LaCroix's log (Physique/dating)


Aug 19, 2020
Right now my main goal is to finally get visible abs. I'm going to post a picture of myself here on a weekly basis until I have them.

Four years ago I had abs that were visible but only after a pump.

Album: First and second photo is me today on August 30. Final photo is the past year of my weight (I'm 5'10"). Starts right when my ex and I parted ways and is up until today. You can also see a 2 month visit to the folks up until last month.

All my weight loss was just through IF without any calorie counting, but recently I've hit a plateau, so I'm going to start eating 1600 calories per day. I'm trying to hit 140 pounds now (153lbs atm).

One more thing: I'm going to start doing 100 crunches / situps per week. Obviously I should do more exercises but I'm going to hold this as a minimum so I don't thin down and have no ab definition (that is the main goal after all). I will post whether I succeed or fail at this goal.

My goal is to have a body that's "noticeably above average" by January 1.
lacroix said:
Starts right when my ex and I parted ways and is up until today.

Hahaha, probably the best type of motivation. Do you have any plans on building muscles as well? Anyway, good look, man!
Luke95 said:
lacroix said:
Starts right when my ex and I parted ways and is up until today.

Hahaha, probably the best type of motivation. Do you have any plans on building muscles as well? Anyway, good look, man!
I'm probably going to do upper body exercises. I have a gym in my apartment but it only has a bench and some free weights.

Lostcause said:
What do you mean you will lose definition by exercising?

I think I phrased it wrong, I mean if I don't exercise I might have no definition.


I realized that 140lbs (my goal weight) is almost exactly the BMI that Andy says he gets tons of spontaneous compliments ( BMI of around 20.7. So that reconfirms that that is going to be my main goal (having a weigh-in at 139.9 lbs). Let's see how many spontaneous compliments I start getting..
Let me start with the positives: congrats on losing the 40lbs.

With that out of the way, I gotta be honest, you're 5'10 and aiming for 140lbs?? You're 5'10 and you're eating 1600 calories per day?? None of this is adding up at all my guy, You need to get in the gym and lift your ass off. The only way you can have a weight that little at your height is if you have almost-LITEARLLY have no muscle mass.

"I'm going to start doing 100 crunches / situps per week." Dude you're wasting your time. You need to get on a real program and you need to be lifting heavy. If you don't have access to a gym then you need to buy some sets of dumbbells and do at home workouts.

All of this is assuming that you are actually serious about self improvement and becoming the best version of yourself. I'm just trying to offer advice that I believe will actually help you obtain real results, as I'm sure the others on this forum are willing to do for you as well
Well, situps are okish exercise, but the Readytokillthebeta01 is right, get your exercise straight. If you want to get muscular body you need different exercises, crunches and situps will only train your core muscles. Not to mention, 100 per week is NOTHING. I do this many on training days, and I am not even strong. If you need fast results (and you do) the gym/weights are your best shot.

My goal is to have a body that's "noticeably above average" by January 1.
TBH, it sounds kind hard. You look as if you had no single muscle in your body right now, and you are going to get your weight down. I would set some more possible time goal, because this one needs you to be really geneticaly gifted, or having really low definition of above average.

Thanks for bringing this up, these are very valid points.

As far as losing fat goes, I don't think 140lbs is ridiculously low. As I mentioned that gives a BMI of 20.7 for me, whereas 18 is the healthy minimum. Also you can see that I am pinching a lot of fat off my hip in the second shot above.

However, as far as gaining muscle, I agree 100%. I wish I had a lot more muscle. Thing is, I a super disillusioned about the gym. I lifted for years in college (on the advice of GLL), and then another 6 months up until March when the gym closed. I just never really made much progress and remained a pipsqueak (and yes, this was with getting enough protein, and eating maintenance calories + 200). I'm super disillusioned with the gym at this point. The only way I would see myself going back is if I combined it with (1) some sort of strength coach (maybe my form isn't right or I'm not pushing myself enough) or (2) a real steroid cycle. I actually suspect I have super low T, I might go in and get some bloodwork later on to see. I'm super envious of all the guys that can get lean and actually still seem muscular. My lack of progress is absolutely not for a lack of consistency.

