Looks feedback


Jan 19, 2021
Look fine man, no bad looks here. Plus, you're quite clear and transparent about getting laid, a lot, and with fairly attractive women.

Limiting beliefs so suck. I think you have a bunch.

I empathise, a lot. It's not an easy thing to do through,

If your style is weak, improving that, will be a big gain. That is the only looks advice I can give you on the basis of what you've put above. Same with working out, if this isn't something you're doing. Obviously low hanging fruit.

Frankly, you and I both, probably need to be working on accepting ourselves a lot more and healing dude.

I hope you're not offended by me saying that, because you know I also have a lot of looks insecurity, and unlike you, do still struggle quite a lot with getting dates, and so on.

These are deeper things. It's not an easy game.

I agree with MAC. It's limiting beliefs, not reality. I can relate as well since I have many of the same thoughts. But it sounds like you know that, which feels like the first step. Here are the things I'm working on to deal with my limiting beliefs. First off is actual concrete improvements. Getting a nice sharp haircut and facial hair, better style, good accessories, and hitting the gym and diet hard to get in shape. Second is mental changes. I've written down lists of things about me which ARE attractive, physical and otherwise. It's helped, so maybe give that a try.

Stick with it man. You've got the stuff. I like to remember a gemstone as a metaphor when I'm down. If you ever see a raw gemstone, they're ugly and lumpy and are almost indistinguishable form a worthless rock. But you put in the work, knock off the rough edges, and refine it and it becomes beautiful and priceless. All it takes is putting in the work to bring it out and polish that gemstone. I'm gonna make it and so are you.
I am going to give you more credit -- from the only photo I can see here, you have a good face, jaw, and hairline. As has been said already, good grooming (head hair & facial hair), style, and maybe a little edge (piercings/accessories/clothing) will have you set dude.

I am the same height you are but don't let that deter you. I think you have a lot of looks potential that you can easily cultivate -- plus I always *feel* better when I know that I *look* better. I bet you will feel better too when you take care of yourself.

Approach will be tough at first, especially if you are coming from this headspace. Embrace it. I and many other dudes here have our ups and downs, but we all slowly learn to handle it better and be nicer to ourselves. You will have bad days and want to give up -- instead, give yourself some rest and get back to it.

You have potential. You are worthy. You can do it. We are here for you. I recommend giving this a read:

Don't ask for a lighter for a lighter burden but a stronger back
You can also play around with different beard and hair styles. I've found a good haircut boosts your looks immensely. Then finding your own clothing style. Combine all that and a good cologne and girls will go wild.
You look good man, solid skull shape, eye area, jaw etc

Not sure why you have those limiting beliefs. I would say though, you could be doing more with your look, maybe shaving the sides and back of your hair abit shorter like a 1-1.5 whilst keeping it the same length on top and definitely adding some kind of facial hair rather than barely visible stubble.

You can dress well even if budget isn't high right now. Take a look on marketplaces like eBay, Grailed, Vinted etc and you can pick up high quality items whether higher end high street like All Saints or proper designer at great prices.
Yeah work with hair/beard. The photo you posted was taken with a potato and you have a strange pose there. Looking at that photo, you can clean up your hair & beard.

- Ask the barber for a medium fade, making sides shorter and leaving more on the top.
- I'd move the "beginning of the beard sides" a bit higher, should be around mid-ear. Yours seems lower. Might just be the photo though.
- Your neck beard looks a little unkempt, but I'm 90% sure it's just a bad photo.

Biggest gains - clean haircut & proper beard trimming. Focus on cash first, then dating.
jakeD said:
I have those limiting beliefs to put it simply, cause I don't fuck hot girls. And that is ultimately in my mind the litmus test.

I feel you there man. I’ve only done a few girls I would genuinely consider hot at this point, and even then when I don’t remind myself of those times it’s easy to slip into a mentality I had a year ago of being a nobody who couldn’t talk to those girls, much less f*ck them.

My recommendation to start is to make this a regular log for you, and start going through the self-improvement stuff outlined in Andy’s Tinder Guide (the KillYourInnerLoser Tinder Guide). It’s a good compass to get your initial bearing from.
jakeD said:
Really all I gotta do is go back full nofap, give myself about 2 - 3 months, get back on my supplements, and I'll be at a minimum ready to go approach / get laid hardcore again.

Do you actually feel that these are necessary requirements for going outside and talking to women
Hi Jake,

1 pic is not enough for me to give a proper analysis of your looks, but from the pic you showed I suspect you may have an underbite or some other issue with your upper jaw which deviates slightly from the norm. Can you post or PM any side-on pictures so I can get a better view? Or ones where you are smiling or pictured next to other guys for comparison?

At 5'5 you are also below average in height, but I don't think this will be a decisive factor, particularly if you wear shoes with a decent sole.

Also if you post your online dating profile that could help. Thanks
Hey bro. You're DEFINITELY gonna get a ton of lays. You have the looks.

You know what? I also had and still have limiting beliefs. We all have. But just keep fighting. Tell yourself that you don't wanna listen to that crap. You can decide right now who you're gonna be. There is no such thing as destiny. There is just people doing stuff and working hard for their goals and then people who give up.

It sounds like your first priority is to get your shit together. Forget about your ex. Find some fun and interesting hobbies. Get a job. Start saving money. Start going out for a walk and fresh air. Meet people. Talk to people. Smile and be friendly.

As soon as that has been done you'll be a beast with women. I think with your current hair and beard and face you'd be easily in the top 10%. It also looks like you already have quite low body fat.

One step at a time, ok? One step to the right direction every day and in one year you will be a totally different person.