Is it possible to complete the AA program in a small town (below 40k)(looking for a new job + shirtless pics)

Sep 13, 2021
Like the title says.

I live in a very small town, compared to anything.
Going out here to find girls to approach, esp. during the middle of the day, feels awkward and hard as hell.
The people that are actually out are 95% retired old folks, be it in the streets or at the different malls I have available.

Feels like I'm making this my #1 excuse not to go out whenever I can and work on completing the different drills, at the same time, it's a fact that having access to super low volumes of available girls to approach don't make this any easier what so ever.

Obvious solution is to move ASAP if I want to get things moving forward, but at the time being, that's not an option.

Another one I've though out is to drive to a bigger city (1,5 hour drive) in the weekends and go HAM on approaching for an entire day. Going to cost me money in gas, toll feels and what have you. Upside is that it's not where I live so I hope my mind will feel freer to actually approach.

Any thoughts on this? Anyone on here who have completed the program in a small town within a reasonable time frame?
Hey buddy, I lived in a town of 20,000 people for 2 years and I can tell you that unless you were going out 8 hours a day you wouldn't even really have a chance of asking 10 hot chicks out. Now with the AA program I am pretty sure it is okay to approach chicks who you wouldn't necessarily fuck, so maybe it would be better. I do know there are days when you need to approach 25 people so on those days it may take a few days for you to complete. Also as another option you could travel somewhere nice and warm and in a big city 1 million plus for a month and then do the AA program there. I think you said you live in Norway, perhaps Barcelona for a month or south France or Rome or just some big city with tonnes of tourists and people always walking around. You will find it much easier.

I know personally even in my current town of 110,000 people, I still struggle to run into more then 10 hot chicks per day. One time I went out from 9am until 2pm and asked for 13 numbers, most people ended up being 30+ and married.

Anyways good luck and just take you time with it.
I’m facing a similar situation, and ended up quitting the AA program. It was hard to get that ‘social momentum’ going when it takes 5-10 minutes to find a women under 50 to talk to.
I also ended up with three women saying ‘Hey, you spoke to me last week’ which was really embarrassing.

The AA program is great, but it’s obviously designed for people who live in big cities, where you have abundance and anonymity. If you live in a small town, then chances are, you won’t be going out and cold approaching girls in the first place.

I would advice you to focus your energy and self improvement goals on something thats going to provide more immediate benefits, your job, your health, you appearance etc.
Sin Silver said:
The AA program is great, but it’s obviously designed for people who live in big cities, where you have abundance and anonymity. If you live in a small town, then chances are, you won’t be going out and cold approaching girls in the first place.

Definitely. Andy mentioned that he moved to a city with 2,5 million people in it when he was 19. When I heard that, I laughed at my own situation, as Norways biggest city only has 500k.

Sin Silver said:
I would advice you to focus your energy and self improvement goals on something thats going to provide more immediate benefits, your job, your health, you appearance etc.

That's what I've been thinking. I've seen (and still do) that I can get dates from OLD over the course of a couple of weeks, no problem. At this point in time, working on improving my skills at work, fitness and general social skills seems like a more worthwhile pursuit.

Especially work skills, where my reasoning is that I'll be more qualified to apply for similar jobs (sound engineering) in bigger cities, whenever they pop up (and I see that they do, from time to time).
GrantDaniel said:
Hey buddy, I lived in a town of 20,000 people for 2 years and I can tell you that unless you were going out 8 hours a day you wouldn't even really have a chance of asking 10 hot chicks out. Now with the AA program I am pretty sure it is okay to approach chicks who you wouldn't necessarily fuck, so maybe it would be better. I do know there are days when you need to approach 25 people so on those days it may take a few days for you to complete. Also as another option you could travel somewhere nice and warm and in a big city 1 million plus for a month and then do the AA program there. I think you said you live in Norway, perhaps Barcelona for a month or south France or Rome or just some big city with tonnes of tourists and people always walking around. You will find it much easier.

I know personally even in my current town of 110,000 people, I still struggle to run into more then 10 hot chicks per day. One time I went out from 9am until 2pm and asked for 13 numbers, most people ended up being 30+ and married.

Anyways good luck and just take you time with it.

Thanks for the reply man.

Agree on approaching girls I'd wouldn't want to fuck, just to get some numbers in.

On traveling, yeah, that would be nice, but money-wise it's not going to happen until the summer of 2023 as far as I'm concerned.

I am still eager to try and spend a weekend in a bigger city that's 1,5 hour drive from where I live, to see if I could make some progress there, and not be scared I'll run into the same girls within two days or what have you.

Also, like you said, "take your time with it". I think that's also a good mentality to have when I live where I live. I'm thinking I'm better off getting 1 approach in on any given day, instead of having to think I NEED to get 10-15 approaches in after I get off work. 1 is better than 0 for sure.
Hard2Focus said:
Like the title says.

