Im terrible at tinder, help me be better

Upgrade to Tinder Platinum immediately. The guide is out of date, Tinder Gold is worthless anymore.

(KillYourInnerLoser, probably time for an update as guys keep making this mistake; Tinder Gold merely allows you to have unlimited swipes and see who likes you — worthless as you'll encounter those users in your "liked you" queue eventually anyway, and the ones where you won't their either hideous or out of your distance range. Tinder Platinum legitimately increases match rate by 2-3x due to priority likes.)

Who did the photoshoot? You badly need a camera that was manufactured post-2011. Outfit is sloppy in general - your phone is in your pocket, your watch is on backwards, and there's no reason to have your glasses pinned to your shirt like that, just hide them.

You look way better with no facial hair than some, I would shave as soon as possible, maybe leaving some stubble at most. The dyed black look on the hair was quite nice honestly.

Second photo is very bad, remove.

Remove the social photo, you are not the centerpoint.

You ABSOLUTELY need to get photos where your eyes are the centerpiece as blue eyes are a huge attractiveness halo.
Okay, I'm not going to mince words, these are really bad.

1: Looks really grainy and hazy. Not sure if it's just the upload quality but your face doesn't seem clear.

2: Terrible. Blurry and the lighting is bad.

3: Group photos with girls are good, but you really have to make yourself look high status, and be with people who look high status (preferably higher than yourself).

4: Probably the only usable photo here. This can be used as an activity photo I would say. Still, I think your hair could look a bit better.

As for the pro photoshoot, I think you should consider hiring a different photographer. The fact that they didn't even take the photos vertically indicates to me that they know absolutely nothing about online dating photos. Online dating photos are always cropped vertically.

You need to take them portrait and fill up more of the frame. The lighting conditions also look pretty subpar. Go out during golden hour next time.

Most of these need to be redone. You are not going to get good results with these photos. Working on your appearance overall is helpful too.

Check these articles out:

Improving your looks:

Common mistakes with tinder photos:
Squilliam said:
Okay, I'm not going to mince words, these are really bad.

1: Looks really grainy and hazy. Not sure if it's just the upload quality but your face doesn't seem clear.

2: Terrible. Blurry and the lighting is bad.

3: Group photos with girls are good, but you really have to make yourself look high status, and be with people who look high status (preferably higher than yourself).

4: Probably the only usable photo here. This can be used as an activity photo I would say. Still, I think your hair could look a bit better.

As for the pro photoshoot, I think you should consider hiring a different photographer. The fact that they didn't even take the photos vertically indicates to me that they know absolutely nothing about online dating photos. Online dating photos are always cropped vertically.

You need to take them portrait and fill up more of the frame. The lighting conditions also look pretty subpar. Go out during golden hour next time.

Most of these need to be redone. You are not going to get good results with these photos. Working on your appearance overall is helpful too.

Check these articles out:

Improving your looks:

Common mistakes with tinder photos:

I just mentioned, but it was actually just me and a friend who took those photos. It was his last day in town before he's moving as well, so I suggested we go out and see what we could get, and get feedback so I could work on improving them.

For 4, lemme just go back across the pond and do that helicopter tour again to update the photo with better hair :p

But thanks for brutal honesty, it was kinda what I was looking for when I joined. It's easy to have average/below average photos and complain about not getting results. I don't wanna complain anymore and actually want results, so guess I gotta go back out with a better camera.
pancakemouse said:
Upgrade to Tinder Platinum immediately. The guide is out of date, Tinder Gold is worthless anymore.

(@KillYourInnerLoser, probably time for an update as guys keep making this mistake; Tinder Gold merely allows you to have unlimited swipes and see who likes you — worthless as you'll encounter those users in your "liked you" queue eventually anyway, and the ones where you won't their either hideous or out of your distance range. Tinder Platinum legitimately increases match rate by 2-3x due to priority likes.)

Yeah im gonna talk to Andy about this

Boosts also seemed to have been completely nerfed over the past couple of years. And Platinum really shows a difference vs standard tinder
jeagle63 said:
About the facial hair I like it to be honest, and can't grow a full beard so its either keep this or go clean shaven but all my friends have said that they think that it looks good. I'm not sure I want to dye my hair again either, but might consider it if you think it looks better. It did when I had just dyed it, but whilst it was fading out it looked kinda terrible, and dying hair every couple weeks isn't ideal.

Don't listen to your friends. Listen to:
1. Guys that get laid.
2. Girls that might be attracted to you.

You already have people from category 1 telling you it's bad. Goatees just haven't looked good since the early 2000s, if ever.

None of the social photos are usable. This is an example of a GREAT social photo:

Professional camera. Subject in the center of the shot. Other people in the photo are attractive.

