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M2H Log


May 4, 2023
I'm M2H, a 23 year old dude from Alabama. I'm 5'11 and weigh 204 lbs currently. InBody scans say I'm around 28% bf, and I'd like to get that down to 15% by around the end of the year. To do that, I'm going to the gym 3 days a week to lift weights and an additional 3-4 days a week to rock climb. I'm intermittent fasting currently (12 pm - 8 pm eating window) and trying to focus on choosing meats/proteins when eating but my diet isn't as structured as I would like it to be currently.

One thing that I struggle with is style.

For example, I know that I don't dress very well. A lot of times I put off buying new clothes because I haven't hit my body goal yet. I am also scared to buy new clothes because I have no idea what style to go with/what would suit me well.

Another challenge is that I haven't been able to find a hairstyle that goes well with my face. I always had very short--basically buzzcuts throughout school and always hated it. Over the past few months growing my hair out, I've found out that I don't like it long very much either. Really, I have no idea what to ask for when I get my hair cut.

I'd love any advice on those two points--I can provide more pictures of myself if that would be helpful.

Aside from that I'm working on saving money to build an investment property (at 16k/33k currently), and also trying to get some dental work done.
This week has been pretty good--I never miss a day in the gym and have been doing things to try to keep my mood up. One thing that I'm trying to be intentional about is doing things that lower my threshold for action.

I'm going to my first appointment to donate white blood cells on Tuesday. That should net me around $1,500 after I'm done with the appointments. I'll put most of that towards buying a new wardrobe and save the rest. Any ideas on what clothes I should buy with around a $1K budget?
Welcome andrew M2H,

Good to see you in the gym and about in order to make progress.
Regarding style: read Radical's Basic Style guide for a good start

Below are some fashion influencers I recommended someone else as well to get started.
They're really good to start with and dip your toes into the basics of fashion, just look around their youtube channels.

Fo sho!

Alex Costa
A Brazilian born, american raised style influencer that shows off a lot of accessible fashion. It's never too much but very stylish.
Check out his instagram and his youtube channel.

Jose Zuniga aka Teachingmensfashion
An American with very mexican roots that always seems very upbeat. I like this guy's overal hustle attitude towards things, mainly because I'm the child of immigrants as well.
His instagram and youtube channel.

I think these will resonate with you the most.

Alpha Ml is a somewhat older guy with believe it or not the most upbeat attitude out of all of them.
I remember watching this guys videos and always smiling by the end.

Watch a couple of their videos and try out some clothing pieces to see what fits you, these guys definitely helped shape my style wise for that past 10 years.