I tried tinder gold but still no success

Your pics are just not good. It feels like you are trying to look cool or edgy without actually looking attractive - not because you aren’t attractive, but because these pics are not attractive.

1. Way too far back, can’t see your face clearly, body language is closed and almost hostile.

2. Squinting, shadow over your eyes. You look pissed off. Facial hair as a whole is not looking good here.

3. Bland outfit that does not fit you well. T shirt is kind of baggy, shorts are cut too low and are cargo shorts. Facial expression is very mediocre. Background is at least solid.

4. Could be good if your other pics were good but it obviously won’t carry the profile since you aren’t actually visible.

5. You look good here and the background is solid. If you cropped this closer to be more about you and less about the background, it could be good, but I’m guessing you don’t have that hair anymore and thus it would be dishonest.

6. Seems a little poses / stiff but otherwise good

Your profile NEEDS at least one pic where you are either neutral or smiling, fill up most of the frame, and are wearing a decent outfit.
Aside from the feedback above, the photos are shot poorly.
You are a big guy but isn’t “perceived” like that
AskTheDom said:
Aside from the feedback above, the photos are shot poorly.
You are a big guy but isn’t “perceived” like that

How can i shoot shots that show i'm a big guy?
To add, selfies are pretty much never good. I actually think the locations for a lot of these photos are cool, but the photos themselves are just poorly shot.

The fashion could be better too.

I would suggest reading this:
ytlord said:
Your pics are just not good. It feels like you are trying to look cool or edgy without actually looking attractive - not because you aren’t attractive, but because these pics are not attractive.

1. Way too far back, can’t see your face clearly, body language is closed and almost hostile.

2. Squinting, shadow over your eyes. You look pissed off. Facial hair as a whole is not looking good here.

3. Bland outfit that does not fit you well. T shirt is kind of baggy, shorts are cut too low and are cargo shorts. Facial expression is very mediocre. Background is at least solid.

4. Could be good if your other pics were good but it obviously won’t carry the profile since you aren’t actually visible.

5. You look good here and the background is solid. If you cropped this closer to be more about you and less about the background, it could be good, but I’m guessing you don’t have that hair anymore and thus it would be dishonest.

6. Seems a little poses / stiff but otherwise good

Your profile NEEDS at least one pic where you are either neutral or smiling, fill up most of the frame, and are wearing a decent outfit.

How about this one ?
I concur with the rest of the feedback, your photos are the reason you're getting no success. Most of them you can't really see what you look like clearly due to being shot too far away or bad lighting/shadows. The last pic you posted is also not good, in general selfies are to be avoided unless you look really good in it and its backed up by multiple other good pics which are not selfies or there is some very interesting backdrop. You definitely need to read Andy's tinder guide which Squlliam posted a link to.

Tinder gold is only going to help if you have some good base to work from and your profile is getting some traction at least, if you get no matches from the free version then the fundamental problem is your current profile not whether you pay for premium features or not.
Kurvam said:
I concur with the rest of the feedback, your photos are the reason you're getting no success. Most of them you can't really see what you look like clearly due to being shot too far away or bad lighting/shadows. The last pic you posted is also not good, in general selfies are to be avoided unless you look really good in it and its backed up by multiple other good pics which are not selfies or there is some very interesting backdrop. You definitely need to read Andy's tinder guide which Squlliam posted a link to.
Oh, what I linked actually was not his Tinder guide. But he should read that too.
I concur with the feedback. There's a huge gap between how most guys think their photos are and how good they actually are. Most guys think their photos are the shit, but most guys' photos just aren't.

No. Selfies. I concur on the framing, body language, etc. feedback others shared. That said, I do like the 1st and 4th photo - in context of a profile with others that are shot well. At least one of you smiling, closer in, good fashion etc.

What I can add to this thread:
Your mentality seems to be hurting you. You asked if it was just you or if Tinder was a scam. This would be a valid question if you never heard of anyone having success on Tinder.

But Tinder is working for others on this forum and in life. I'm sure you're aware of this, which means by definition it's not a "scam." It just means you need to work on your photos.

If you asked "how can I improve my photos" I wouldn't have shared this. You would be taking responsibility for your results.

Anytime someone says "is this a scam" they're instantly shrugging responsibility for their results, telling themselves "it's not my job to work on myself, it's this thing's job to give me what I want."

That's entitlement, and won't get you far.

Take responsibility for your results. If things aren't working, make them work.

You're in the right place. It might seem like we're being harsh, but we're just re-guiding you to what we know works.

Keep working on yourself. Good job being humble, it seems from your responses like you're taking our advice which already puts you above a lot of others new to the game.