I have some follow up questions and comments but first let me ask, where do you live? Are you based in the US or outside of?
Readytokillthebeta01 said:

I have some follow up questions and comments but first let me ask, where do you live? Are you based in the US or outside of?

I'm in the US

I'm going to type out a detailed reply and post here later tonight or tomorrow, but do me a favor and PM me what state yoy live in (if youre not comfortable posting it here) so I can get you the proper resource in my reply
Readytokillthebeta01 said:

I'm going to type out a detailed reply and post here later tonight or tomorrow, but do me a favor and PM me what state yoy live in (if youre not comfortable posting it here) so I can get you the proper resource in my reply

Already posted in the regional forum, so I guess it's no secret. I'm in Washington state.
I'll lay this out since I'm gyming and have some time between sets.
1. You're wasting your time mentioning BMI. Just let that go!. I know as a kid we were all taught to look at BMI like it was some godly chart but it's 99 percent useless. LET IT GO!

Let me reemphzaize this. You're 5"10! People would literally throw you off the Space Needle to have your height and you're telling me you want to cut down to 140lbs! I'm barely 5"8 and I'm way over that weight. At a MINIMUM you should be 170-180lbs. At a minimum!

2. OK, so let's dive into your reasoning. You claim you think you have low testosterone. Ok? Dude the test cost 50-60 bucks at Quest Diagnostic. I just had mine tested recently (im in the low 800's, go me!) I don't understand this excuse people make that they THINK they have low testosterone. Like dude we have the technology and it's cheap to find it. It's so easy i literally roll my eyes when people say they THINK they have low T. Just get the damn blood test if you're going to claim low testosterone as an excuse for why you can't gain muscle!

So that's your hw. Go get your testosterone blood test at Quest Diagnositcs or somewhere suitable for you and report the lab work here. Either do that, or come back and state that you don't think low testosterone is your problem after all. It's one or the other, there is no in-between here!

Once you do one of those two things, we'll help you take the next steps.

(PS. IF you do come back with ACTUAL low T blood test results, your doctor is who you need to consult to get that taken care of)
I suspected low T in myself due to lack of progress and facial hair. When I finally tested it it turned out to be much too high lol. So well, the reasons may be diffrent. Test it, then get a training coach if you can, its never a bad decision, unless the coachs suck.

And yea, dont obsess about bmi. You are not fat. More like too-skinny.
Yea thats what I'm saying my guy. Idk when this trend really started but for the last several years that seems to be the #1 go to excuse for guys...
Yea thats what I'm saying my guy. Idk when this trend really started but for the last several years that seems to be the #1 go to excuse for guys...

But that's cool that you got yours tested so you could say once and for all that it wasn't your problem. I wish more guys who bitch about it would just get the blood work done instead of just ASSUMING
Well, let's not call this an excuse, since the op has stated he's been training for years. At that point it's only reasonable to search for a thing causing you to make no gains. I can relate to that, because well, my gains are not stunning, so I know the feeling.

My guess is that op is missing something important in his training tho. Maybe the diet not being as good as he thinks, maybe his lifting is not as intensive as it should, that's why the good trainer is the best shot here after he's got his test levels tested.
Readytokillthebeta01 said:
Yea thats what I'm saying my guy. Idk when this trend really started but for the last several years that seems to be the #1 go to excuse for guys...

But that's cool that you got yours tested so you could say once and for all that it wasn't your problem. I wish more guys who bitch about it would just get the blood work done instead of just ASSUMING

I think you've decided that Lacroix is making excuses and then looking at the evidence, rather than the other way around. He mentioned his form to be incorrect and his training wrong. I'm recommending him a strength coach that I worked with who's fucking excellent.

