Is there any hope?


Dec 22, 2022
I haven't started a log yet (But I definitely will soonish, maybe today, 100% by Monday).

Anyways a bit of backstory, 28, never really dated, recently got out of a LTR, going through Andys Get Laid on Tinder, and got to the point where he tells you to look through old photos. Sadly I don't have much as I'm horrible at saving pictures. But I'm in the process of getting a mirrorless, but just wondered if any of the pictures I already have is worthy?

Appreciate any feedback!

(Odd how just posting pictures of myself online makes me nervous)
Yes there is because you already are an attractive guy with a solid body.

I like the pic in the woods with the beany and I think photo 6 (rocks with sky underneath) is really dope if you target adventurous girls.

You read the guide so you know you need a pic in a more urban area and some other shots showcasing your cool life. Goodluck!
Will confirm what kratjeuh said, there is plenty of hope. Just need to do some photoshoots with a good camera in interesting locales and you're good to go.
Amazing body, what's your weight and weight? You are attractive and it would be a shame to never show it, get professional photoshoot or buy the camera that andy recommendeds to do it yourself, are you losing hair? I just found out i have space around the temples too and I'm gonna visit a dermatologist to know if it's male pattern baldness
MFbag said:
Yall posting in a bait thread. Obviously OP knows he can get laid

I see no evidence this is a "bait thread". He didn't ask if he could get laid, he asked for feedback on his photos. He also doesn't look like a guy who knows he can get laid.
klondike said:
Will confirm what kratjeuh said, there is plenty of hope. Just need to do some photoshoots with a good camera in interesting locales and you're good to go.
Yeah thats the highest priority action I've set up so far, put a bid on 2 different used cameras, hopefully something falls through.

Thrice said:
Amazing body, what's your weight and weight? You are attractive and it would be a shame to never show it, get professional photoshoot or buy the camera that andy recommendeds to do it yourself, are you losing hair? I just found out i have space around the temples too and I'm gonna visit a dermatologist to know if it's male pattern baldness
Thanks man, but this is with a pump and good lighting, I'm currently 70kg at 180cm. As with the baldness, I'm very uncertain. I've always had very high temples (receding hairline). But I've been going for the buzz cut for so long haven't really seen myself with hair in a long time, but as it's growing out now it does appear to be a lot thinner in the front than usual.

MFbag said:
Yall posting in a bait thread. Obviously OP knows he can get laid
I can definitely see how you'd come to this conclusion, was not my intention at all tho, guess the way I named the topic seems a bit "click baity". But honestly I kind of wanted feedback on images and some feedback on what to work on, but I guess I didn't specify that clearly enough in my topic, apologies.
Read Klondike’s log and check out the hot tub pic of Tushar showing his abs that received a high rating. Perhaps try to copy that pose since you have the body for it.