Maestro mastering Tinder


Nov 14, 2021
Master daygame
No point rating your Tinder photos, only telling you what you need to improve.

There's nothing wrong with your looks, only with your photos.

Your photos are too low quality and too similar. They portray you as a loner confined to indoors who took his own photos with a tripod.

Your match rate makes sense to me. Competition is high in 2022. Read Andy's Tinder photos guide and do a professional photoshoot.
maestro said:
Thanks for your answer, pancakemouse

would you say that there is 1 or 2 that are usable though, at least in the interim?

Both black and white photos.
pancakemouse said it well : the problem isn't your looks but your photos.

Firstly, you shouldn't have two Tinder pictures in the same context (same location and/or same clothes).

Secondly, you really need to add at least one group picture, because without it, your profile feels lonely and staged.

Otherwise, I don't think your pictures are so bad. I think the first and seventh are pretty good actually.

About the dating pool, I didn't use Tinder this year as I'm currently in a relationship, so I can't tell if the dating market is really getting shittier or not, but I can tell you that results can be night and day just depending on your location.
Maybe your place in Austria is just as fucked up as my place in Switzerland for dating and Tinder. If you have an opportunity to move elsewhere to try (like for vacation maybe), you surely can get better results even with your current pictures.
maestro said:
@Lord Rey thanks for your input. I tested photo 1 and 7 in photofeeler. After 30 votes each the guitar picture got a 6.6 on attractiveness (kinda dissapointed) while the other one got a 9.6 (extremely surprised.) Dont know how much trust to put into photofeeler though.

You already got better ratings than I ever did on Photofeeler haha. Girls on this website really don't like to see my face as I never got more than a 6 and most of my pictures were rated even lower.

I don't think Photofeeler is that great tho because the results are inconsistent in my experience and my best rated pictures there are far from being my truly best actually… And on top of that, it costs too much to get proper statistics.

maestro said:
I will use those to in the short term and really try to get a few other ones in there aswell. I do have a few social pics but they are all "bro pics", me and a friend looking goofy while drunk in horrible lighting. I will post my updated profile once i made a significant amount of changes.

Yeah that would be the best addition to your profile, a high quality group picture.

Best of luck !
Ey @pancakemouse, when you say his photos are too low quality, you mean low definition or that they are not appropiate?
Your photos still mainly give off the "lonely guy taking photos of himself doing stuff" vibe.

Leather jacket pic: Why does it have to be inside? If you have a tripod for your phone, go out and try to get one in an urban environment. You have a pretty smile, but the fact that it looks like it's taken in a tiny 20m2 apartment with bad lighting drags it down.

Guitar pic: Feels too up close, seeing how your left arm is cropped out of the pic.

Reading pic: I like this one the most, but again it feels too close. Also, what's with the blurred edges at the top and bottom? Looks like a cheap "depth of field" or old instagram filter

Go-cart pic: could be any photo off google.

Group photo: low quality, angle is bad, lighting is bad and you don't look like you're enjoying yourself.

I get that "buy a DSLR and git good with shooting photos" is a cheap answer to your photo challenges, and also the most expensive and time consuming way to go.

If that's not an option at the time being, I'd suggest you at least get a tripod for your phone so that you can play around with taking pics of yourself with the phone further away.

Or you could get a cheapo DSLR + tripod and experiment with that (bonus tip: join a photo club, befriend someone there and get them to take pics of you).
maestro said:
Thanks for your specific suggestions to every picture, @Hard2Focus . Very helpful!

Since you mentioned "photos being too close": How would you define whether a pic is too close or not? for example the guitar picture, why does is matter wheter the left arm is fully on it or not? Or the reading picture, the focus is on the profile of my face and the book. widening the perspective does not seem to bring any benefits here, or does it?


I'll try and explain this as best as I can. FWIW I've been interested in photography since I was about 17 years old, so a lot of my knowledge around composing photos isn't very formalized in my mind - it's more of a second nature if anything.