I know him personally and I've worked out with him, so I can tell you what he's doing wrong. No consistent workout routine, lack of progressive overload (big one) and poor form. But he definitely does go to the gym consistently, a lot more than me. So lay off the talk about excuses, you don't know what you're talking about. He's a pretty disciplined guy, and crushing the other parts of his life.

I also think checking testosterone is a complete waste of time. When you cut 30 lbs in a short amount of time you're testosterone is going to be shit. Whether or not he has a low T or not, the solution will be the same, hit the gym consistently and listen to a coach.
I think the point I was trying to make with getting the T test is being misconstrued, (I could also be missing your point as well as I respect that it goes both ways) And don't take anything said by me as hostile, again this is all about self improvement). But it's all good I'm just gonna bow out of this one.
lacroix Feel free to PM me if you ever want to discuss anything on fitness
As far as the T thing goes, I guess we'll have our answer once I get the results back.

Anyway, not a lot of progress this past month or so. My gym reopened back up so I could start going again, but it is a sizable bus ride away now that I've moved, so it's harder to kick my ass into gear.

I'm going to switch to measuring my waistline, since I think that's a more reliable measure of actually body fat.

Waistline is currently at 33.5" - 34" or so
EDIT: I was measuring it wrong. I was measuring around the hips, you're actually supposed to measure a bit above the bellybutton and below the ribcage (the thinnest point). I'm actually at 31.5" right now, so closer than I thought.
EDIT: Actually there's conflicting information out there about how to get a waistline measurement. I also get +- .4" or so each measurement. But I guess we can still monitor the general trend. If I actually keep my calorie count low it should go in the right direction.

Under 30" seems to be pretty fit. My goal is <29.5". Hopefully by then I won't be able to pinch off that big chunk of fat you can still see in photo #2.

The week of 9/5 - 9/11, I ate an average of 1957 calories per day. The week of 9/12-9/18 I ate an average of 1999 calories per day. The week of 9/19-9/24 I ate an average of 1782 calories per day. These are all with a "goal" of 1600. I need to actually hit my numbers....


Since this is my general log I feel I should mention the other big thing in my life, which is learning Korean. I'm challenging myself to work up to watching 20 hours a week of (unsubbed) content in Korean each week (dramas, videos, movies). Currently understand between 10% and 40%, depending on how difficult the content is. Also trying to make 50 or so flashcards a week for vocab. My reading comprehension is decent which is why I'm focused on listening.

My goal is to hit 250 hours of listening practice by the end of the calendar year. I chose this number because I estimated that, over the past 5-6 years of learning Korean, I've only actually done 250 hours of direct listening to the language (I learned super hard into the written language, big mistake), so this should allow me to double it.

Last week I hit 16 hours of listening, and I'm up to 14 or so already this week, which is pretty good I think. Below you can see my chart (I time myself, so these are not estimates).
Tinder experiment

I boosted in Tinder today (Friday) at around 10:30pm. I got like 4-5 matches, all of whom I would consider attractive. One unmatched me when I said I wasn't looking for anything exclusive, and another unmatched me right after I messaged "hey cutie." Got one number that doesn't seem like it will go anywhere.

Here's my main photo:

Honestly it's super "boyfriendy." I need to get edgier photos.

Anyway, I updated my profile to say "looking for something ongoing, but not exclusive" on the bottom. Then I boosted again around 11:20pm. I got 10 matches but it was a complete smorgasbord of big girls, far away ones, and super LGBT (I had to look up "demisexual") ones. Maybe 3-4 attractive ones? But none of them messaged me back now. I figure it's because they swiped, and only read my profile when I messaged the. I guess the moral of the story is "show, don't tell"??

(Side note: One of the girls' profiles said "Swipe left if you don't think all cops are bastards." I messaged her, "I think some cops are bastards, but I'd imagine some are pretty nice people. Am I disqualified?" Immediately unmatched. Goddamn there are some fucking nutjobs in this city)