Increasing testosterone/sex drive

Aug 5, 2021
BANG!! japanese chicks!
consistency. acceptance. tumescence.
tokyo, japan
This is a really weird question to ask and I've been holding off on it for so long because it's frankly kind of embarrassing, but I think it's time for me to ask it.

What supplements/actions do you guys recommend for increasing testosterone and heightening your sex drive? I don't have ED but I feel like my sex drive is much lower than the average male's. And I think the effort I've put in so far also feels very cerebral and not primal enough.

For some more context, I was a late bloomer (I probably hit puberty at like age 18), and was generally extremely sheltered from anything sexual my whole life. I only mention this because this may/may not have a factor.

I'll re-quote something a friend told me a few weeks ago "You need to stop thinking with your brain and start thinking with your heart and dick." How do I do that? I feel like a certain male drive is missing in me, and maybe it's time to look at some form of supplements. So if anyone has some experience with this, I'd like to know from you,
Apart from the common things like get good sleep, do sport, drink enough water and stop fapping..
I think theres no need to take suplements if your dick works fine with girls..
Also even nerds/"guys that think with their brain" can get laid, they just have to look good and Talk to girls
creepo said:
stop fapping..
studies show after 1 week the testosterone drops off so fap at least once a week. Otherwise ever else is right. Diet: google foods to increase testosterone but basically have a steak every once in a while. Exercise: lift heavy weights. Lifestyle: the sleeping is important, winning is too, but you do music right? Do it in front of people that’s some real ball dropping activity. Speaking of balls I know this sounds weird but tan your nuts in sunlight for 20 minutes a day. Google it I’m not joking. Getting real sunlight on your junk you’ll see your balls breathe in the natural light. There’s actual scientific studies behind it. Nowadays people use red light therapy.
Also have sex. Nothing raises your testosterone like having sex or knowing you’re gonna have sex.
Basically eat right, exercise, sleep, win and if you wanna tan your nuts.
Dewm said:
but you do music right
i do music but I've been doing it alone 95% of the time. sometimes i jam out with people but I've never done a public performance.

i guess i already do those things? i lift 3x a week, try to eat enough calories, sleep ~7 hrs a night.

creepo said:
no need to take suplements if your dick works fine with girls..
lol...i haven't even gotten that far yet. i mainly ask because i end up getting dates but I'm so fucking clueless for the pull. like i know what to do on paper but it feels like something i have to try deliberately and plan out..... it doesn't feel natural and i feel like i have no KILLER INSTINCT that chris from GLL talks about
colgate said:
This is a really weird question to ask and I've been holding off on it for so long because it's frankly kind of embarrassing, but I think it's time for me to ask it.

What supplements/actions do you guys recommend for increasing testosterone and heightening your sex drive? I don't have ED but I feel like my sex drive is much lower than the average male's. And I think the effort I've put in so far also feels very cerebral and not primal enough.

For some more context, I was a late bloomer (I probably hit puberty at like age 18), and was generally extremely sheltered from anything sexual my whole life. I only mention this because this may/may not have a factor.

I'll re-quote something a friend told me a few weeks ago "You need to stop thinking with your brain and start thinking with your heart and dick." How do I do that? I feel like a certain male drive is missing in me, and maybe it's time to look at some form of supplements. So if anyone has some experience with this, I'd like to know from you,

There aren't any legal "supplements" as far as I know that increase testosterone levels significantly. If you actually think you have low testosterone (and based on some of the stuff you're describing, it's def possible), I'd say go into a doctor and get your levels checked and see if you can get on TRT. I don't know anything about the medical risks tho, so definitely research that first. As far as supplements go, I've found phenibut definitely increases sex drive and emotions in general but if you have an addictive personality and can't stick to the same dose, stay away I'd say.
SamJ_ said:
If you actually think you have low testosterone (and based on some of the stuff you're describing, it's def possible

Yeah, this isn't entirely a conclusion I came to on my own. When I was 15, my doctor actually proposed that I take some testosterone shots, but I declined because I didn't get what the point of that would be at that age. But now I'm reconsidering getting checked out.
colgate said:
SamJ_ said:
If you actually think you have low testosterone (and based on some of the stuff you're describing, it's def possible

Yeah, this isn't entirely a conclusion I came to on my own. When I was 15, my doctor actually proposed that I take some testosterone shots, but I declined because I didn't get what the point of that would be at that age. But now I'm reconsidering getting checked out.

Yeah I would definitely look into that. I mean most guys are horny as fuck in early mid 20s, so a low sex drive def is a sign of it. If I were you, I'd def get on testosterone if I could.
lol...i haven't even gotten that far yet. i mainly ask because i end up getting dates but I'm so fucking clueless for the pull. like i know what to do on paper but it feels like something i have to try deliberately and plan out..... it doesn't feel natural and i feel like i have no KILLER INSTINCT that chris from GLL talks about

We are beginners man that happens to all of us, Chris has dedidated ~3-4 years to pickup chicks full time. The killer instinct Will Come with experience... I look fucking creepy and nervous and undecisive when trying bring Girls back home...
Dewm said:
creepo said:
stop fapping..
Speaking of balls I know this sounds weird but tan your nuts in sunlight for 20 minutes a day


For this reason, I am looking into kiniki type men's g string thongs.

