Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

Manganiello said:
Chris has also stated something similar to this. You're not there to talk to girls, you're there to pick up numbers and get laid. Having a natural conversation is nice, but is that giving the girl the vibe that you're just a friendly guy. Not a guy who could sweep her off her feet at this very moment and fuck her brains out?

I think after 500 to 1000 approaches I could comment on this more from experience. No idea man. I've heard some people say the convo matters and some people say it doesn't.
March 21 Sunday
1 approach.

- Got 1 approach in. Receptive, but boyfriend.
- Mapped out the city by neighborhood and density of girls aged 20 to 24.
- also found out there's about 15k to 20k attractive girls in this city ~25% of all girls between 18 to 25.
- probably spent too much time analyzing stuff. But I was going like OCD and felt like I had to answer this stuff for my own sanity.

- I think girls for the most part love being approached. Like they really want it to happen to them. And it's almost like they go along with the approach because it's such a rare and valuable experience. So even if they aren't interested they won't screen themselves out til the end.


1 approach today sucks
10 approaches from Friday to Sunday sucks.

Or let's just say there's something missing.
I'm used to doing 10 to 20 girls per day...

So what's missing?

Not having adequate time at the right venue. Earliest I showed up to a place was yesterday and I only had a 90 monute window to approach. All the other days it was smaller.

Not having clear targets set in stone. This made the AA program very doable. Everyday I'd wake up and know I was looking to talk to 20 girls that day... where as now. There's nobody telling me what to do. So I've been defaulting to "let's just see how this goes". Which is always BAD. that mentality never worked during the AA program or sales. It was a cue for getting slaughtered.

Treating each day like a drill.
This worked well yesterday but I had amnesia about this lesson today

Final thoughts
I might start tracking every situation I'm having AA with and then logging about approaching girls ONLY in those situations.

Going to do this, this week:

1 day where I approach 7 girls
1 day where I approach 10 girls
1 day where I approach 15 girls.

Doesn't matter how or when I do it. I just need those counts in the week.
March 22

Talked to 10 girls, got 1 number.

Funny mix of reactions.
Spent 3 hours approaching, went to 9 grocery stores and 2 malls and had 15 opportunities total. Not much I could do and despite it being 10 approaches I really feel like that number should be 30.

I can't think of any better places to approach either. Those were the best stops im aware of in the city.

Seems like the population density just sucks here.

I'm really hoping it's a situation of just it being a Monday and bad weather. But still going to multiple good locations and seeing 5 girls every hour is pretty pretttyyyy bad.

I have vlog. But I got home super late and instaslept. I'll post more details later.
Don't beat yourself down mate that Will only slow you down.

What I suggest you is to warm up before you get in approaches.

It means as soon as you leave the house you ask time to the first person you see. And then ask around 5 girls for the time quickly to get it out.
That gets you 'on' in no time.

It's a trick
It gets you momentum quickier.
Use it and make it easy for yourself
Wifty said:
It's a trick
It gets you momentum quickier.
Use it and make it easy for yourself

Does it come across as I'm beatng myself down? Serious question. I was more mad about the situation than myself yesterday.

I feel my performance was very good yesterday.

I approacheded 2 girls within 60 seconds of starting.

The problem wasnt warming up. It's that I was hustling for 3 hours and saw 15 approachable girls.
I had the feeling you were because of missed opportunities.

May have read your post too quick
When you said pretty bad you were talking about locations probably not about what you did

Yh my bad i read in shortcuts.

Which city you live in ?
Population density is that bad ?
Wifty said:
Which city you live in ?
Population density is that bad ?

1500 people /square km
3900 people/square mile.

It's hit and miss,
Nobody has been taking transit since covid and the malls are empty at about 6:20pm.
March 25 Thursday

No video, had a client call right after the session.

- Was aiming for 15 girls today, but talked to 5. Pretty high quality approaches tho (in terms of balls).
- 5 rejections, (2 silent/unresposnive, 1 just not interested after the convo, 1 married, 1 total freak out)
- Found the long drive 45 minutes between venues (including gas), really fucked up momentum
- Valuable day, think I learnt more today.

Notable Interaction.

Me: Hey
Her: Nope
Me: ????
Her: *runs over to her mom (who I didn't see)
Mom: Just walk away.
Me: What? why???
Mom: Just walk away.
Me: All I did was say Hi.
Mom: Yup.
Me: Ok, so you like need to carry around a big sign everywhere you go that says "don't talk to me".

Kind of hate those people. It's like the people who react badly to cold calls, they just expect you to read their mind and know they don't want to be talked to. Mom was one of those old disheveled looking people who's given up on life and died her hair red, and hasn't bothered gettin the brown/grey roots fixed. (if you know what I mean).
As usual the girl before was super nice and attractive.

