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Lex' progress log


Nov 18, 2020
The following progress has been made the last 5 days.
(points 1-5 refer to the goals set up in the beginning)
1. Managed to contact an acquaintance who managed to build a online lingerie shop in Brazil which generates about a thousand dollar per month. I am supposed to check his billings as proof.
2. After different therapies ( sports, bibliotherapy (cognitive-behavioral), meditation, I am currently trying out a method again I used years after consultation with my psychologist. It seems to help out as the flash back s tend to cease. ( I would not advise it to anyone though and no psychologist would). I am only applying it in moments of serious flashback s and migraine type symptoms.
3. Had an online session at toastmasters.
4. (no advance)
5. No advance.
lexluther_999 said:
The following progress has been made the last 5 days.
(points 1-5 refer to the goals set up in the beginning)
1. Managed to contact an acquaintance who managed to build a online lingerie shop in Brazil which generates about a thousand dollar per month. I am supposed to check his billings as proof.
2. After different therapies ( sports, bibliotherapy (cognitive-behavioral), meditation, I am currently trying out a method again I used years after consultation with my psychologist. It seems to help out as the flash back s tend to cease. ( I would not advise it to anyone though and no psychologist would). I am only applying it in moments of serious flashback s and migraine type symptoms.
3. Had an online session at toastmasters.
4. (no advance)
5. No advance.

Glad to see you got some good stuff done. Out of curiosity what exactly is the method that you wouldn't advise?
Thanks for the reading bro.
Well, EMDR is in general not indicated to be done alone by psychologists in order to prevent the merging of traumatic thoughts.
I use it however when the thoughts become extreme for 4-5 minutes focusing on a moving ball and the thought at the same time.
Just type on youtube, EMDR and ball .
The traumatic picture is supposed to become discerned from the emotion over the course of a few days.
Just did a quick google search - didn't look to deep but definitely seems out there, but if it works do you gotta do
1. Decided to build an info product and book with the goal of supporting the main business prosuct ro be developed over the coming 6 months.

2.Doing every day in the morning gratitude practices and meditation as they are supported by currwnt neuroscientific research.
Also , been doing ashtanga yoga for 2 years now which i am slowly integrating in a daily morning routine.

3. Read the learning material from toastmasters. To deploy soon.

4.No advance.
Increased number of online dating apps which brought me way more matches.
Yet I striggled this week on hitting up any of these girls. Might have to let my profile being reviewed by the group.

Managed a bunch of other goals i have not discussed on Killyourinner loser to prevent overblowing an dkeeping track of them.
1. Was also looking at other options for making income without necessarily having to fully dedicated my time. Its no passive per se but is supposed to require less time once it is learnt. Its about working as a facilitator, thus connecting diverse startups and gaining money as a middle men ( percentages). What I learn is the different types of contracts involved , enabling the process as well as a necessitiy of being well connected. Thus , knowing the people with repsective expertise in a given field where a transaction/contract is supposed to happen.
2. consistently practiced
3. Done
4. I was not making any progress here this week.I was supposed to go to a freaking new years party ina rich guys loft with supposedly high class girls and drugs ( given the video of the location send by my friend ( but missed my flight and wasnt able to conduct a covid test again. Well done.
5. Was on two dates this week. I didn't quite enjoy them as the chicks weren't good-looking. I'm restarting using dating apps so ... You can't be picky I guess. I took a picture of my moms cat in order to improve my profile. Also, I used two different profiles as I have two phones with two different numbers for tinder. Am looking into specializing a bit here. I recently Beautifulpeople as a dating site . So far not very many active women on the site. Some of them are active once or twice a month.

Goal for the next week: 1: Conducting market research for respective info blog. Starting to send messages to diverse companies for a products from a friends company. I definitely need to automate that process.
2. Reducing unhealthy food to facilitate my morning routine. FInding a therapist to discuss increasing my sex drive. Starting tantric sex practices , such as tantric breathing and exercices.
3. Preparing a speech for my next toastmaster session.
4. I need to discuss the topic more in depth with my friend as I seem to lack the ability to make these kind of connections as easily as he does.
5. Find someone to outsource my tinder chats for an hour per day. For instance 'Vida select' or Andy himself offering it as a package. I found some options on fiver that look promising and asked a friend of mine.
lexluther_999 said:
I recently Beautifulpeople as a dating site . So far not very many active women on the site. Some of them are active once or twice a month.
I see little point in using non mainstream dating sites, unless they have some really good advantages. Otherwise you play online dating, but without its biggest advantage - plenty of available girls.
I definitely agree with what you said and I would usually say no to the idea of experimenting with other dating sites but I did think of in terms of probability theory. The more sites I joined the higher the chances. My assumption has been partly confirmed by using OkCupid in Paris recently. I had about 14 matches totally and only 2 on Tinder in 6 days (Again it is Paris). Also I am somehow assuming that less well known dating sites might be less prone to the typical selection procedure seen on big portals. Again, this is merely a basic assumption.
No, no, its ok trying other dating sites. I do, everyone should do it. But the assumption is that you want to get the most results with less effort, so niche apps wont be worth your time.
Unless you have free time, then it doesnt matter. It may be still more worth to spend this time improving your looks, to increase your succes rate on mainstream dating apps.
1.Market research was a failure.
Many themes require more expertise than I currently have.
3.In progress.
4.I a managed to learn the necessary aspects of connecting businesses such a ls developing a good network etc but not yet able to apply it.
Went on 2 dates this week and one hook up. 5 and 6 out of ten on the looks scale.
The 5 was the hook up.

