Kickstarting fat loss


Dec 9, 2021
Y’all, I have so much fat to lose. Probably 70 lbs. i really don’t want to be dieting forever. It’s possible for me to live at maintenance level once I’m done dieting, but I’m wondering if there are any tips for fastest fat loss.

I could probably manage a couple weeks to a month of 500 calories/day plus intermittent fasting and daily workouts. I’d love to lose 20 lbs my first month even if I can’t do that for 3 months because it’ll fuck my body up.

Tips appreciated. Thanks.
A protein sparing modified fast is the fastest way to lose weight and fat, but the risk of rebounding into a gorge of binge eating is huge. It's not recommended unless you NEED to lose a ton of weight in a short period of time.

Are you saying a 500 cal deficit? Or 500 cals a day? The latter is an extremely low daily intake and you WILL suffer negative health effects if you keep that up for any extended period of time.

Also, generally the more aggressively you diet, the higher the risk uncontrollable cravings will come in and overpower you. I took my 20kg weight loss slowly over 16 or so months. And in that process I ingrained good habits that will ensure this stays off. Is there any reason you're feeling a rush to get this done?
Kratos said:
A protein sparing modified fast is the fastest way to lose weight and fat, but the risk of rebounding into a gorge of binge eating is huge. It's not recommended unless you NEED to lose a ton of weight in a short period of time.

Are you saying a 500 cal deficit? Or 500 cals a day? The latter is an extremely low daily intake and you WILL suffer negative health effects if you keep that up for any extended period of time.

Also, generally the more aggressively you diet, the higher the risk uncontrollable cravings will come in and overpower you. I took my 20kg weight loss slowly over 16 or so months. And in that process I ingrained good habits that will ensure this stays off. Is there any reason you're feeling a rush to get this done?

Thank you for this! I’m honestly just impatient and feeling very inadequate overall, and I kinda hate the thought of taking 9 months to lose this weight if I can find a way to do it in 3-4. I’ve just been not hungry the past 2 days and ended up eating <500 calories both days, so my thought was “why not keep this up for the longest possible time without health problems?”

Binging is a risk for sure that I’ll need to watch out for. I’m not at any danger level, I just need to lose like 70 lbs, and the longer it takes, the more likely I’ll fall off the wagon due to some sort of life stressor.
So fat loss is both easy and hard at the same time.
You need to get rid of that "loose fat" quickly mentality, you got there with time and only with time, lifestyle adjustments and smart decisions you will get in great shape.
I'm not a medic but I'm pretty sure every professional would disagree with lowering your calories to 500 and add fasting + working out, I've been there with extreme cuts and you will be miserable.
Consider taking a year to build yourself up and make a crazy body recomp - this will allow you to loose fat in a more safe way and build some lean muscle in the meanwhile.
There is a ton of great information on youtube on how to approach this properly, from jeff nippad, coach greg, more plates more dates, stay away from fad diets because the best diet in the world is the one you can stick to a lifetime.
I leave you a photo of mine to let you understand that we all have been there, we all felt the "urge" to get back in shape fast
AskTheDom said:
So fat loss is both easy and hard at the same time.
You need to get rid of that "loose fat" quickly mentality, you got there with time and only with time, lifestyle adjustments and smart decisions you will get in great shape.
I'm not a medic but I'm pretty sure every professional would disagree with lowering your calories to 500 and add fasting + working out, I've been there with extreme cuts and you will be miserable.
Consider taking a year to build yourself up and make a crazy body recomp - this will allow you to loose fat in a more safe way and build some lean muscle in the meanwhile.
There is a ton of great information on youtube on how to approach this properly, from jeff nippad, coach greg, more plates more dates, stay away from fad diets because the best diet in the world is the one you can stick to a lifetime.
I leave you a photo of mine to let you understand that we all have been there, we all felt the "urge" to get back in shape fast

Thanks man, I really appreciate it. The thought of looking like this for a whole year is absolutely awful, but I guess that’s what I’ll need to do. Typically I do 1500 calories and can lose roughly 2 lbs/week, but was hoping to do a lot less for a month to get a head start. I’ll probably need to make up the difference at the gym if I want to go any faster, I suppose.
you can do a david goggins fat loss if you want, but if you have what it takes is a different question
As someone who lost 45lbs, you can see in my progress log my before + after pictures. I recommend Keto diet, IF on an empty stomach. I got most of my results from IF and working my blue collar job on an empty stomach for 6 hours + eating cleaner cutting out starchy carbs like bread,potatoes,oats. Not eating after 8pm as well.
Mimbe393939 said:
As someone who lost 45lbs, you can see in my progress log my before + after pictures. I recommend Keto diet, IF on an empty stomach. I got most of my results from IF and working my blue collar job on an empty stomach for 6 hours + eating cleaner cutting out starchy carbs like bread,potatoes,oats. Not eating after 8pm as well.