Going out in the sun, stripping down to kinikis and letting your balls get sunlight is a major stimulator of potency. Really, this is big.

Furthermore, when tribes people have contact with people from the West, for instance I watched one episode of JRE where the non-conformist graffiti artist David Choe (this MFer got facebook stocks in exchange for graffiti work early days and made 200 milly LOL) lived with tribesmen and when bathing at the shore one day, they laughed at his cock and balls. He didn't give a fuck, but he timidly asked them:

"Why is yours so big"

Their response?

"We don't wear underwear, you are stopping it growing"

That was their take, but I would argue, they are in fact experiencing enhancement of their genitalia through lifelong light exposure.

You may not grow your dick this way, but I think it will support you being more potent.

Also bro, if you don't wanna do this in full spectrum light, you can purchase an incandescent heat lamp and shine red light on your dick when your indoors working. This will give you epic morning wood and will build your masculine potency.

Proper diet, exercise and zinc. Get your bloodwork done, male hormone panel. I literally just picked my results up from my yearly blood test.

Nothing else (legal) works.
Well, I have encountered people raising test levels naturally. Not massively, and not comparable with roids, sure. But I think it's certainly possible to get a strong ass sex drive naturally, and be very masculine/vibrant. I am thinking of one dude who bio-hacked his way to improved test through various approaches, and then went to TRT to maintain his gains - all this was legal, and he looks and functions exceptionally well for his age (he's 70).

His theory was low potassium, which is VERY common, alters luteinizing hormone secretion and produces low testosterone in men. I have read some papers on this subject and engaged with the writings of a free thinking MD, I was quite intrigued and now I am experimenting with it myself.

I am into health research and am currently doing deep research into (a) Brain function / Performance and (b) Testosterone optimisation.

I am deeper into A at the mo, and will share the outcomes of my current biohacks.


Note: Side tangent (apologies in advance for going slightly off topic)

The goal at the end of my biohacks is to develop a comprehensive Wellness for Self Improvement framework that creates the foundation to enable all men to come to Self Improvement and make linear, incremental progress while minimising unnecessary suffering. I have used myself as a test subject, as expressed in the interview with Radical, and in the years to come I will keep refining my system until what I have is solid and can be my contribution to the men who will come in the future, particularly my tribe, the underdogs and hard cases of this world.....

I think I am developing a way to create excellent energy, vibrant health, excellent brain function, sleep, high sex drive and confidence, the job lot. Most of the techniques and methods are free, but some will involve supplementation. It goes deep, with lots of practical stuff on rewiring neural chemistry through diet and brain supportive substances, namely DHA-rich seafood. This is why the brain surgeon Dr Jack Kruse wrote Epi Paleo RX. I am piecing together a lot and using it to help me win and be better. We shall see.

MakingAComeback said:
Going out in the sun, stripping down to kinikis and letting your balls get sunlight is a major stimulator of potency. Really, this is big.

MakingAComeback - I've not heard of this before. I go outside for at least 20 minutes each day, but in my underpants, not outright naked. You're suggesting lose the pants as well? Where'd you get this info from?

colgate - on the subject of "testosterone," do you find you're stressed a lot (high cortisol symptoms or signs)? To an extent, testosterone and cortisol work against each other.
Reviving this thread because I got my test level results back.

My test levels are at 612, and I was told 800-1000 is normal. I think I'd like to try some sort of TRT.
Not sure where your sources are from. Numbers sounds not very alarming to me.

Chris research into the studies got him an average of 670 for age 25-30. You are very close to that.

In the second article on this topic

he says: "if you can't an achieve at least an above-average level (>600 ng/dl) naturally you might want to consider other methods if this is important to you"

so according to him you are already above average and you haven't even optimized your testo naturally.

Read both articles and on top this one:

Important quote for you from the second article:
"If your levels are somewhat low, relax, there are safe, natural things you can do, especially if you’re unwilling or scared to embark on a course of HRT. In fact, many young men, and by young I mean in their 20’s to 30’s start HRT way too soon, without giving a decent try to natural methods first. Why? Because they think natural optimization takes too long. If 3-6 month is too much time to invest in your health, and ultimately life, then read no more."

Considering your sleep schedule isn't even fixed, you can't tell me you have been serious about natural testo enhancement.
colgate said:
Reviving this thread because I got my test level results back.

My test levels are at 612, and I was told 800-1000 is normal. I think I'd like to try some sort of TRT.

That’s normal. Sounds like you just gotta keep lifting, eating right, and keep going at the women you’ll be fine.

I remember my initial was like 250 something and they said only below 200 was below normal then I got my own labs and I was around 750 so much better. It can happen.
Many things have already been said. In addition, here something about supplements:

First get a bloodwork with free testosterone, absolute testosterone, SHBG, estrogen, LH/FSH, and if you want DHT.

Supplements for more Test:
- Take D3/K2 and Ashwagandha. If you want to spend more money, tell me and I'll give you 2-3 more supps.

Supplements for more Libido:
- Realperuvian Maca, horny goat weed

Of course, if you're willing to take medication, there are other options to push T, like clomid or injecting T. For libido there is PT-141. If you are willing to go this way, tell me.