Luca's Dating Apps Review


Aug 2, 2023
Hi guys. So I decided to get back on the dating apps after some months. I've been successful the first time I used them (in 2019) but then it was almost always a waste of time and money, But I don't want to feel discouraged, and I want to start again. So to not waste time I selected several pictures of me of the last 2/3 years (I haven't changed much) and get them reviewed on Photofeeler. The results are not encouraging, but it's better to start somewhere than not starting before everything is perfect.

Pic 1 View attachment 5
Pic 2 View attachment 4
Pic 3 View attachment 3
Pic 4 View attachment 2 Reference to the fact that I do practice japanese bondage at a intermediate-advanced level
Pic 5 View attachment 1

For the bio to be fair I just played it safe by using a mixture between Andy's kinky prompts and some little info about myself.

I payed for Tinder Premium and I am still undecided about Hinge, 'cause in Italy is not quite popular.

I am aware that my photos are not that good and I am planning to shot good pics. But one should start somewhere.

Results so far: 1 low quality (probably an OF catfish) match in 24 hours. (Edit I just got one match while writing this sentence, lol. Might be promising, she seems slutty and bi).

So, any thoughts?
LucaRaido said:
Hi guys. So I decided to get back on the dating apps after some months. I've been successful the first time I used them (in 2019) but then it was almost always a waste of time and money, But I don't want to feel discouraged, and I want to start again. So to not waste time I selected several pictures of me of the last 2/3 years (I haven't changed much) and get them reviewed on Photofeeler. The results are not encouraging, but it's better to start somewhere than not starting before everything is perfect.

Pic 1 photo_2023-08-04_11-18-22.jpg
Pic 2 photo_2023-08-04_11-18-20.jpg
Pic 3 photo_2023-08-04_11-18-28.jpg
Pic 4 IMG_4191.JPG Reference to the fact that I do practice japanese bondage at a intermediate-advanced level
Pic 5 photo_2023-08-04_11-18-25.jpg

For the bio to be fair I just played it safe by using a mixture between Andy's kinky prompts and some little info about myself.


I payed for Tinder Premium and I am still undecided about Hinge, 'cause in Italy is not quite popular.

I am aware that my photos are not that good and I am planning to shot good pics. But one should start somewhere.

Results so far: 1 low quality (probably an OF catfish) match in 24 hours. (Edit I just got one match while writing this sentence, lol. Might be promising, she seems slutty and bi).

So, any thoughts?

Ciao Luca, don't take personal the feedbacks you will receive, because we keep it 100% here, but we cannot "sugar coat" bitter as fuck pills, with that being said, let's go.

This profile is subpar to low quality and even by pumping boosts and matches, I won't yield much compared to the potential you have.
It gives nice guy - loner vibes trying too hard (see bio) with the achievements you had in life you should have a top 1% profile, this barely reflects ANY of your accolades - successes

1) Photo 1 - I assume is your first profile photo? Your eyes are flinching watching the sun, you project soft&nice guy vibes.
i'll hold your hand and propose on first date kinda vibes.

Your first photo should be a "show stopper" - like majority of guys swipe right at every single profile, girl swipe left at pretty much all profiles and check the other photos and bio of the ones that "get" their attention
2) Much better, probably your only usable photo. You show a "rugged" expression and a nice backdrop showing an hobby of yours ( Hiking) this could be a good 2nd-3rd photo
3) Ok to Negative photo, you look like a cool dad watching his kids playing instead of projecting "sexual animal" vibes
4) Remove this entirely, most of girls will have no idea and get confused, unless they are experienced rope bunnies which would be matching you to be tied up but nothing romantically. If you want to play with BDSM, you have to bring gasoline to the fire.
5) Okish but you can do better


Trash immediately your bio.

It comes off trying too hard to be cool but your photos project a different story.
Ditch entirely the youtube videos bio suggestions - you are in Italy so it would immediately remove a large portion of Italian girls, and the ones speaking English would be like "trying too hard - corny"

The foreigners would be "meh"

The just say hey line has been so over abused that If I had 1$ every time I saw it (or I'm a Dominant male) I would be writing this from the pool of my Dubai mega villa.

