Is this camera OK? Also about iphone 12 pro max

Oct 30, 2020

I don't know shit about photography. On the tinder guide it says to use a 50mm lens with a f/1.8 EF. I can't find a camera with that lens at the best buy near me, the only one they have is the one above. Will it work for some portrait shots?

Also, I know Andy doesnt reccomend using smartphones but the iPhone 12 pro max has a pretty nice camera. Would it be good enough? I need a new phone anyway it would save alot of money to just use the iphone. I'm not sure if an extra 12 mp is worth 1200 dollars.
u need a prime lens. for the bokeh from the large aperture . just buy the cheapest camerea body you can find and then buy a prime lens with f/1.8 or higher that fits (takes 30 mins of google to understand all this, easy).

iphone 12 pro and pro max are good because they have a telephoto lens (~55mm equivalent) and the fake bokeh algorithm is good. if u need a new phone anyway just do that.
pussypounder9000 said:

I don't know shit about photography. On the tinder guide it says to use a 50mm lens with a f/1.8 EF. I can't find a camera with that lens at the best buy near me, the only one they have is the one above. Will it work for some portrait shots?

Also, I know Andy doesnt reccomend using smartphones but the iPhone 12 pro max has a pretty nice camera. Would it be good enough? I need a new phone anyway it would save alot of money to just use the iphone. I'm not sure if an extra 12 mp is worth 1200 dollars.

Yes. Get the EOS RP. I use it, it's very good (full frame, good iris autofocus) and it's the exact one Andy recommends.

My Avatar was shot with my camera and my lens... the same ones Andy recommends to give you an example of what it can do.

Also phones make everything automagically sharp and detailed which sounds cool in theory, but nice cameras and lenses have high depth of field. That means what's in focus is sharp, and everything else is blurry. Look at a Hollywood movie - you'll always see this. Or nice magazine photos.

"Portrait mode" is a new thing in the past couple years which artificially fakes this effect by detecting where the person is, detecting the edges, and blurring what it thinks is the background.

But it's wrong. I shave my head, and my 12 Pro misjudged the edges of my scalp and botched up the blur, partially blurring random areas of my head as if they were the background... and with hair it's worse!

Don't get the 12 Pro Max. I had a 12 Pro and tried it out. Portrait Mode is okay at best, and at worst it misjudges where the edges are and fucks up your photo. The 12 Pro max is 95% the same camera as the 12 Pro - with a larger sensor and better image stabilization... two features that don't help you unless you're shooting low-light action videos, not what you're going for.

The 12 Pro Max is a $1,000 phone with a camera. The Canon EOS RP is a $1,000 camera. Which do you think is a better camera?

As for the lens, it's not a standard lens so it won't come with the camera. You need to buy the lens and a mount, all linked to in KillYourInnerLoser's article here: