dates and know what they're doing:

1. Don't kiss her unless you can escalate to sex (i.e. somewhere private like your apartment, or you could have went for it in the car). If you do, you just validated her for no reason, so why would she give up her pussy to you?

2. You shouldn't have said we'll go out again. You made it too obvious that you like her. You want her to be chasing your validation and be unsure of whether you really like her or not.

3. You shouldn't have texted her. Now you seem like a desperate guy with no options which is a huge turn off for her. Even if you are desperate, act like you're not. You shouldn't have hit her up until she hit you up. And don't double text her for the love of god, she's almost 99% guaranteed to never hit you up again.

Sorry bro, but with experience you'll figure out where you fuck up and you'll get better. Keep pushing.

Edit - I forgot to add, girls in 2020 are getting FUCKED. If they find the right guy they WILL FUCK on the first date.

1. idk man that sounds like some voodoo PUA stuff. if i had enough girls lined up I'd definitely A/B test it cause i could see how there's some validity to it, but for now I'm just gonna err on the side off explicitly trying to get laid

2. i can see where you're coming from but most people on this site are very much in favor of just being honest with girls so i figured i would try doing that as well. but as you say, maybe that was a mistake

3. again im not sure. it just seems way too passive to wait for girls to text you. i can text her and either we do end up fucking or she might think im needy in which case i will never see her again so why would i care what she thinks of me? i don't really have anything to lose by texting her again but i do want to maximize my chances of fucking her so that's why I'm wondering what exactly i should say. i really am clueless when it comes to this stuff and i was only able to get this far by following andy's templates to the letter.
pussypounder9000 said:
1. Don't kiss her unless you can escalate to sex (i.e. somewhere private like your apartment, or you could have went for it in the car). If you do, you just validated her for no reason, so why would she give up her pussy to you?

2. You shouldn't have said we'll go out again. You made it too obvious that you like her. You want her to be chasing your validation and be unsure of whether you really like her or not.

3. You shouldn't have texted her. Now you seem like a desperate guy with no options which is a huge turn off for her. Even if you are desperate, act like you're not. You shouldn't have hit her up until she hit you up. And don't double text her for the love of god, she's almost 99% guaranteed to never hit you up again.

I disagree with every single thing you said, thats kinda impressive tbh. You read too much pua stuff.
Radical said:
Also get used to flaking, doesnt bother me that much nowadays

i hear ya man. guess you just gotta develop that thicker skin one failure at a time.

that being said I have to admit i am pretty fucking irritated by the idea of a girl flaking on you after seemingly very explicitly saying that she was into you. obviously you can't control other people's actions, but it would nice to get some on advice on improving my chances of keeping girls around that have already said "fuck yes"
Yeah also take comfort in the numbers game

1. a high rate of failure is expected
2. success is inevitable if you push the numbers high
Don't stress too much d00m, Focus on maxing your looks and racking the numbers of girls you talk to.

The fastest you "fail" the fastest you find out how to reach to your goals.

It's great you pushed that far too.

You mind sharing a few pics of you, to get the vibe.
Because, imo, in your profile pic you do not look very masculine. And generally girls prefer the masculine type which smells assertivity.
Wifty his pics are pretty awesome tbf https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=349&p=5286#p5286
Oh yh lol.

Yes op you look GOOD !

Don't you worry about loosing girls and things like this.
Just talk to more girls. A LOT MORE. And you'll get laid sooner than you think
Lostcause said:
pussypounder9000 said:
1. Don't kiss her unless you can escalate to sex (i.e. somewhere private like your apartment, or you could have went for it in the car). If you do, you just validated her for no reason, so why would she give up her pussy to you?

2. You shouldn't have said we'll go out again. You made it too obvious that you like her. You want her to be chasing your validation and be unsure of whether you really like her or not.

3. You shouldn't have texted her. Now you seem like a desperate guy with no options which is a huge turn off for her. Even if you are desperate, act like you're not. You shouldn't have hit her up until she hit you up. And don't double text her for the love of god, she's almost 99% guaranteed to never hit you up again.

I disagree with every single thing you said, thats kinda impressive tbh. You read too much pua stuff.

Hmm probably. I listen to alot of AMS and othe red pill coaches on youtube. But good idea, better to keep my mouth shut if I don't have the experience. My bad.