There are a couple of humble brags that are good but filter extremely hard ( I know what is soho house, do your avg hot blond big tits girl know it too?)

You say you are an entrepreneur and 6ft, your photos show the opposite of that

I hope my feedback helps
AskTheDom said:
Ciao Luca, don't take personal the feedbacks you will receive, because we keep it 100% here, but we cannot "sugar coat" bitter as fuck pills, with that being said, let's go.

This profile is subpar to low quality and even by pumping boosts and matches, I won't yield much compared to the potential you have.
It gives nice guy - loner vibes trying too hard (see bio) with the achievements you had in life you should have a top 1% profile, this barely reflects ANY of your accolades - successes

Not taking it personally at all mate! I am here to improve and I do love honest feedback. Not only that: I am the first one who is extremely honest when I evaluate myself!

Regarding the overall vibes of my profile this has been calibrated during the years with a completely wrong strategy in mind, that was exactly what you said: I wanted to tell girls "ehi sweetie, I am the high value tender-defender guy who is successful and dominant but which also could bring you hiking while holding hands". That made sense since I wanted a girlfriend, but now that I am more redpill aware (in the broadest sense) this simply just not what I think 1) could work and 2) I want.

So I just needed to move my ass and create a new profile from scratch asap, using something at the beginning before having the perfect everything and then iterating.

1) Photo 1 - I assume is your first profile photo? Your eyes are flinching watching the sun, you project soft&nice guy vibes.
i'll hold your hand and propose on first date kinda vibes.

Your first photo should be a "show stopper" - like majority of guys swipe right at every single profile, girl swipe left at pretty much all profiles and check the other photos and bio of the ones that "get" their attention
2) Much better, probably your only usable photo. You show a "rugged" expression and a nice backdrop showing an hobby of yours ( Hiking) this could be a good 2nd-3rd photo
3) Ok to Negative photo, you look like a cool dad watching his kids playing instead of projecting "sexual animal" vibes
4) Remove this entirely, most of girls will have no idea and get confused, unless they are experienced rope bunnies which would be matching you to be tied up but nothing romantically. If you want to play with BDSM, you have to bring gasoline to the fire.
5) Okish but you can do better

Yeah mate, my photo sucks. I know, and Tinder's users know. I did a lot of cool things in my life without taking pictures because "muh I am not that type of stupid guy which take cool pictures every secondo and I just want to enjoy the moment". What a crappy bluepilled beta way of seeing the world in 2023 :D.

So for now I just need to use this pictures for the first few weeks of adjustments, but as soon as possible I will take some high quality pictures of myself. I am just not entirely sure about how to show my past and present achievements with some photos. All my past experiences are gone and I cannot get back in time to get some cool pictures. So basically I just have to brainstorm how to project the vibes that I think I can project, that are something like

"I am a cool, assertive, exteoverted and dominant almost 30 decently tall man who travelled a lot, has read like 1000 books, has a lot of cool high value hobbies, founded a startup at 27, did 4 years of professional shibari, is a successful content creator with 25k followers that wants to have a lot of dirty sex with you"

Not an easy description to sell via photos, to be fair.


Trash immediately your bio.

It comes off trying too hard to be cool but your photos project a different story.
Ditch entirely the youtube videos bio suggestions - you are in Italy so it would immediately remove a large portion of Italian girls, and the ones speaking English would be like "trying too hard - corny"

The foreigners would be "meh"

The just say hey line has been so over abused that If I had 1$ every time I saw it (or I'm a Dominant male) I would be writing this from the pool of my Dubai mega villa.

There are a couple of humble brags that are good but filter extremely hard ( I know what is soho house, do your avg hot blond big tits girl know it too?)

You say you are an entrepreneur and 6ft, your photos show the opposite of that

I hope my feedback helps

Yeah, this was entirely provisional, and I already know it was kinda shit. I experimented a lot during the course of the years with bios but I am really uncertain about how to show all the vibes about me that I told you before.