Try to at least hit one of these points if you can't hit all, or just leave the social photos out entirely.
jeagle63 said:
I just mentioned, but it was actually just me and a friend who took those photos. It was his last day in town before he's moving as well, so I suggested we go out and see what we could get, and get feedback so I could work on improving them.
Yeah, it really takes time to learn photography skills. I would say you should consider hiring a professional photographer, as you seem to be planning on doing. Make sure you have all your fashion in order though.

jeagle63 said:
For 4, lemme just go back across the pond and do that helicopter tour again to update the photo with better hair :p

But thanks for brutal honesty, it was kinda what I was looking for when I joined. It's easy to have average/below average photos and complain about not getting results. I don't wanna complain anymore and actually want results, so guess I gotta go back out with a better camera.
I mean it's passable but there's a lower standard for photos that are not your primary. The thing you need to realize is that you will not get good results on online dating with mediocre photos. That might've flew in 2017-19, but we're in a new world now.

There's a guy on another website called Sandric who is a total gigachad and gets an insane amount of girls, and he says this. I think this is very true, I am also curious to see what pancakemouse would say about this.

– 𝗕𝗮𝗱 𝗽𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗼𝘀 = 𝗛𝗼𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁𝘀⁣⁣

– 𝗔𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗣𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗼𝘀 = 𝗕𝗲𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁𝘀⁣⁣

– 𝗚𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗽𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗼𝘀 = 𝗔𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁𝘀⁣⁣

– 𝗚𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁 𝗽𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗼𝘀 = 𝗚𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁𝘀⁣⁣

– 𝗘𝘅𝗰𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗽𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗼𝘀 = 𝗘𝘅𝗰𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁𝘀

So in other words, having bad or average photos would give you horrible results at worst, below average results at best. Keep in mind that the average guy on online dating does not get much results at all.

I'm not sure I can necessarily say your photos are below average, because the average definitely isn't very good either. I would say you should also just work on looksmaxxing in general. Hit the gym, maybe upgrade your fashion, keep trying to take photos of yourself. Auto mode is fine, just make sure you go out during golden hour or a time where there is good lighting conditions. The problem is that if you have the sky in a shot during the day the sky will become overexposed and almost white, which looks unflattering in a photo. Ideally you should use a lens that can use a low f-stop number so that the background will appear blurred and you will stand out more in the shot.

Lightroom and faceapp can also do a lot. Just make sure you don't overdo it with the faceapp editing. 2 of my photos use faceapp and no girl has called me out for catfishing, even girls that were super honest about other things.

Really listen to pancakemouse. He knows what he is talking about.
Ok so I've taken a few more photos, none amazing but mainly proof of concept to see if they get any results so I can think about upgrading them professionally.

For some reason it feels like tinder's blurring all my photos, even when I edit and crop them down. I've been using the 640x800 resolution I found online, but all online info about this seems conflicting. (some websites say 640x640 resolution, some say 7:10 ratio, etc.) I don't see anything in the tinder guide about what size photos should be to avoid them being processed/made blurry by tinder.

It might just be the preview that's blurry and its not actually blurry for the girls who swipe, but I would appreciate any guys thoughts on this. If its already been mentioned in another thread/post I apologize.
jeagle63 said:
For some reason it feels like tinder's blurring all my photos, even when I edit and crop them down. I've been using the 640x800 resolution I found online, but all online info about this seems conflicting. (some websites say 640x640 resolution, some say 7:10 ratio, etc.) I don't see anything in the tinder guide about what size photos should be to avoid them being processed/made blurry by tinder.

It might just be the preview that's blurry and its not actually blurry for the girls who swipe, but I would appreciate any guys thoughts on this. If its already been mentioned in another thread/post I apologize.

I don’t think you want to downsize your photos prior to uploading to tinder, did you try uploading the maximum resolution and see if it looks any better? Tinder is going to downgrade them anyway.
jeagle63 said:
Thanks to a credit card and hopefully some casino winnings soon, just bought tinder gold for a year. It's less than £100 and I figured that I've probably spent way more than that on drinks at clubs the past year and not done shit, so this might help me make some progress.

I went on a photoshoot like Andy suggested in the guide to get a few photos of me with a new outfit I'd bought and my new watch, idk how amazing they are but they are the best I currently have. I'm also going to get some professional photos taken of me at work (I work in a bar) when I can next talk to our photographer, probably one of me lighting a drink on fire or shaking a cocktail. I've been thinking about other accessories, I might get a steel bracelet+ring, but don't fancy a chain and definitely don't want to get tattoos because I know I'll regret them later.

These are my current 5 photos, and I know they're not amazing and need improvement. So any tips/suggestions/thoughts would be very helpful. My match rate/likes recieved has been going up since I went on the photoshoot so I know that the only way is up as the photos improve.

1: headshot by canal edited, camera quality could be better..png
2: received_361360909543563.jpeg
3: merida group pic.jpg
4: PXL_20210802_165707046.jpg
5: far skydive pic 6.png

These are all the photos from the photoshoot that I thought turned out the best (none edited, Im using the first one atm on tinder
headshot by canal.JPG)
headshot by canal 2.JPG
headshot by canal 3.JPG
headshot by canal 4.JPG
headshot by canal 5.JPG
headshot by canal 6.JPG

I'm glad you're getting more matches man!

