Improve My Dating Profile

First Cow

Mar 13, 2022
Hi everyone.

Here's my Tinder Profile. Please tear me to pieces. Tell me what looks good, bad, things to remove/add.
What order do you think these pics should be in? Should I have more/less. How can I improve the good photos I have?

The photo where I'm leaning against the green rail looks a bit "shitty" to me. The disco pic where I'm pointing up is poor quality. So does the obviously cropped Snap Chat pic. And I don't like my face in the handcuffs pic, gonna retake that with a darker background and better expression.

Lemme know what y'all think.

Okay my dude, we can get these photos better pretty easily, but you’re still going to need to take more.

First thing I notice is the sunglasses. Girls want to see your eyes, and many women will automatically swipe left leading with a sunglasses pic.

As for the photos themselves, the first one looks a little washed out. You need to look brighter, and the background needs to look darker. I highly suggest downloading both Remini, Focus, and a photo editor for your phone. I’ll edit that first pic and show you the difference.

2nd pic looks better, but you’re looking a little too far away from the camera, but I love seeing your arms in that one. I’d limit to 1 sunglasses photo. 4th and last photo are awkward, so I’d drop those.

I absolutely love the singing photo! For the handcuffs photo, if you have an iPhone, put it in portrait mode and choose the 2nd to last lighting which will make the background totally black. You look a little uncomfortable with them, but it’ll be great if you re-shoot it, and it might be worth it to lead with that. I gripped mine with my full hand, which also shows off my rings — you’ll see those in Andy’s photo too, and accessories make a huge difference. Like, I landed my girlfriend in part because of them in addition to better style.

For the bio, I’d actually make it sexier. I’ve also noticed that women are way less impressed by your job than we think. I had better luck when I did construction at 15/hour than working in tech making 180k.

You’ve got this, buddy, and I’m so jealous of your arms. You’ve got dope style with the button ups, so with some tweaks you’ll be drowning in Tinder matches. 😊

Edit: Attached the edited photo, but I am out of Remini credits for the day. Also, keep in mind I am far from a great photo editor.
1,2 & 3 are good. But why the sunglasses? Never saw any report on sunglasses increase match rates. Would be awesome performing pics without the glasses. 1 or 2 glasses pics should be max. If you wanna wear sunglasses I'd recommend the dog pic but remove the rescue text. It might be seen like "look what a good guy I am". I would rather tell that they are rescues in a conversation than trying to flex upfront. As for the handcuff pic, it isn't bad but it doesn't give of any vibes due to the plain background which doesn't give of any context or feeling. An idea would be to make it an intense black and white. These are the things I would change/improve on.

In terms of editing, easiest fixes are bump up contrast, also brightness by a bit and saturation by a bit. Don't overdo, like in my profile pic for example. But your images feel quite raw. The one you edited could also be a bit more flashy if you know what I mean. Girls who slide generally need some sort of pattern interrupt on the first pic, it need to be more intense and stand out. Otherwise, you can always get a software like Luminar AI/Neo if you want fast, simple and good photo editing.
Asst said:
Otherwise, you can always get a software like Luminar AI/Neo if you want fast, simple and good photo editing.

Yeah that's a great suggestion, these soft are good for easy editing with a ton of presets, but God Luminar is so fucking slooooowwwww to switch between those presets.
Agree with the comments so far, too many shots with sunglasses. I think 1 photo with sunglasses would be ok but no more. I can imagine some girls might think you're even hiding something about your eyes with so many photos like that. Only the handcuff one has your whole face clearly visible, i think the handcuff one is pretty good but agreed the lighting could be better given the context of the photo especially.

The first 2 are solid aswell but i would reshoot at least 1 without the glasses, the 2nd one in particular is showing your physique off very well. The issue with the 3rd pic is the angle imo, shooting pics from very low angles rarely turns out well in my experience.

There is definitely a lot of potential there with your looks, just some small refinements needed and you'll have a killer stack of photos.