Regarding the entrepeneur thing, I don't want to mention that I am still in the initial phases of my business owner career and that I still haven't made money from my startup ideas, but at the same time this is what I am actually doing in my life: try to grow my social media presence and leverage it to try launching some business ideas. That's a turn-off if I explain it like that, I know, but at the same time I cannot fraud a million dollars bank account if I haven't one. How to solve this paradox?

Going into the specifics, I have had one question in mind for ages: should I write my bio in Italian or in English? When I was in the UK it was a no brainer problem, but now I am super unsure about that.

Also, should I be extremely brief or could it be good to go a bit longer on the bio? 'Cause from the getting laid with Tinder article it might seems it's not a thing but honestly I am not sure it would be the same in the pretty conservative italian dating market.
LucaRaido said:
How to solve this paradox?

It's a gordian knot based on a bias: when you think of "entrepreneur" you think of Dubai yachts and champagne or 18 hours workdays 7/7 ?

You don't need to present your 730 fiscal declaration to girls. You are an entrepreneur trying to make it big.
You should convey: independence, determination, focus... there are the attractive traits of entrepreneurs.

LucaRaido said:
should I write my bio in Italian or in English?

I start with "italiano dopo descrizione in Inglese" and just translate it after the english version, also because fi you tall ( and you are a bit taller than avg italian) an italian girl has zero clue was 6ft means, because she understand 180cm :)
My first thought is "Okay, I fucking get it, this guy travels/hikes". Then it's a jarring shift in gears seeing the Japanese bondage; that's way too niche for a general audience, and it's not even a photo of you, or one you took. That image is going to cause an immediate left swipe. Then, shifting gears again to the point of grinding metal and blowing the transmission, there's a photo of you with a dog.

There isn't a consistent theme/narrative here.

You do have some rugged looks, and clearly know where to find picturesque locations. Find a buddy or get a tripod with either a nice camera, or a newer iPhone (I have a feeling that you don't have one based off the quality of the photos).

iPhones have extremely good value for the photosensors, not to mention having an iPhone tends to make dating slightly easier.
LucaRaido said:
Yeah mate, my photo sucks. I know, and Tinder's users know. I did a lot of cool things in my life without taking pictures because "muh I am not that type of stupid guy which take cool pictures every secondo and I just want to enjoy the moment". What a crappy bluepilled beta way of seeing the world in 2023 :D.

Good job changing this mindset; this is an example of black and white thinking.

You can do BOTH. You can enjoy the moment AND take the one minute aside to take a compelling photo.

Many dudes will waste so much time doing timewasting activities but won't take a minute to take a good photo.

LucaRaido said:
"I am a cool, assertive, exteoverted and dominant almost 30 decently tall man who travelled a lot, has read like 1000 books, has a lot of cool high value hobbies, founded a startup at 27, did 4 years of professional shibari, is a successful content creator with 25k followers that wants to have a lot of dirty sex with you"

Not an easy description to sell via photos, to be fair.

None of that is conveyed through your dog photo. I'm sure it's a great dog, but you're on Tinder to fuck.

Find a way to demonstrate all of these things. I've been able to demonstrate these through photos.

Remember, don't tell them what you can SHOW. SHOW your bondage work; why are you dedicating years to shibari, but not putting up photos of your work?

LucaRaido said:
Regarding the entrepeneur thing, I don't want to mention that I am still in the initial phases of my business owner career and that I still haven't made money from my startup ideas, but at the same time this is what I am actually doing in my life: try to grow my social media presence and leverage it to try launching some business ideas. That's a turn-off if I explain it like that, I know, but at the same time I cannot fraud a million dollars bank account if I haven't one. How to solve this paradox?

There is no paradox. No one cares that you're an eNtRePrEnEuR. Everyone's a fucking entrepreneur now. Show the RESULTS of it, as in whats in it for them?

Not to be a dick, but no one gives a shit about your "entrepreneurial journey". Everyone is self-centered, and wants to know what's in it for them. So SHOW THEM. I'm passionate about this because I thought this would be a great thing to lead with for several years, and then I realized... it didn't matter. At all.

Looking back, I've never heard women coo about a man, saying "Oh, he's an entrepreneur!". It's difficult for them to relate or even grasp what it takes to be successful as one by their feminine, passive nature.
It's a gordian knot based on a bias: when you think of "entrepreneur" you think of Dubai yachts and champagne or 18 hours workdays 7/7 ?

