If anyone needs SEO, let me know.

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Nov 15, 2022
What's up guys, if you have a website and need SEO help, let me know.

I can help you for whatever the costs are, no charge, but I would like a review or a testimonial in exchange for the help.

I can also help with websites, Google ads, and other forms of digital marketing.

Just let me know.

Hey man, welcome to the forums!

I'm very interested in your offer as I'm trying to start an online business but I don't really know what I'm doing with marketing.

I just tried a couple of Facebook ads but got very few clicks from them. So maybe you can help me improve that? I'm jobless and almost broke now, so I can't really pay you at this point, but I can give a testimonial, in video or in text, as you wish.

I can send you a PM with more details if you want to help me.
I admire the generosity and the hustle. You're trying to get your SEO biz up, and I respect it. If you're looking to really hustle, PM me and I'll invite you to our new KYIL biz chat, but it is for very hard workers and high level action takers only - we're looking at going all in and working a minimum 10hrs a day on biz. If this resonates, reach out and we can push each other.


At KYIL, we have a rule against the promotion of any of our products, services, and so on. Even if they're free. Our moderation team do not encourage the use of our space to perform outreach.

Andy & Radical let us put ONE link to an external offer of ours in our signature. And that is all.

Crisis_Overcomer Manganiello Radical

Hope this helps, and I encourage you to press forward and find success in your endeavours. Consider starting a log.

I encourage guys to talk about their goals such as building a business dex

But openly soliciting business like this falls foul of our promotion rules

Especially when you only have 3 posts here

Like Ravi says leave a link in your bio if you have a site or offer to promote and then participate in the forum either in your own log or helping other guys
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