I'm now offering coaching

Jul 17, 2020
Hey all, I'm now offering dating consultations/coaching. The current price is $25/session, The price will go up eventually, but I’ll generally lock you in at the price you started with. In addition, I’ll refund your full amount if you send me a testimonial (though I won't do this forever!). To book a session, go to my website - thesimplewinner.com

I've had a few threesomes, went on more dates than I can count, overcame anxiety and depression, and generally learned to love life. You can find proof of my accomplishments on my website (thesimplewinner.com), as well as my progress logs here. In addition, KillYourInnerLoser will vouch for me. He already approved of me posting here. He has been coaching me for the past year or so, and has changed my life drastically. I would not be where I am today without him.

If you want to improve your dating life, hit me up! I guarantee I will do my absolute best to get you the dating life you deserve. It took me over a full decade to get where I am, and I want to make your journey easier, simpler, and faster. I promise I'll put everything I've got into making you successful.
Hi Jaeger, I would be interested in some coaching. Just shot you an email.
Hey man, it was in my spam folder thank you for dm'ng me about this. I was honestly about to message you. I'll talk to you more in the email then!
Thanks to everyone who's had a session with me! I really enjoyed it and learned a lot about how to coach. I'm upping my prices to $70/session. If anyone from the forums contacts me in the next week for a call, I'm happy to give you the old price. I'm also thinking of taking Andy's advice and expanding what I offer - different packages and such instead of just a coaching call session. We'll see what I come up with.