I live in a very small town, compared to anything.
Going out here to find girls to approach, esp. during the middle of the day, feels awkward and hard as hell.
The people that are actually out are 95% retired old folks, be it in the streets or at the different malls I have available.

Feels like I'm making this my #1 excuse not to go out whenever I can and work on completing the different drills, at the same time, it's a fact that having access to super low volumes of available girls to approach don't make this any easier what so ever.

Obvious solution is to move ASAP if I want to get things moving forward, but at the time being, that's not an option.

Another one I've though out is to drive to a bigger city (1,5 hour drive) in the weekends and go HAM on approaching for an entire day. Going to cost me money in gas, toll feels and what have you. Upside is that it's not where I live so I hope my mind will feel freer to actually approach.

Any thoughts on this? Anyone on here who have completed the program in a small town within a reasonable time frame?

I would say no. I live in a small town (bigger than that but still small) and realized I didn't have time to wait for the AA program and started regular approaching instead. You'd be better off doing regular approaches or else travelling to another town to do the program.
have you considered applying for jobs in oslo? within your field that is
I'm starting appartment hunting on the 1st of June, would be cool with someone on the same page there, maybe you feel the same
i dont know a soul there
Olafsmash said:
have you considered applying for jobs in oslo? within your field that is
I'm starting appartment hunting on the 1st of June, would be cool with someone on the same page there, maybe you feel the same
i dont know a soul there

Haven't considered it seriously yet, no, but it's been in the back of my mind for some time.
This being said, I know that moving to Oslo is the #1 thing that I can do to further improve my dating-, work and social life. And having someone there that is on the same self-improvement path would obviously be of massive help. I know some people there, but I don't have any contact with them in my day-to-day.

I know for a fact that the sound engineer / technician market in Oslo is currently starved because of covid.

From what I've read, most technicians/freelancers have left the field seeing how they lost their income in the same period of time.

My current (irrational) fears with regards to applying/moving are:

-I'm not competent/confident enough to get those jobs
-I won't get them because there are higher skilled/and better qualified candidates that apply
-I should stay at my current job for at least a 6 more months because it will look better on my CV
-I don't want to leave my current employer because it's hard for them to find a replacement

This being said, it's all a numbers game.

Fuck it, I'll apply for 2-3 jobs and see if any employers are interested.
yeah man we could kill it Hard2Focus
i see on your log you have quite bad social anxiety. It helps greatly to have someone to push you and pat you on the back.
helps a ton having someone with patience to take pictures also

personally career dont matter jack shit right now, my social life is all that matters, i'll work any job
i rather master this getting laid stuff and focus on career later
you can always work a lower paid job while you search for a sound engineer job in the meantime
You can always apply and then you'll have their contact info and can email them later. I did this at my last job and then when I was fired I was able to get an interview within a week.

The shitty thing is after your fired, now you have to remake your resume and then start applying for jobs and it can be 2-3 weeks before you get any traction.
Olafsmash said:
yeah man we could kill it @Hard2Focus
i see on your log you have quite bad social anxiety. It helps greatly to have someone to push you and pat you on the back.
helps a ton having someone with patience to take pictures also

100%! The social anxiety keeps creeping back on me whenever I stop working on it for some time.

personally career dont matter jack shit right now, my social life is all that matters, i'll work any job
i rather master this getting laid stuff and focus on career later
you can always work a lower paid job while you search for a sound engineer job in the meantime

I've wanted to work within this field since 2016, so for the last two years I've felt like "now's my chance" to start developing skills and further my career etc. Idk if I could work any job if I were to move to Oslo. I know that I could probably start hustling kindergartens again, if anything, but I'd have to substantially lower my income for some period of time.

This being said tho, I know that if I would end up being offered a relevant job, I'm motivated to sell off most of my music gear - and probably even my DSLR, just so I could afford a deposit and a couple of months of rent in the start.

Jacobpalmer123 said:
You can always apply and then you'll have their contact info and can email them later. I did this at my last job and then when I was fired I was able to get an interview within a week.

The shitty thing is after your fired, now you have to remake your resume and then start applying for jobs and it can be 2-3 weeks before you get any traction.

True words. I'm thinking that I'll apply for as many jobs as I can find within my field and see if any of the employers are at all interested, to get a feel for where I'm at. Don't see myself getting fired anytime soon tho, and I've told my employer I'll be here for at least a couple of years before I start looking for other jobs. But, if I get the chance to move for a new job, I imagine I'll end up doing so, anyway.
Hard2Focus said:
I've wanted to work within this field since 2016, so for the last two years I've felt like "now's my chance" to start developing skills and further my career etc. Idk if I could work any job if I were to move to Oslo. I know that I could probably start hustling kindergartens again, if anything, but I'd have to substantially lower my income for some period of time.