- Another day that was probably tooo busy. 2 client calls, work, plus approaches is a bit much for 1 day. I started the day 17 hours go and it's still not done. That's too much, even for me.
- I'm going to problem solve everything til I get to 80 to 100 approaches per week.
- Going to take a small vacation next week to reset my goals... so that number of approaches per week might change (kind of doubt it tho).

- Having an "in case of emergency" button really helps. I'm trying to train my brain to a line where once I say it I have to approach, no matter what, where the girl is, or what happens while I walk over to her. I say the line and I approach. Started that today, it enabled the last 2 approaches, 100%. I don;t think that hesitation ever goes away no matter how many girls you talk to.

- The more reps the easier it gets (Duh), but I have to keep reminding myself that because the AA program, deludes you into thinking your AA goes away 100% when you're done. I can assure you it does not, it just gets 100x reduced, and allows you to execute. I'd like to know if anyone else had a different experience, but I don't think so.

- Saying Hi, is the win. Not the number, but just doing one makes it easier

- Whether you like it or not, you develop POSITIVE MOMENTUM or NEGATIVE MOMENTUM with every girl you see, each girl you see and talk to makes the next approach easier, every girl you see and do not talk to makes the next approach harder. So even though you can be out there in the field for a long time, you can actually make it harder the more time you spend out there if you disqualify or bitch out of opportunities. This was a huge lesson.

lots of small things, but those are the big ones. The two biggest lessons were developing an "in case of emergency" button, and then seeing how momentum works during the approaches.
Yeah it was one of those people. Met hundreds of em doing sales.

They're just bombs masquerading as people. Get too close and they blow up.

In a sadistic way, I kind of like it because they push me in the direction of not giving a fuck.
I made this as a note to myself, some of you guys might see value in it so I'm posting it here.

I think the next big shift mentally is being known and seen as 'that guy who approaches' and being seen as 'creepy'. Not just being seen as that but being proud of it, seeing it as a strength and inviting that view from people.

I was hesitant to be seen as that guy (still am), but it's necessary cuz I'll never hit high approach numbers if I try to dance around it.


Dealing with tons of negative feedback from people and seeing that I'm still OK after the fact is probably what will amplify my freedom to approach more than anything.
March 26, Friday (7)
7 approaches out of 7 Opportunities, 0 numbers.


- not a huge number count but genuinely proud about it.
- 7 approachable situations, 7 approaches. Didn't miss a single one. 4 boyfriend rejections, 1 age related and 1 girl I filtered out.
- Hit on the hottest girl I saw all week. Had a boyfriend but her face got pretty red.

Notable Interaction:

- Hottest girl I saw. For some reason I couldn't talk to her. I walked by her... didn't say anything. Walked by her again... didn't say anything. I like go to a corner and just stare at the floor. "Why is this so hard". Justvsays the magic words.
"You're out of time for thinking. Go." Bang. Next thing I know I'm walking over there. She starts walking away, fuck. Then she turns the corner, huge crowd. Fuck. I wait 3 seconds. Then I go in, make eye contact. Say my line. Her face goes red.
Find out she works in dentistry, has a boyfriend.


- I keep fucking up the intro line.
- half the time I dont do the handshake. Not 100% sure if it's worth doing it or not. Either way sometimes I do it, sometimes I don't. It probably doesn't matter.
- took the age rejection too seriously. Which I knew didn't make sense to get upset about, but it bothered me for ~8 minutes.
- worked a very long day today at work. Got there first, left last (well 2nd last), and skipped a break. If I had more time I probably would've gotten 10 girls in. Which is my weekday goal.


- Emergency Button keeps working (Where I say a phrase aloud that forces me to an approach that very second).I missed Zero opportunies.

- Momentum works. Again... every girl I see and don't talk to makes the next girl even harder to talk to, where as seeing a girl & talking to her makes the next girl even easier.

- The pre-workout seemed to help get my mind in the right place. I did not sleep much last night and the long workday wasn't helping.

All in all, a pretty good day.
Enjoyed the video, clearly you are crushing it and playing the numbers game. Props to you. You come across well in the video and seem intelligent and well put together.

Regarding the girl who raised an objection around age, girls are so ridiculous around things like that, when I was approaching hardcore when I was 21 I would get girls ask me my age, and they would reply "I'm 24!" in total disbelief that a guy 3 years younger was trying to talk to them. You can't win either way with some of them bro, lol, too young, too old, just part of the process!
MakingAComeback said:
Enjoyed the video, clearly you are crushing it and playing the numbers game. Props to you. You come across well in the video and seem intelligent and well put together.