Imagine you're sitting opposite of a stranger reading a book, looking at them. If you were sitting as close as you've placed your camera, it would feel too close for comfort.

It's normal to leave a bit of space in the same direction that the subject is looking, so that we get a sense of where they are looking. The black bars and the blur at the top and bottom of your photo adds to the whole "closed in" feeling, together with the fact that parts of the book is cropped out.

Also, it's easy to tell you're not looking at the book itself, making the photo feel even more staged.

Some good examples of quality "guy reading" photos.



Note how much more space there is around each of the subjects, compared to yours. And even with added space, the focus is still on the guy.

Obviously these photos were shot with a decent DSLR, professionally edited + the guys also look good and have decent outfits on them.

Hope I'm making sense here
I agree with PinchePendejo, the first suit pic is clearly the best. No doubt here.

Otherwise, you should really follow Hard2Focus's advice for the rest.
I am not a photo expert, but I think this:

- First photo of suit with a friend looks interesting. It looks weird and natural. For mi ok.
- Photo with 3 guys with suit looks like you have jumped in. I prefer the first one. For me nope.
- Photo with the guitar looks weird. Like you are not really playing the guitar, just posing. For me nope.
- Photo in nature looks like you are just posing. For me nope.
- Photo with cat looks natural. Like the little one came to annoy you while you were reading. so for me it is ok.

I dont know anything about taking good photos. Just telling what looks natural to me.

Pd: By "not appropiate" I meant "not good photos for tinder". Sorry for misconception ;)
maestro said:
Alright. Little changes. Plan on adding a Gym picture (deadlifts) in 2 weeks. For now the current one is this.
The one with the cap is the Main nie.
Of the two suit Photos, do you think there is a better one or doesnt matter?

To echo what's been said, Suit photo 1 and the Cat are your best ones. I personally don't mind the go kart one as long as its never the first one in your line up, its one you would put towards the middle/back.
These new ones look much better! I’m impressed by your improvement. I’d re-take the guitar shot, and as far as your look overall, you’re a good looking dude. Especially in the suit photo. That makes me want to get to know you. My one suggestion would be to shave your head and see how you look that way. I think you also look better without glasses.

You got this bro.
You're improving. However, as for the guitar pic, take something like this right here.

By the way, don't worry about the ratings, it's an post example of where photofeeler doesn't work at all compared to real results. Make your new guitar pic colored and switch the cat pic to black and white with bumped up contrast to give it more depth(like your current guitar pic).
Remove your last pic (black and white smiling at camera), it’s just not good. Better to have a small number of good pictures, I’m currently running 4 on Tinder and one of them is complete nonsense.

Cat pic would probably be better in color, I would only make a pic black and white if something is seriously wrong with the color version, this may largely be personal preference though.

Suit pic is definitely your best but probably not a good first pic simply because you aren’t alone, so it probably should stay in the second spot.

You could make serious short term gains by upgrading outfits / accessories. First pic isn’t bad but could easily be 5x better with a better outfit, more practice posing, better body language. I’m not a fan of crossing arms in a picture, I was always told it looked insecure / unfriendly, though that’s not advice I’ve seen regularly on this site so it may not be a general rule.
Nice to read that your success is improving mate !

Speaking about new profile, some rumors talk about shadow ban where new profil with the same number or mail or even photos get detected by the algorithms and are hidden from the others profiles. Did you hear thing about it ?
maestro & GentleBlack yes, doing it once is fine. If you want to do it a second time, you'd need to wait like a 2weeks-1month after deletion or get yourself a new sim card/phone number, reset your device id and change your email. There are guides on this, but doing it once is fine IMO.
Asst said:
@maestro & @GentleBlack yes, doing it once is fine. If you want to do it a second time, you'd need to wait like a 2weeks-1month after deletion or get yourself a new sim card/phone number, reset your device id and change your email. There are guides on this, but doing it once is fine IMO.

I would be interested in these guides, cause I made a lot of new profils so maybe I'm suffering shadow bans without knowing it !