This being said tho, I know that if I would end up being offered a relevant job, I'm motivated to sell off most of my music gear - and probably even my DSLR, just so I could afford a deposit and a couple of months of rent in the start.

gotcha, well keep us posted about the job hunting and get out there and focus on the aa program or approaching. i definatly think its hard to do the aa program in a small town though, my home town is a small place outside Hamar wich is a kommune with 30k and i remember it was quite hard to find ok sets in Hamar
ill be bying a monthly pass for the train and taking it to oslo to approach while i appartment hunt, starting in like 10 days
i'll leave you in the dust if you dont start now mate
A few years back, there was a guy on GLL forums that lived in a smaller town, if I'm not mistaken, I'm talking about JStone, maybe some of you remember him. Well, there have been various AA logs of guys in smaller towns. What I remember them doing is visiting neighboring towns and doing drills there too. As far as I know, at least in the United States, most small towns aren't in isolation, usually it's one medium sized city surrounded by smaller satellite towns, or there's clusters of small towns within 20mi of each other.
Olafsmash said:
Hard2Focus said:
I've wanted to work within this field since 2016, so for the last two years I've felt like "now's my chance" to start developing skills and further my career etc. Idk if I could work any job if I were to move to Oslo. I know that I could probably start hustling kindergartens again, if anything, but I'd have to substantially lower my income for some period of time.

This being said tho, I know that if I would end up being offered a relevant job, I'm motivated to sell off most of my music gear - and probably even my DSLR, just so I could afford a deposit and a couple of months of rent in the start.

gotcha, well keep us posted about the job hunting and get out there and focus on the aa program or approaching. i definatly think its hard to do the aa program in a small town though, my home town is a small place outside Hamar wich is a kommune with 30k and i remember it was quite hard to find ok sets in Hamar
ill be bying a monthly pass for the train and taking it to oslo to approach while i appartment hunt, starting in like 10 days
i'll leave you in the dust if you dont start now mate

Sounds good!

Done with my first application. Job is sound producer for the Munch museum. Tried calling the woman who's in charge for hiring, but didn't get an answer.

Also found a company that's looking for male and female strippers, lol. While I haven't considered anything like that before, I'm tempted to put in an application to see if my body is up to their standards.

For reference, some shirtless photos I took some months back.

Damn you look great, whats your lifts? Ohp and bench? Heres my shitty pshysice, 3 months into weightlifring
Olafsmash said:
Damn you look great, whats your lifts? Ohp and bench? Heres my shitty pshysice, 3 months into weightlifring

3 months?!! that's an insane physique for 3 months. Your biceps are bigger than mine and I've been lifting for 12 years.

Hard2Focus said:
Also found a company that's looking for male and female strippers, lol. While I haven't considered anything like that before, I'm tempted to put in an application to see if my body is up to their standards.

You should seriously do this. There's a pickup artist who made a video about his time as a male stripper, it was fascinating:
Olafsmash said:
Damn you look great, whats your lifts? Ohp and bench? Heres my shitty pshysice, 3 months into weightlifring

Thanks! Nothing too impressive imo, as I've focused more on getting bigger and leaner vs getting stronger for the last couple of years.

Compound lifts as of late are:
Bench 70-72,5kgs x 5 (1RM is probably 77,5kgs)
Squat 80kgs x8 (1RM probably 90kgs)
Deadlift 112,5kgs x5

I don't have overhead press in my program, but it's somewhere around 40-45kgs.

pancakemouse said:
Hard2Focus said:
Also found a company that's looking for male and female strippers, lol. While I haven't considered anything like that before, I'm tempted to put in an application to see if my body is up to their standards.

You should seriously do this. There's a pickup artist who made a video about his time as a male stripper, it was fascinating:

Allright, that's all the motivation I need to apply.
pancakemouse said:
3 months?!! that's an insane physique for 3 months. Your biceps are bigger than mine and I've been lifting for 12 years.
lol yea idk why my arms are abit beefy. i'm up to strict ez curling half my bodyweight (33kg) for 3x12 now. according to im high end intermediate on most my lifts which is weird as i have never lifted consistantly for more than 2.5 months. maybe i actually have some good genes :lol:
Daygame does not really work outside of major metropolitan areas, particularly if you want to do a high volume of approaches (10+ per session). In order for it to be truly effective you really need to have a high volume of foot traffic with a diverse range of girls to approach. That's why it originated in London and NYC.

For a beginner (under 300 approaches), I would absolutely suggest moving (even if temporarily) to a major city (population at least 1 million) to get the reps in. Once you get half decent at it though, you can afford to do it in smaller cities, but even then it will still never be as optimal as somewhere like London or Paris or Berlin.

The problem with small cities is not only the sheer numerical disadvantage but also hotter girls do not gravitate to the small cities.. they gravitate to the bigger ones because those are where the best jobs are, best dating prospects etc.