Regarding the girl who raised an objection around age, girls are so ridiculous around things like that, when I was approaching hardcore when I was 21 I would get girls ask me my age, and they would reply "I'm 24!" in total disbelief that a guy 3 years younger was trying to talk to them. You can't win either way with some of them bro, lol, too young, too old, just part of the process!

Thanks man.

I know it's just one rejection of thousands more to come. I know that mentally, it still got to me. Not a bad thing. It was like I was just accepting it.
Manganiello said:
Yeah it was one of those people. Met hundreds of em doing sales.

They're just bombs masquerading as people. Get too close and they blow up.
Now this is a hat level quote. A fat mom lady with a fuse attached. Rough man, but at least it stays exciting!

Manganiello said:
Momentum works. Again... every girl I see and don't talk to makes the next girl even harder to talk to, where as seeing a girl & talking to her makes the next girl even easier.
This is really true. At least during the drills. I guess that’s why social momentum compounds and goes up exponentially. There must be two things going up at the same time for exponential increases: your comfort, and also the successes (approaches) that you do. They feed each other. You can get one up by getting the other up. We focus on the approaches variable, while some others focus on the comfort variable (by drinking).
Manganiello said:
- half the time I dont do the handshake. Not 100% sure if it's worth doing it or not. Either way sometimes I do it, sometimes I don't. It probably doesn't matter.

You mean just a handshake, or handshake->hold->comment on her strength->tease, etc? I went full "Leeroy Jenkins" when cold approaching daily (handshakes, spins, hugs, etc) and I can't say they helped/didn't help. However I'm not sure how things would change if I was going for the insta lay. Looking at your log, focusing on 90% of the girls is more important than worrying about the handshake (think of it as a "nice to have")
Crisis_Overcomer said:
You mean just a handshake, or handshake->hold->comment on her strength->tease, etc?

Just plain old vanilla handshake.

The hangup is becayse of Covid some girls refuse. And it starts the approach abrasively. So is that an early screen or no? Anyway I dont care too much at this point. That's a very fine detail.

Right now the goal is like you said the 90%. Get in volume of approaches and work out the bigger kinks.
March 28, Sunday (10)
Put in the time, but it was inefficient leading me to do 10, instead of 15 which was my goal.


3:15 session
1:58 actually time at venues (getting rid of driving time)
16-19 opportunities
10 girls talked to.


- I am getting better.
- 9/10 had boyfriends, 1/10 was available but was flying home the next day (totally missed chance).


After talking to this hot girl, French girl from Montreal, it turned out she was leaving tomorrow for Montreal. And I just said "well I would get your number but you're going."

A few minutes after the interaction I thought, wait what is she doing tonight? Fuck why didn't i just ask her that?

I think that's an experience thing, and possibly maybe just being in a mindset of a worker, not a closer. If that makes sense.


- 1/3 of my day is wasted driving
- 1/3 of the girls I don't end up talking to for one reason or another.
- I'm starting to see some locations are definitively better.
- I'm more concerned with getting the volume up. So... I'm thinking I need to get more efficient at what places I'm going to.

I was approaching 1 girl every 20 minutes.
And bitched out 1/3 of the time.
To hit my goal I would need to approach for 33 hours every week (which isn't feasible with the mall hours)

But probably more than anything continuing to internalize that I want rejections. There are plenty of girls around, maybe I'm being too selective by not talking to groups or girls walking.

Not a bad day, but yeah there are some improvements to be made for sure.
March 29 Monday

Quick update

- Day off work since the winds were 100kmh (60mph)
- Malls were dead... but...
- I talked to 3 girls (Boyfriends)
- Mostly a research day.

I wanted to know how many girls that were approachable. If I include groups of girls, girls walking, ordering food, etc. How many girls were there?

I was out for 3:20
In venues (not driving) for 2:15

And there were 61 girls.

... this is wayyyyyy better than the tiny numbers I was bitching about earlier. If I include girls walking somewhere or girls in groups. There's tons of girls out there.

I just need yo get used to approaching those girls now.

In other news...

Sounds like BC is getting a lockdown. Right before I was about to go there for a 4 day trip. Time to come up with new plans.
No approaches today. Planning for the next weekend (Going away for 4 days).

Probably won't approach til next Tuesday tbh

Might squeeze a few in for fun tho :)
Manganiello said:
No approaches today. Planning for the next weekend (Going away for 4 days).

Probably won't approach til next Tuesday tbh

Might squeeze a few in for fun tho :)
