Jamgoth's Progress Log

colgate said:
Jamgoth said:

Weight: 125.7

I did work out yesterday.

I've gotten used to the routine of working out and getting more to eat. I suppose there is nothing more to do than to follow it and see if I'm getting any results. I think I am seeing results already though, but it's hard to tell objectively.

This isn't helping me talk to women though. I need to do an approach anxiety program at some point. That's probably a bigger issue than me being skinny. I'm not hot enough for Tinder, but I don't think I'm ugly.
this post is like putting meat in a pan and complaining "you don't see it cooking" after 10 seconds

you've been logging your workouts for a week and you still aren't logging your calories

but the timeline to see even "minimal gains" is i'd say 4-6 months. if you put in serious effort you can get to probably 150-155 by march and probably be lifting roughly 225 squat, 155 bench, 275 deadlift (depending on your body type)

No, I'm saying I'm in the process of working on one issue, but I need to work on other stuff as well.
I am working on my fitness goals, I do keep track of weight and calories I just don't feel like posting here everyday. Weight is 128.0

I'm still skinny but I notice steady weight gains over the past 2 weeks.

I'm going to post a pic once a month so you guys can determine if I actually look better or if I'm just getting fat.

I think I look average. But even average guys can get a girlfriend. The problem is that I'm a meek loner who lives a boring life. Changing that would probably help me more than my fitness goals, but I'll continue to work on both.


Weight: 129.0

Can anyone tell me if in the image I showed previously I look skinny or skinny-fat? It's hard to tell? I'm about to head out for the gym.
You're not that fat
You're not extra skinny either

Just keep hitting the gym 💪
Weight: 128.5

I'm going to the gym regularly. I need to do the AA program on GLL because as Andy mentions on one of his posts, if you spend a year bulking up without actually talking to women, you're going to be in great shape but still bad at talking to women. The biggest issue holding me back is that I'm a loner and a hermit and that I'm boring because I don't do things for fun. That's hurting me more than my looks, which are average. I need to get used to being outside my dorm and actually doing things to talk about.

But I have other obligations right now so I feel like gym and eating more is all I have free time to do right now, but AA is definitely something I need to start.

I also realize I get into negative though spirals and that it drives people away. I need to be more aware of it and do it less.

One person (I think colgate) keeps saying you need your weight * 18 calories. Is this number a minimum for maintaining your weight and do you need an extra 500 or so calories to actually put on muscle or is weight *18 enough?
Jamgoth said:
Weight: 128.5

I'm going to the gym regularly. I need to do the AA program on GLL because as Andy mentions on one of his posts, if you spend a year bulking up without actually talking to women, you're going to be in great shape but still bad at talking to women. The biggest issue holding me back is that I'm a loner and a hermit and that I'm boring because I don't do things for fun. That's hurting me more than my looks, which are average. I need to get used to being outside my dorm and actually doing things to talk about.

But I have other obligations right now so I feel like gym and eating more is all I have free time to do right now, but AA is definitely something I need to start.

I'm also realizing I'm getting into negative thought spirals and it's probably driving people away. I need to be more conscious of it and stop doing it.

One person (I think colgate) keeps saying you need your weight * 18 calories. Is this number a minimum for maintaining your weight and do you need an extra 500 or so calories to actually put on muscle or is weight *18 enough?
hush said:
@Jamgoth how are you doing? Still going to the gym?

As often as I can. I've been busy recently so I'm mostly focused with my fitness goals for now and putting off my other, non-career/non-academic goals to the side for the time being. I'm also trying to learn to put in contacts but holy fuck is it hard. I spent all Saturday trying to put it in my eyeball but no luck. I just ended up with a red eye.

I am working at this, but I don't feel like spamming the board with daily updates if all I have to comment on is my weight and how much I ate the previous day.
Jamgoth said:
One person (I think colgate) keeps saying you need your weight * 18 calories. Is this number a minimum for maintaining your weight and do you need an extra 500 or so calories to actually put on muscle or is weight *18 enough?
that's the metric i tend to use for bulking.

Jamgoth said:
I am working at this, but I don't feel like spamming the board with daily updates if all I have to comment on is my weight and how much I ate the previous day.
yeah that's fine, you can post weekly or monthly updates, daily updates for weight are too fine-grained anyway
colgate said:
yeah that's fine, you can post weekly or monthly updates, daily updates for weight are too fine-grained anyway

Yeah my plan was at the beginning of every month I post a shirtless bathroom selfie so you guys can judge if I'm actually improving my looks.

I am gaining weight. A few days ago the scale recorded 131.8. This is up from 124.9 at the beginning of the semester which was 3 or 4 weeks ago.

October selfie. Weight 130.8. I'm not seeing much of a difference but who knows. I'm still way too skinny.

How does the goatee/hair look?

Also, I really need to do something about the bags under my eyes.
Jamgoth said:

October selfie. Weight 130.8. I'm not seeing much of a difference but who knows. I'm still way too skinny.

How does the goatee/hair look?

Also, I really need to do something about the bags under my eyes.

Goatees are not trendy. Either shave or grow a beard.

hush said:
Still going to the gym??

As often as I can. I'm not seeing much progress in terms of volume at the gym but I am going regularly. I'm also putting more effort into trying to eat more.

I also realize a lot of my clothes either don't fit me or have stains I can't get rid of. I need to throw a lot if my wardrobe out and start new. I have a peacoat I like that I'm going to get custom fitted and I figure I'll wear that until I can go clothes shopping over Thanksgiving break. I'm also setting up an appointment to get prk, which is an alternative to lasik. Hopefully that can happen over winter break. I also bought stuff to Whitten my teeth faster than just brushing twice a day. Hopefully over winter break I can also go to tanning salon to get less pasty. So... I'm working on things it's just progress is slow.

My weight is up to 132.9
Are you applying progressive overload?

For your muscles to grow they need a bigger stimulus than last time.
So basically if you did 4 sets of 12 reps with 40kg for example, you need to at the very least do a set of 13 then 3 sets of 12 with 40kg, or 4x12x42kg... the number of reps or the weight has to move up (if the weight goes up but the number of reps goes down, this doesn't really work)

It's possible that you're not working out hard enough or not eating enough
hush said:
Are you applying progressive overload?

For your muscles to grow they need a bigger stimulus than last time.
So basically if you did 4 sets of 12 reps with 40kg for example, you need to at the very least do a set of 13 then 3 sets of 12 with 40kg, or 4x12x42kg... the number of reps or the weight has to move up (if the weight goes up but the number of reps goes down, this doesn't really work)

It's possible that you're not working out hard enough or not eating enough

Basically my strategy is to do 3 sets of 8 then a fourth set to finish and if I can do at least 10 on this set I can increase my weight for next time. Today I increase my weight for the tricep exercise I'm doing (I forget what it's called) from 60 to 65lbs but other than that I haven't increased the weight I have been using for a couple weeks.
No increase in sets & weights = no increase in muscle mass.
If you do 3x8, try either 4x8 or 3x10 next time or 3x8 with heavier weight