I'm not sure about my hair

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If your hair grows longer than in the picture you showed which is quite short, I would give it a try. Because if you don't, your receding hairline will be visible and it won't look good.
There are treatments to grow more hair if u want.
Anyway, it looks good bald.
Matias said:
If your hair grows longer than in the picture you showed which is quite short, I would give it a try. Because if you don't, your receding hairline will be visible and it won't look good.
There are treatments to grow more hair if u want.
Anyway, it looks good bald.

What do you mean by treatement ?
Sup man,

checkout all the hair treatment videos from MorePlatesMoreDates youtube.(funny that this guy was one of the big GLL members back in the day;))
Minoxidil + microneedling etc.
This stuff can reverse your balding back if you would respond well.

Good luck.

In your current state shaving it off is the clear choice.

In addition as others have said there are treatments that can potentially reverse the situation if you want to go down that path, but they’re not to be taken lightly. Research, research, research. “Bald truth talk”, “hair loss hope”, and “mr rolandas” are some good places to start on YouTube.
Paid Renegade said:
In your current state shaving it off is the clear choice.

In addition as others have said there are treatments that can potentially reverse the situation if you want to go down that path, but they’re not to be taken lightly. Research, research, research. “Bald truth talk”, “hair loss hope”, and “mr rolandas” are some good places to start on YouTube.

The problem is that i have a mishaped head, as u see in the picture
RedGee77 said:
Paid Renegade said:
In your current state shaving it off is the clear choice.

In addition as others have said there are treatments that can potentially reverse the situation if you want to go down that path, but they’re not to be taken lightly. Research, research, research. “Bald truth talk”, “hair loss hope”, and “mr rolandas” are some good places to start on YouTube.

The problem is that i have a mishaped head, as u see in the picture

Doesn’t matter. Your only other option right now is rocking the thinning/receding look, which is never a good move.
RedGee77 said:
Paid Renegade said:
In your current state shaving it off is the clear choice.

In addition as others have said there are treatments that can potentially reverse the situation if you want to go down that path, but they’re not to be taken lightly. Research, research, research. “Bald truth talk”, “hair loss hope”, and “mr rolandas” are some good places to start on YouTube.

The problem is that i have a mishaped head, as u see in the picture

Yeah I see it... going bald might suck. Is getting an FUE transplant an option for you?
klondike said:
RedGee77 said:
The problem is that i have a mishaped head, as u see in the picture

Yeah I see it... going bald might suck. Is getting an FUE transplant an option for you?

Unfortunately nop
Paid Renegade said:
RedGee77 said:
The problem is that i have a mishaped head, as u see in the picture

Doesn’t matter. Your only other option right now is rocking the thinning/receding look, which is never a good move.

Do you mean shaving it looks better?
What Paid Renegade said.

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