You don't need to present your 730 fiscal declaration to girls. You are an entrepreneur trying to make it big.
You should convey: independence, determination, focus... there are the attractive traits of entrepreneurs.

Yeah, I got it. For the last couple of years since I followed the common "startup founder" journey (with the funding, the team, the investor and all this stuff) I also assumed the image of a founder, with low interest in appearence and more to working hard. In terms of pictures I think by just shifting that and getting into the "not-the-nerdy-founder but the manly-entrepreneur archetype" in terms of style and getting some pics of me would be enough to appear attractive.

I start with "italiano dopo descrizione in Inglese" and just translate it after the english version, also because fi you tall ( and you are a bit taller than avg italian) an italian girl has zero clue was 6ft means, because she understand 180cm :)

Got it, you're right. I am just used to do all my things in english, since I lived in London for a while and my cultural reference are mainly american. But I guess I should accept the fact that now I am in Rome, and noone here speak Italian (and I am not that much into foreigners and turists).
Vice said:
My first thought is "Okay, I fucking get it, this guy travels/hikes". Then it's a jarring shift in gears seeing the Japanese bondage; that's way too niche for a general audience, and it's not even a photo of you, or one you took. That image is going to cause an immediate left swipe. Then, shifting gears again to the point of grinding metal and blowing the transmission, there's a photo of you with a dog.

There isn't a consistent theme/narrative here.

You do have some rugged looks, and clearly know where to find picturesque locations. Find a buddy or get a tripod with either a nice camera, or a newer iPhone (I have a feeling that you don't have one based off the quality of the photos).

iPhones have extremely good value for the photosensors, not to mention having an iPhone tends to make dating slightly easier.

I do have an iPhone 14 Pro, since as a content creator I need high quality videos and pictures. But I am not super great at taking pictures, especially of myself.

Yeah, I 100% know my profile lack a common storyline. I think I should just need to chose a common theme/aesthetic and follow it to show all my different interests. Like, the problem is that I may be the BDSM guy, the startup founder, the hiker, the guitar player but I need a common theme to show everything.

Good job changing this mindset; this is an example of black and white thinking.

You can do BOTH. You can enjoy the moment AND take the one minute aside to take a compelling photo.

Many dudes will waste so much time doing timewasting activities but won't take a minute to take a good photo.

None of that is conveyed through your dog photo. I'm sure it's a great dog, but you're on Tinder to fuck.

Find a way to demonstrate all of these things. I've been able to demonstrate these through photos.

Remember, don't tell them what you can SHOW. SHOW your bondage work; why are you dedicating years to shibari, but not putting up photos of your work?

I can't do that, to be honest. First of all because I can't show bondage pictures on Tinder without being banned. Second, because I can't ask for the permission of the girls I tied, since I am not longer in contact with them. Third, because I don't want to be super obvious about that. It's a niche thing, as you said, and most of the girls (even the kinky one) will misunderstood and run away. So, in summary: no shibari pictures, but maybe a subtle mention on the bio.

There is no paradox. No one cares that you're an eNtRePrEnEuR. Everyone's a fucking entrepreneur now. Show the RESULTS of it, as in whats in it for them?

Not to be a dick, but no one gives a shit about your "entrepreneurial journey". Everyone is self-centered, and wants to know what's in it for them. So SHOW THEM. I'm passionate about this because I thought this would be a great thing to lead with for several years, and then I realized... it didn't matter. At all.

Looking back, I've never heard women coo about a man, saying "Oh, he's an entrepreneur!". It's difficult for them to relate or even grasp what it takes to be successful as one by their feminine, passive nature.

Yeah, I know man. Fact is that mentioning "startup founder" is even more niche and subtle, so entrepreneur is the easiest thing I could say, but in people's mind it comes with other characteristics (a lot of money and material things) that right now I just don't have. So to use your comment as a tool to take action I think that maybe the easiest thing for me to do right now to avoid misunderstanding ("so if you are an entrepreneur where is your Bugatti?!") will be to just mention that it is my daily job, and that's it.