Judge my looks/pictures


Jul 13, 2020
Ive been taking a few pictures with my new camera. I haven't found an angle that i think i look good on yet.

Im insecure about the size of my nose. However im not sure if its just me. I need outside opinions on where im at.

The lack of open smiling is due to crooked teeth. Im currently saving for the appropriate dental work required.
Don't worry about the teeth for now. I find the a closed smile looks more natural then open in photos.

You come across a lot better in the outside pictures, your cloths and stance is much better. My only problem with them is the lighting on your face in most of them. Theirs always a shadow covering one half. Try to take these again, but get more balanced lighting.
I wouldn't worry about the nose, I don't think I would have noticed it if you hadn't of mentioned it. I dunno if it's just the screen on my phone but that red shirt looks bright as fuck for me and is kinda distracting.

Polo shirts are a kinda "nice guy" thing to wear too where I'm from.

Have you considered a buzz cut and more facial hair? Throw in some gains and a couple of tatts and you'd look badass. Just my thoughts.
I'm not a fashion expert but that red shirt... nah. Also, pics with vap/beer in the mouth don't look good. Pics 5 is the best here, needs some editing for light and remove the forehead pimple. Finally, you'd need to hit the gym and lose that belly fat!
Thanks for your comments.
Not sure if i just have a complex about my face. I figured it would be good to get outside opinions either way.
I'm currently growing a minoxodil beard. I can only grow a goatee naturally.

I'm also currently about a week into a cut to lose said belly fat before going for a lean bulk.

I'll look into tattoos. What do you mean by getting the psychological aspect of the aesthetic down?
What do you mean by getting the psychological aspect of the aesthetic down?

I could be wrong but I think he meant to make sure you get a tattoo because it's something you actually want and not just to hopefully attract girls with it. And to also make sure that the style/subject of the tattoo aligns with who you are and what interests/is meaningful to you