Losing girls at the pull

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Jan 8, 2023
So I'm starting to get intense make out sessions fairly regularly going out at night. It's basically foreplay on the dance floor, I'm sure I could bang these girls if I could just get them to come home with me. But I'm losing them at the pull.

My strategy is usually as follows:

1. Make out for a minute or 2 then stop.

2. Ask them to go somewhere else in the bar to talk.

3. Talk and make out some more.

4. Ask them, what they are doing the rest of the night/ ask them to go outside and get some fresh air with me.

Anyway, the objection I keep getting from girls is "I need to find my friends. I'll be back" or something like that. Then they usually leave and don't come back lol

So what's going on? It's hard for me to believe these girls aren't dtf based on their behavior. How should you go for the pull? How do you handle it if she declines the pull, but sticks around? Is it a mistake to make out intensely instead of trying to push the interaction forward? Thanks.
See pancakemouse log.

All the answers you seek are there. Short answer is if you’re not fuckin em they are not DTF

That be said. If you keep running the numbers game eventually you will pull
Don't kiss girls until you've probed their logistics and are sure they're pullable.

The currency of women is validation. They will gladly spend a night making out with several guys and going home with none of them. The more you withhold validation until she earns it, the better you'll do.

Key questions:
- Who is she there with?
- What are her plans after this?
- Is her group protective of her?
- Does she have to get up early tomorrow?
pancakemouse said:
Don't kiss girls until you've probed their logistics and are sure they're pullable.

The currency of women is validation. They will gladly spend a night making out with several guys and going home with none of them. The more you withhold validation until she earns it, the better you'll do.

Key questions:
- Who is she there with?
- What are her plans after this?
- Is her group protective of her?
- Does she have to get up early tomorrow?

Let’s say logistics are bad, do you get a number instead? Where do you break off the physical escalation if you’re not trying for a same night lay?

Also, how do I ask if the group is protective of her lol.
Hey Yggdrasil13


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