Your photos are above average for most guys which is why you're getting some results.

There's a TON of room for improvement though. This is good news, means there's a lot of gains to be had.

Your background separation with the photoshoot is very very low. Either you have a zoom lens with no budge in the f-stop, or you have the settings at a slow aperture.

That's all photography speak for lower the f-stop (the number that's somewhere between 1.2 and 20... looks to be around 5 plus or minus in your photo)

Shoot in either Manual or Aperture priority, and set the f-stop to the lowest you can. If you can't get lower than 4, then get a 50mm prime lens with under 2.0 f-stop.

If this is gibberish to you, show this to someone at a photography store and they'll know what to offer you.

The rest of your photos are above average because you're putting in effort, but there's so many ways to improve it. The social shot is great because it's 3 girls but you look a bit awkward with your facial expression and placement in the background. I'd try to take another with your lady friends and be more central, in charge, etc.

Practice posing too, you seem a little stiff and unnatural. It's super common for anyone who's not a model to look awkward in photos... I've recently become a model and have directed over 100 photography clients, so I've gotten good at looking natural in photos, but it took me a while. Just watch some Peter Hurley videos on Youtube and search for natural model poses and follow their advice.

Hope it helps! Keep up the good effort. That's how you'll succeed. You're doing the right thing.
These photos are really not up to scratch I'm afraid. Particularly in the UK - these are the sorts of guys you are competing with:

Keep working at getting better pics though. I would also make building muscle and creating the appearance of a bigger physical frame a priority. Good luck.
Sonofagun said:
These photos are really not up to scratch I'm afraid. Particularly in the UK - these are the sorts of guys you are competing with:

Keep working at getting better pics though. I would also make building muscle and creating the appearance of a bigger physical frame a priority. Good luck.

Those are not the guys he’s competing with. What you post are some blackpill incels who think only famous people and tiktokkers can get laid on tinder.

You can check my tinder log. I’m an average dude and I got over 600 likes in 3 months using tinder in Belgium (one of the smallest European countries) with worse pics than I’m using right now.

His profile needs work but everything is already mentioned. Telling someone he has to look perfect is not only disencouraging but also untrue.
Sonofagun said:
these are the sorts of guys you are competing with: ... 22.452520/

That's a blackpill forum hahahah
kratjeuh said:
Sonofagun said:
These photos are really not up to scratch I'm afraid. Particularly in the UK - these are the sorts of guys you are competing with:

Keep working at getting better pics though. I would also make building muscle and creating the appearance of a bigger physical frame a priority. Good luck.

Those are not the guys he’s competing with. What you post are some blackpill incels who think only famous people and tiktokkers can get laid on tinder.

You can check my tinder log. I’m an average dude and I got over 600 likes in 3 months using tinder in Belgium (one of the smallest European countries) with worse pics than I’m using right now.

His profile needs work but everything is already mentioned. Telling someone he has to look perfect is not only disencouraging but also untrue.

In a Uni city like Leeds (which I'm guessing is where he is) there will be plenty of guys who look like that, actually. I'm from the UK so I know more about this than you.

Secondly, in the image in your profile pic (which I assume you use on apps), you look way above average. I looked at your log and in real life you are in the average range, for sure, but your pic makes you look far better.

He doesn't need to look 'perfect' by any means. I'm not perfect, far from it, and I had 23 lays from apps the last 2 years in a row, plus lots from daygame. However you need to be aware just how stiff the competition can be and really make sure you're maximising your attractiveness in photos. His current photo setup just does not do that. My post should be a wakeup call.
Thrice said:
Sonofagun said:
these are the sorts of guys you are competing with: ... 22.452520/

That's a blackpill forum hahahah

I dislike blackpill forums, but it's the only example I could find quickly which demonstrates just how tough the competition can be.
I got 2 photos taken of me making cocktails at a bar. I can't choose what I wear here but I was making drinks for customers so didn't look at the camera and was actually focusing on what I was doing.

These are my favourite ones, I like throwing the limes in. I should have put the sugar in before ice but was getting flustered cuz I knew someone was taking photos.

Are these getting closer to being good tinder photos for me?

Throwing limes
View attachment 1

Adding sugar to a cocktail
jeagle63 said:
Adding sugar to a cocktail, would have been better if the photo showed me holding the cachaca rum bottle and making a better stream

This is usable.
pancakemouse said:
jeagle63 said:
Adding sugar to a cocktail, would have been better if the photo showed me holding the cachaca rum bottle and making a better stream

This is usable.


a couple of ways to improve this photo
1) pay attention to your facial expression and body language. the intense focus with your mouth slightly open + fully buttoned up shirt + boyish looks make you look like a student afraid to make a mistake. should be more of a smirk/half smile + a bit of a head tilt. look at how sexy bartenders are portrayed in female targeted movies

2) part of a person visible sitting at the bar and looking up at you. this isn’t as critical as getting (1) right