Logistic issues and goals


Aug 30, 2021
Avoid mental breakdowns
It's not over until I win
I would really appreciate some help/advice/pointers on a issue i will be facing in my online dating.
My dream in life is to have a homestead in bumfuck nowhere but still relativly close to my family and cities. I currently live on that homestead on the perfect spot, and i intend to buy it once i have the capital. (Family member owns it now).

Issue is, im in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. It's 30 kilometers to the nearest two small towns (and I mean small, 1400 people divided into to small towns)
However, within a 3 and 4 hour radius, A BUNCH of small towns and cities can be found, even the capital with 1 million inhabitants.

How do i work around this the best possible way? I am serious about getting my sex life in order, and I would not mind driving 1,2,3,4 hours to spend the night with a girl, but nothings a guarentee. Driving 2 hours for a cup of coffee and nothing more, would be sad. Any suggestions to how I can move forward?

Thank you.
Try to find a woman to visit on the weekends. So that drive isn't so bad. Then eventually she can move in with you. One of my friend's would drive out far like that.
Move to a major city and then return once you’ve handled that part of your life. Where you live is one of the most important decisions you make. If your top goal is to dating/sex life, you have to live in a city with a large population and live in a central area. Make it happen.
Getting women is a number's game. In Bumfuck nowhere, the supply of women is limited. That's the reason y'all marry between cousins or have sex with sheeps. I'd suggest move to a city for a couple of years, fuck as much as you can, then find a woman willing to follow you anywhere you go, (maybe a hipster chick that wants to reconnect with Mother Nature or something) and get back to your dream home with her.
1. Post your pics you use for advice.
2. Move somewhere with more people and build your capital elsewhere. You can move back when you have that money.

I had a hard time in a town of 100,000 people to get hot girls and I'm relatively good looking. My results were 10x better in a city with 5x as many people. You have 1% of the population that I had. Unless you are literally the highest quality dude, you're going to have an incredibly difficult time getting laid.
I know where you're coming from with the homestead idea. But it's simply a fact that your sex life will suffer/be non-existent if you move away from the big city.

I'm struggling with this myself as I try to envision my ideal life. The best I have come up with is to have a comfy homestead in the country while also having a central apartment in the big city, and spending time in both homes.

Alternatively you can become filthy rich and/or part of the 0.000001% attractiveness elite and convince two or more women to move in with you. That's so difficult it might as well be impossible though.

You have to make a decision between having an elite sex life and living away from civilization. That's just how it is.
It's not like its impossible to live here and date a few girls 2 hours away, get a girlfriend or whatever but i guess if i want a rich dating life with abundance I have to live in the city. Also gonna be a pain to find the right girl to wife up while i live here i guess. Next spring i'll be done with my cabin and wont have much to do here since I dont own it yet, so maybe i'll just move to the capital to aquire the capital + get the dating life I want and eventually wife someone up and bring them here.
looking juicy bro. lift numbers? height? HyperR
thanks bro
1.73 cm 61kg
would say 10% bf

70kg x3 bench
100kg x1 squat
120kg x2 dead
exactly same height as ne and right behind ya on the bench, lets fucking go and get strong as fuck