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Looking for honest feedback on my style

May 2, 2021
I'm trying to improve my style. It's not as horrific as it used to be once, but I think there is a lot of upward potential. Asking my friends (especially female) has proved useless, so I'm asking you guys.

- Looking for all kind of clothing advice.

- Feedback on hairstyle is also greatly appreciated.

- What kinds of accessories would you recommend?

Here are some outfits I've been rocking (sorry for the shit pic quality)

Be ruthless.

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Most of your outfit are ruined by your shoes, they are shitty. With your style i would definitely go with some chelsea boots

Your 2nd and 4th pics are just awful, the scarf in the coat just make your body deformed, it make you look like you have a big left tits. Also, the coat doesn't look good being closed.
For the 4th, none of your cloth fit you, the shirt is too small and the pants are to wide

Overall advices
Stop closing your jacket when you take a picture , go for more fitting and dark colored jeans, add some accessories (rings + necklace, maybe a watch), get better and clean shoes.
Because your are more "classy oriented" get something like an undercut to add more edge
Your style is actually not to bad. Not "finished" but good considering most guys. Something that is missing is accessories thoughml.
Roll up your sleeves with those long-sleeve shirts and see how much of an impact that makes.

Burn that mustard colored scarf and any other scarves you own.

Wear contacts if you have them, and get an edgier haircut.

@Gabi is on point with the better fitting and darker colored jeans. You also look like you wash your jeans too often; taking care of darker jeans will require a different type of care than you may be used to as washing them too often will make them fade quicker.
Here's a good start. I feel like this guide should be pinned as a topic so every one knows about it.

As well as Andy's guide for tinder

Accessories could be some rings, a watch, necklace, or bracelet of some sort if u don't like watches. Careful not to over accessorize tho and look tacky. Keep the rings to like 2 or 3.

Get yourself a pair of skinny or nice fitting black jeans as well if you don't already have some.
Lastly, be sure to post progress photos!

eBay and Poshmark are excellent sources of used clothing at a fraction of retail; I get most of my clothing from those two sources and have not been disappointed (and even when I am, the return process is very easy, especially Poshmark).
Update 1:

Thanks for the feedback Gabi, play_time_is_over , Vice , Toast. I'll try to put all those into action.

First thing I did was to order some cheap necklaces for a total of 20 bucks. They arrived today. I'm gonna experiment with those and force myself to wear them until it feels natural.
Get some better fitted jeans in darker colors (black and darker grey). Get some white stan smiths and rock those for shoes. With clothes my best advice is only rock these colors for t-shirts: black, grey, navy, tan, and white (but white can be weird if not done right). For jeans black and grey are the most reliable, there's really no point in wearing anything else unless you know what you are doing (and IMO I don't think its worth it to ever wear those colors at risk of being tacky). Hair could be a little shorter on the sides. If possible never ever wear your glasses in public. I personally don't fuck with your jackets. If you want to rock a leather jacket make it a black one. Your down coat is too abercrombie and fitch looking. Black or navy or dark green bomber jackets are fire. I don't know if people will agree with me much here but your necklace should be silver colored, it should have a thinner chain, and the pendant should be simple and have a meaning behind it. I like that tooth pendant you got but the chain it too big. All the other chains don't cut it for me. Like the skeleton wearing sunglasses looks too childish. The red pepper (or tongue of fire??) is just a bit cheesy for me (and it should be silver). The wing is too basic. The spanish skull is dope if it has any significance to your life.

And always remember, you want to dress edgy. You want to look like the type of guy that fucks hot girls. In Chris's day from GLL the word for that was douchebag. Now the word is fuckboy. You want to look like a fuckboy without leaning too much into it and being a weirdo. One time a girl I worked with said to me, "you look like a fuckboy but its okay because you look so cool, so I'd be okay with it." Look like a fuckboy that a girl would be okay with if you broke her heart LOL. Look like the type of guy that is going to break a girls heart but she goes through with it anyone because you look so dope and hot. That's my ten cents. Take it in stride because I'm not amazing at getting tons of girls yet and I still have work to do, but I do feel like I know a thing or two about fashion.
Everything GettinItAll said there is on point

Pendants wise im not too keen on any of that lot

My current go to is a silver St Christopher pendant. I had a cheap metal one for a while but my mum, bless her, bought my a proper silver one for last xmas

Silver compass pendants have also been big recently

Here are some cheap asos versions to give you an idea:


A few notes:
- Donate all of your earth tone clothing to whatever charity store you can. Never look back.
- European style tends to be very different and avant garde relative to north america, so I'd check out Parisian or Milanese influencers around your age and budget accordingly
- Budget may be a constraint, so check out the most posh/affluent neighbourhoods you can find and see if there are consignment or used clothing stores
- Agreed w/ the notes above about tighter clothing, especially as you get more shredded and/or jacked
- Never zip up your leather jacket
- You're dressing conservative, similar to a lot of the dads in my age group - you can pull off colour, fit and be a little louder (what the guys said about gino/fuckboy/dbag)
- I picked up the nicest pair of casual dress shoes I've owned in Munich. Germany has some brilliant non-chain shoe stores; keep the hiking shoes for strolls and hikes and get a nice pair of casual suede or leather for when you're dating/meeting new women

- You're going to feel weird about wearing some of your news clothes. That's ok. Neil Strauss wrote that you should be getting compliments on what you're wearing. If you don't, that's a sign.

I'm not nearly as familiar with German chains other than Lodenfrey. Internationally, Zara, Massimo Duti would be a start. The Harry Rosen catalogue is out of my budget, but will give you some ideas of what young relatively affluent men are wearing and they skew European. It's a Canadian chain.

Burn that mustard colored scarf and any other scarves you own.
Thanks for all the new advice. Bought some fitting shirts and black jeans. I went looking for a black leather jacket and tried on some bomber jackets because @Radical lists it as a mandatory item in his style guide. I don't know much about fashion and my style has been too timid so far, so I want your guys opinions on which of these jackets are good. Had to make two posts because of the amount/size of the pics.

Bomber 1:
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Bomber 2:
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Fake leather 1:
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Fake leather 2:
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Leather 1:
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Leather 2:
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Leather 3 (L and M):
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Leather 4:
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Leather 5:
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Leather 6:
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Leather 7:
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Leather 8:
View attachment 2

Leather 9:
View attachment 1

Leather 10:
May 28 (7 approaches / 3 numbers)

- 3 numbers out of 7 approaches, plus 4 I initiated but screened out.
- Felt really good, wasn't really aiming for anything besides just pushing myself.
- Delayed start, had to buy a shirt and facemask before I started.
- I think a multitude of factors played into why this day was so much better than yesterday (i'll put in lessons)
- Talked to one girl in line, which was good.
- The crazy thing is that if it wasn't for all bars and restaurants being closed I could approach for another hour or two by my apartment. Then go into the bars.
- Feelin really good about right now. I think I'm starting to feel more comfortable with just approaching girls.

Notable Interactions
- First number: worked at the mall, waiting for the bus. Super smooth conversation, good chemistry. I couldn't tell if she was overweight or had big clothes on. Her face was nice tho.
- Second Number: Hottest girl i saw all day. Actually took a second to work up to talk to her, was a bit of a crowed, and she was intimidatingly hot. Awkward conversation. She kept giving me 3 word answers to my questions. She said "wow this is bold of you" which was ego gratifying.
- Third Number: Cute girl in the new grocery store I found. There were like 4 or 5 girls to pick from. I had to follow her for a bit because she was going shopping so fast. Anyway stopped her. Good conversation, from Vancouver.

Ok, so none of this matters. Unless I get some dates set up. I know that, but it still feels good especially after yesterday

There's a few that contributed to today.
- I was still somewhat in work mode when I started. Which meant my headspace was "Just get it done and move on to the next thing".
- I was in a good mood, but it was more focus than happy. If that makes sense.
- The momentum really helped. First girl I got the number and then I kept going.
- I wasn't trying to hit a target or quota of approaches. I was just seeing how many I could do, almost out of a curiosity/challenge.
- I was taking today as a DRILL and not as an APPROACH. Meaning my focus was just on completing what I needed to say, and not really caring about what she said. That seemed to really work.
- I kept thinking "just say it and move on".

Other thoughts

- I noticed some of my thoughts as the day progressed...
--- The best approaches involved me not thinking. Social momentum makes just approaching easier.
--- The hard situations should be practiced on because once I get past those others like will be easier, and I can get my daily approach count up.
--- I more or less have no problem with the girl who's stationary and alone. I don't think I have any AA there actually.

~17,000 steps
~1400 calories (probably will go til 1700)
-Zero Caffiene is still making a positive difference. Quite Noticeably.
-Also my eye is a lot better (symptom-wise anyway).

Feels good to know I have 3 more numbers to text after this.