Dude i'm sorry to interject but you didn't get results because of this, you got results because you were in a caloric deficit and made a lifestyle adjustment that enabled that.
I've met people doing crazy 1000 kcal/day diet and have one cheat day (and yeah they were getting 5-6 calories that day eating like a pig, so basically they wasted 6 days of work)
Potatoes and oats are great foods, cutting out these type of carbs is a bad idea IMO
Jesseetc said:
AskTheDom said:
So fat loss is both easy and hard at the same time.
You need to get rid of that "loose fat" quickly mentality, you got there with time and only with time, lifestyle adjustments and smart decisions you will get in great shape.
I'm not a medic but I'm pretty sure every professional would disagree with lowering your calories to 500 and add fasting + working out, I've been there with extreme cuts and you will be miserable.
Consider taking a year to build yourself up and make a crazy body recomp - this will allow you to loose fat in a more safe way and build some lean muscle in the meanwhile.
There is a ton of great information on youtube on how to approach this properly, from jeff nippad, coach greg, more plates more dates, stay away from fad diets because the best diet in the world is the one you can stick to a lifetime.
I leave you a photo of mine to let you understand that we all have been there, we all felt the "urge" to get back in shape fast

Thanks man, I really appreciate it. The thought of looking like this for a whole year is absolutely awful, but I guess that’s what I’ll need to do. Typically I do 1500 calories and can lose roughly 2 lbs/week, but was hoping to do a lot less for a month to get a head start. I’ll probably need to make up the difference at the gym if I want to go any faster, I suppose.

I know man, I very well know what do you feel now, i've felt that many times before as the photo you have seen is my last cut, so i'm familiar with all the feelings coming your way.
I would take the time to focus on the diet until it becomes your lifestyle - see this as an investment you are making in your education and future - some people spend months learning trading and crypto, you can become the scholar of yourself.
Study how you react to foods, learn the macros and the habits to keep you on track, what triggers binging, what are the best moments of the day to stay near food and far from it, why and how you can prevent this happening again in the future.

I know i'm sounding like overcomplicating "bro it's fat loss, calories in calories out" but think of this as "i want to suffer for the next 6-7 months and slide back into it again in a possible future or learn a lesson that lasts a lifestime?"

If Warren Buffett came and said "you'll be my intern and paid zero, work long and hard hours for the next year" you wouldn't say "nah dude, i want the big bucks in 2-3 months" but you would understand the immense value of the lessons you can learn along the way that you will carry with you for ever :)

That's my view at least - sorry for beating a dead horse but i want to make sure that is your lifestyle decisions and habits that determines your weight
AskTheDom said:
Mimbe393939 said:
As someone who lost 45lbs, you can see in my progress log my before + after pictures. I recommend Keto diet, IF on an empty stomach. I got most of my results from IF and working my blue collar job on an empty stomach for 6 hours + eating cleaner cutting out starchy carbs like bread,potatoes,oats. Not eating after 8pm as well.

Dude i'm sorry to interject but you didn't get results because of this, you got results because you were in a caloric deficit and made a lifestyle adjustment that enabled that.
I've met people doing crazy 1000 kcal/day diet and have one cheat day (and yeah they were getting 5-6 calories that day eating like a pig, so basically they wasted 6 days of work)
Potatoes and oats are great foods, cutting out these type of carbs is a bad idea IMO

Not a fitness guru by far, just sharing my experiences.
I'm also starting a weight lost journey. If you're up for it, we can help each other keep accountability. My goal is to start by changing my daily habits like removing processed foods and focus on eating only fresh made food. For example, today I had pulled pork that I made with just seasonings and a little bit of sauces paired with a cup of vegetables. After my body gets adjusted to that I'll start to count calories and measure food. Maybe start with that?
That's a good idea. Regarding the process, I think ^TheDom clarified everything here. If you approach it as you have planned it out, you will succeed. It's all about consistency and ability to maintain hard work over time, sensibly. For any newbie starting out I would suggest a following, very adjustable and really 'all about the foundations', approach model:

Get into some sports and train hard. Most universal and recommended for most people's purposes would be gym, unless you are already quite competitive at some sport. Up your protein intake to at least 1.5g/kg of body mass (preferably just hit >1.8 regularly), limit your fat consumption (especially processed fat and overload of trans fat; figure out your most optimal fat intake by doing some individualized research), then preferably eat more low-IG carbs than monosaccharides on daily basis, but in the end it doesn't matter much until hitting the higher tier- imho. Lastly- count your calories; be in a deficit (progressive one- by calories and/or activity levels) to lose fat, then keep upping your calories as you grow over time in order to gain muscle (gotta gain weight to gain muscle (*except for <6 months gym experience newbies and <12 months for those slacking off)).

Oh, the most important part. Just eat fucking healthy. Everyone has their process, but we all know what we should eat, what's good for us, and what diet model is necessary for our purposes, don't we? It's not that food is shit nowadays- this too to an extent, but not really a significant issue unless you just overeat on junk and clear all the cheapest premade food shelfs regularly. People have wrong eating habits, choosing the wrong products constantly, eating 80-100 grams of protein per 3000 kcal in total and that's from all the non-meat/non-dairy processed food pretty much is probably what your average Dick fucking consumes. If these macros were at least in a rich-in-veggies, self-made meals, that's not, well, not open to a debate anyway, but at least not sanctioned. Change your eating habits, cook your own meals or choose higher quality, not supermarket premade, but some decent takeaways or restaurant/order-out meals. Actually, best of all - CATERING. I don't use personally, but would use if I could (have to avoid certain ingredients).

That's it. You just have to be diligent ;-)