Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

That's cool man. If you need anything from me. Or anything that will get more people to do the program let me know.
Quick Update

I'm going radio silent for the next 4 or 5 days.

Taking some time to finally catch my breath and disconnect. So nothing for a few days.

I realized I never uploaded this video. So I'll put it up now.

Oddly this video has more views than any of my other videos... I think just because it was searched on YouTube.

Anyway, I'm putting this up 50% for you Toast, this was when I felt actually really super excited about completing the aa program. It wasn't til this approach that I got excited to be honest. I recorded this 5 minutes after I got my first number. So I was feeling pretty damn good. I started to see what was possible. So start approaching soon man.

See you guys in a bit.
You vlogs are pretty entertaining. I like to watch them. Your story is very inspirational, makes me happy to watch. See you in a few days.
"she has no idea how much effort it took to do that"
This really resonated with me man. Thanks for posting this video. It honestly encapsulated everything I've been feeling for the past few days.
Not sure if it's the style or you lost weight but you look way better now than one of your early AA vlogs on GLL. Keep up the good work dude.
Did 1 approach.
Very Cute/Face went red/had boyfriend.

Ok. So like nothing special, did 1 approach.
I haven't approached in maybe 8 weeks?

This was a lot more difficult then where I left off, this kind of affirms what everyone says. when you take a break, it gets harder to get back into.

- Go to better spots, it's about maximizing opportunities per unit of time.
- There is A LOT I need to work on. As good as the AA program is, it gets you comfortable in situations you practice in. And I need to be better at a lot more situations other than solo girls shopping in a store.
- A lot more I could say, the main takeaway is I need to pour on the reps to get back into the groove of it, and keep pushing the comfort zone in more and different situations.
May 26 (3)

3 approaches
1 number

The mall was deadddddddddddd. Super dead.
For those who don't know. Canada, atleast where I live is still in a lockdown. Stores are at 10% capacity. Still got it done tho.

First interaction --- 5 seconds - had a boyfriend
Second Interaction --- She said thanks and walked away
Third interaction --- Cute girl, face went red, she was really off, like she wasn't answering my questions (maybe from nervousness), anyway I was akward, she was akward. Got her number. I wasn't expecting tbh, but I just need to text her. I'll be the first to admit, I am a total noob at this.

Feels to good to be back at it.
Had like a kick of energy when I drove into the mall parkade, it like instantly put me in the AA program mindset.
I think that's what made today easier, I just got into the headspace of "I just need to say my line and that's it"

I think I need to work on the audience more, anytime there's an audience I shy away from it. I've never mastered that situation. And I know I'm missing opportunities, tons of them. Notably girls in line or in crowded aisles.
Again the more I do it, the easier it gets. I think I'm going to start targeting girls in lines and in busy aisles. Like just start working on it as a drill almost as I'm actually approaching.

Anothing thing I wanted to say at some point I didn't like giving you guys advice dealing with AA program when I hadn't done it in 2 months (mind you I was busy with getting a raise and getting an apartment, but still...)

Feels good to be back.
Realized just how much flavor and color approaching adds to life.

Toast : You gonna start doing this before work soon?

~11,000 steps
calories: 2800

Still finding it hard to switch from keto to non-keto. I think I'm just trying to learn what foods satisfy my hunger more than 3 hours at a time.
Great job leading the pack by example.

Also, Damn I've been called out! I've been meaning to start approaching, but honestly just been slacking.
May 27 (1)

Video will show me more frustrated than how I ended the day.
Super dead mall.
Did get one approach in... but it was outside the mall.
Video was mid-session. I actually went into extra-time and got one done.
There were really only 4 girls I could talk to today (that fit my approaching criteria... But I think my criteria is too narrow).

Super cute girl, but she was gay. Actually her immediate answer was: "Oh, I have to tell you, I'm super gay".
First time I approached a lesbian, but she was cute and nice nonetheless.
Felt like fate was taunting me by having the hot girls enter the store as I was leaving.

There are a LOT of things I need to work. I'm just going to list them.
- Making sure I don't get interrupted (or interrupt myself) mid-session
- Go to a better location?
- Do more sets on situations I'm still averse to (Girls in line, crowded situations, pairs etc.).
- Maybe starting the drills at 5pm is too late... even if I'm already leaving work early
- lowering the looks standards girls have to cross

Overall, I'd say its a mix of the density of the venues I'm in and me being hyper selective of girls and situations.
I was calling like 10 girls cute a day pretty consistently during the AA program. So I don't see how this is that different. Even though it feels very different in my head.

Other Stuff
- Just started texting that girl from yesterday. I'm a total texting noob. Massive noob.
- Good News: A grocery store I frequented for approaches closed, but it just made the other close-by grocery store even better.

1700 calories (Finally! a low calorie count not on keto).
I think my hunch was right. I just needed to find food that converts to blood sugar slower.
15000 steps

8 days with 0mg of caffiene. I was going roughly 400mg before, It feels really good, a lot more energy overall.
Manganiello said:
May 27 (1)

Video will show me more frustrated than how I ended the day.
Super dead mall.
Did get one approach in... but it was outside the mall.
Video was mid-session. I actually went into extra-time and got one done.
There were really only 4 girls I could talk to today (that fit my approaching criteria... But I think my criteria is too narrow).

Super cute girl, but she was gay. Actually her immediate answer was: "Oh, I have to tell you, I'm super gay".
First time I approached a lesbian, but she was cute and nice nonetheless.
Felt like fate was taunting me by having the hot girls enter the store as I was leaving.

