King Kill Your Log


Jun 14, 2021
Hello, my name is Jeremy, and I am committed to self improvement and taking myself seriously.

I've been on my self improvement journey for the past few years and have gained a lot of experience. But I'm no where near where I need to be. So this is a log for my progress, my goals, and my reflections to learn from.

My primary goals for this year are.
  • Lose 5% body fat.
  • Average a threesome a month.
  • Move into my own space.
  • Post a video of me playing cello on my instagram every day for the 365 challenge.

I started on Red Pill 5 years ago, took a break for a few years, and then last year followed a red-pill post to KYIL where I was happy to learn that having sex didn't require me to crush my soul into tiny pieces. I also don't have to be this disinterested alpha fuck boy who plays with people. Which is fantastic because holding to that idea literally has lost me FWB situations.

My current situation as of 6/18/2021
  • 3 FWBs with 2 more options.
  • 4/6 on my threesomes (I've had 3 more planned that didn't pan out.)
  • 3 dates lined up for the next two weeks off of hinge.
  • Moving out of a comfortable living arrangement into an uncomfortable living arrangement.
  • 16 days into the 365 challenge. One backup video recorded, 16 days of success.

I assume that not having much space to myself will give me the pressure I need to take action because I've honestly been lazy about house hunting.
I'm started going to the gym again today which I haven't been to in a year. #Progress.

I'm making this post because last night I tripped on my own dick hard. I invited a girl over from Hinge. Hadn't met her yet. She comes to my house. Sit's on my bed. Drinking alcohol. And I did nothing. We talked. I kissed her briefly. We talked some more. And then she left. She said she liked me, but she didn't think that I was attracted to her. LIke this girl was cute as fuck studying for a PHD in practical physics and works for NASA, and I choked. I know this isn't the only time this has happened. But fuck I need to get on it because this shit is embarassing. This isn't the only time it's happened. This is just the most recent time it's happened.

If you read this, thanks for reading. I don't know what I need. But I think I'm documenting this so I can look back and go fuck I don't want to do that again let's be better this time.
KingJeremy said:
I started on Red Pill 5 years ago, took a break for a few years, and then last year followed a red-pill post to KYIL where I was happy to learn that having sex didn't require me to crush my soul into tiny pieces. I also don't have to be this disinterested alpha fuck boy who plays with people.

Exactly how I found Andy's guides too. Playing the red pill archetype is a vapid existence, even when it's a lot of fun. Welcome man.

I woke up feeling low today. Failures were still trying to weigh me down. I pushed on.

  • I recorded 2 cello videos and posted both of them.
  • I went to the gym for the first time since I moved back in November.
  • I ended today feeling better than I started.

We're calling those today's wins. Tune in next time to hear if the model I've been on two dates with responds to my offer to be tied up.
KingJeremy said:
I recorded 2 cello videos and posted both of them.

That's awesome. You play cello?

I was a timpanist for 7 or 8 years.

KingJeremy said:
I ended today feeling better than I started.

That's like the best thing you can do. Do that 30 days in a row and you'll feel unstoppable.
6/24/21 update.
I've been consistent with my cello a day videos, and hitting the gym. The model decided to take a pass on me. 🤷

I'm 75% sure girls are thinking I'm not into them because I've got growth opportunity in communicating interest and comfort with sexualizing women, but I could gain a few lbs of muscle too.

  • Went to the gym 3 times this past week.
  • Asked a cute girl for her number and got it.
  • Shot my shot at another cute girl and got politely turned down.
  • And I'm 22/22 for my daily cello videos

I went on another date with a girl. Originally the plan was to come to my place play some pool, have some drinks, and see how the night progressed, but she asked to switch venues last minute to a place a little closer to her. I obliged. The entire time she's seeming cold and distant. There's some back and forth conversation but it's getting more and more awkward. I decided to bounce and start walking back towards our vehicles and as I'm saying good bye and walking away I hear her car start. "Pussy" I think to myself. No fuck it. We are men of action, lies do not become us. We've kissed a couple times on the first date, and I kissed her again on this date but I'm not going to assume rejection. I've done that. It's bullshit. So I walked over and tapped on the trunk of her car and *gasp* had an honest conversation.

"Hey, I think you're cute. And you're pretty fun. I'm getting the vibe you're not that into me. Is that an accurate statement?"
"Honestly, you're really cute too, but I feel like you're looking for a relationship."
Nani the fuck?
"Nah, I'm seeing other girls. I'm very opposed to relationships right now as they're not conducive to my lifestyle."
"I'm also seeing other guys. I don't kiss guys I fuck."
"Okay then, so we're on the same page..." and the conversation went on.
So yeah, we've got tentative plans to netflix and chill next week.

Refer back to my previous log of 'I need to get better at conveying I want to fuck', preferably without being crass.

In other news
  • I'm 29/29 on my Cello Vids.
  • I placed an offer on a house.
  • Gym is going strong.