Overall, the week was not much progressive.
I didn't meet the necessary deadlines and my goals seemed way too theoretic instead of focusing on the bigger picture and producing progress in areas (100%,self dependent)
I certainly require a review of my current goals and realignment of plan.

Also I am trying to change my user name because typing error I produced.
Seems like I can't do it.
Managed to dumb down my goals.
1. I dont wanna go into details here about the product I plan to release. I am organizing the necessary help in order to start my business. In the mean time am searching for a remote job as a data analyst (part time) which would be enough to finance my stay .
2.For psychotherapy : am considering Ayahuasca and trying to find the necessary ingredients + experienced shaman to conduct in Belgrade.
3. Having a new session next week . I am gonna abondon the goal for now as It pretty much became a routine. Focusing on the point of joining the group in the first place. Need to find opportunities to test my skills.
4. Task 4 needs way more investing and can only be conducted as a hobby in the long run. I already received all the necessary information to get my work done. I even starting sending emails since last week for viable products. So far not much is happening.
5. My conversion ration definitely surpassed 3/20 since I am using KIllYOURINNERLOSER's template. I am not considering it statistcal variation at this point. I need however to work on my conversational skills and pictures to get more matches.
1. Found a remote job in the UK. Also considering using upwork for better opportunities in Data Engineering and Data science in general.
2. Found a Shaman who is willing to help me on my road to selfactualization. Though he doesnt consider himself wise enough to do a Ayahuasca ceremony. Still studying the drug.
AM already doing a "therapy" with him using other ingredients.
Plan traveling to Brazil or Peru in a few months for a one month therapy.
3. My skills gained from toastmasters helped me recently in an interview. I never believed it would have such an impact.
4. Not that much success as of now with the products I am trying to sell.
I am considering cryptocurrency mining. Yes I know it might be a very bad idea in the long run. I used to invest in crypto before it became popular.
5. My cat pick pretty much did it. It was way more helpfull than any of the well paid photographs I used before. Am currently working on improving dating skils.

Next goal:
Getting more focused towards creating a business. I used to focus way more on other stuff.
Am planing the details of the book to be written. Also considering interactive website for diverse lifestyle hacks. But not specifically related to dating.
Next weeks goal is to sell something on the internet. Starting from one product that and then slowly building up my marketing skills.
1. Doing minor tasks on upwork.
2. Doing rape session. Helped me in becoming more aware of myself and the energy I waist. Am planning to do a san pedro session. Am fucking scarred.
3. Not much of a change. Am reading books on frame control.
4. Will be writing a book with a friend of mine and avid reader resp. writer.
5. Not much of improvement this time.
lexluther_999 said:
Doing rape session. Helped me in becoming more aware of myself and the energy I waist. Am planning to do a san pedro session. Am fucking scarred

A... "Rape session"?? Explain please??
Sorry for the late reply.
Its basically some Form of Amazonian snuff in the Form of tobacco.
You call it Amazonian snuff as the substance is psychoactive. People notices that my weirdness increased during that period
My last shrooms experience really helped me become more open and people noticed it.
However I fell into a depression for some period of 2 weeks.
Am slowly recovering.

I think I should properly reduce my task to basically two goals.
Dating and business.

Will be posting onwards only changes with regards to these two goals.

Currently working on a minor data analytics project for exploration of first time customers.
The book idea was too ambitious.
Even though it helped me tremendously developing my skills.

This week I didn't do much to get laid.
I was experiencing a stark decline in libido last month.
My Tinder experience worsened again.
I seem to barely get more than one match every 2 days. Even though the pics are the same as before.
What might be a cause is having paid for 2 tinder gold Abos and thus experiencing these issues as I used the same credit card causing three three algo to assume that it's the same profile in use.
I would be glad for some other possible suggestions.
The project is not very refreshing and I don't feel like moving in the right direction.
One of the biggest problems is that I tend to feel discouraged as often the goals either don't feel like worth attaining or because I ended up in apathy.
Anyway, something is telling me that I am moving in the wrong direction.
Recently watched a YouTube video of Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman as he is researching depression and motivation as well as the benefits of psychedelics on psychological changes.
Seems that the feeling of going in the right direction is of big importance when wanting to pursue a goal.
Unless you feel like that is the case, the goal is pointless and you won't stick to it.
So some Form of motivation in terms of visible feedback is necessary.
Anyway, I am rethinking my entire approach to all of this and why I tend often to feel like being stuck even though everything is in my hands.
Been stuck this month experimenting with psychedelics.
Resulted in changes notieceable by other people as positive even though I did not notice them.
Took a bunch of new photograps. Managed to increase my libido by working through the issue with a psychologist and accepting my low tendencies. I would do handwork before entering the vagina which I didnt use to do before as it seemed degrading.
Talking through my issues with the girls helped a lot. ALthough I would not necessarily advice to do it on ONS.
STudying for my gcp exam for data engineering.