There are a LOT of things I need to work. I'm just going to list them.
- Making sure I don't get interrupted (or interrupt myself) mid-session
- Go to a better location?
- Do more sets on situations I'm still averse to (Girls in line, crowded situations, pairs etc.).
- Maybe starting the drills at 5pm is too late... even if I'm already leaving work early
- lowering the looks standards girls have to cross

Overall, I'd say its a mix of the density of the venues I'm in and me being hyper selective of girls and situations.
I was calling like 10 girls cute a day pretty consistently during the AA program. So I don't see how this is that different. Even though it feels very different in my head.

Other Stuff
- Just started texting that girl from yesterday. I'm a total texting noob. Massive noob.
- Good News: A grocery store I frequented for approaches closed, but it just made the other close-by grocery store even better.

1700 calories (Finally! a low calorie count not on keto).
I think my hunch was right. I just needed to find food that converts to blood sugar slower.
15000 steps

8 days with 0mg of caffiene. I was going roughly 400mg before, It feels really good, a lot more energy overall.

I really appreciate that you talk about the off days too, it's definitely really relatable to me and probably other guys too.
May 28 (7 approaches / 3 numbers)

- 3 numbers out of 7 approaches, plus 4 I initiated but screened out.
- Felt really good, wasn't really aiming for anything besides just pushing myself.
- Delayed start, had to buy a shirt and facemask before I started.
- I think a multitude of factors played into why this day was so much better than yesterday (i'll put in lessons)
- Talked to one girl in line, which was good.
- The crazy thing is that if it wasn't for all bars and restaurants being closed I could approach for another hour or two by my apartment. Then go into the bars.
- Feelin really good about right now. I think I'm starting to feel more comfortable with just approaching girls.

Notable Interactions
- First number: worked at the mall, waiting for the bus. Super smooth conversation, good chemistry. I couldn't tell if she was overweight or had big clothes on. Her face was nice tho.
- Second Number: Hottest girl i saw all day. Actually took a second to work up to talk to her, was a bit of a crowd, and she was intimidatingly hot. Awkward conversation. She kept giving me 3 word answers to my questions. She said "wow this is bold of you" which was ego gratifying.
- Third Number: Cute girl in the new grocery store I found. There were like 4 or 5 girls to pick from. I had to follow her for a bit because she was going shopping so fast. Anyway stopped her. Good conversation, from Vancouver.

Ok, so overall I feel like I got lucky with the number to approach ratio. But it feels good tho.

There's a few that contributed to today.
- I was still somewhat in work mode when I started. Which meant my headspace was "Just get it done and move on to the next thing".
- I was in a good mood, but it was more focus than happy. If that makes sense.
- The momentum really helped. First girl I got the number and then I kept going.
- I wasn't trying to hit a target or quota of approaches. I was just seeing how many I could do, almost out of a curiosity/challenge.
- I was taking today as a DRILL and not as an APPROACH. Meaning my focus was just on completing what I needed to say, and not really caring about what she said. That seemed to really work.
- I kept thinking "just say it and move on".

Other thoughts
- I noticed some of my thoughts as the day progressed...
--- The best approaches involved me not thinking. Social momentum makes just approaching easier.
--- The hard situations should be practiced on because once I get past those others like will be easier, and I can get my daily approach count up.
--- I more or less have no problem with the girl who's stationary and alone. I don't think I have any AA there actually.

~17,000 steps
~1400 calories (probably will go til 1700)
-Zero Caffiene is still making a positive difference. Quite Noticeably.
-Also my eye is a lot better (symptom-wise anyway).
Feels good to know I have 3 more numbers to text after this.


SamJ_ Yeah hopefully you can learn and get some perspective from this. That's half the reason I write these tbh.
Just realized this now.
Thought I'd share this lesson:

I think thinking is actually the enemy of approaching.

It's better to not filter the girls out before I speak to them.

Or spend as little time as possible evaluating them before I approach.

I may have had an easier time yesterday because I would talk to a girl, I wasn't 100% sure fit my criteria.

There were a few where I would say "Hey..." and then after I see they're much older... "Do you have the time"... if they were cute I'd say "I thought you were cute and wanted to say Hi"...

That seemed to really help, because I didn't give myself very much time to THINK about it.
Manganiello said:
May 28 (7 approaches / 3 numbers)

- 3 numbers out of 7 approaches, plus 4 I initiated but screened out.
- Felt really good, wasn't really aiming for anything besides just pushing myself.
- Delayed start, had to buy a shirt and facemask before I started.
- I think a multitude of factors played into why this day was so much better than yesterday (i'll put in lessons)
- Talked to one girl in line, which was good.
- The crazy thing is that if it wasn't for all bars and restaurants being closed I could approach for another hour or two by my apartment. Then go into the bars.
- Feelin really good about right now. I think I'm starting to feel more comfortable with just approaching girls.

Notable Interactions
- First number: worked at the mall, waiting for the bus. Super smooth conversation, good chemistry. I couldn't tell if she was overweight or had big clothes on. Her face was nice tho.
- Second Number: Hottest girl i saw all day. Actually took a second to work up to talk to her, was a bit of a crowd, and she was intimidatingly hot. Awkward conversation. She kept giving me 3 word answers to my questions. She said "wow this is bold of you" which was ego gratifying.
- Third Number: Cute girl in the new grocery store I found. There were like 4 or 5 girls to pick from. I had to follow her for a bit because she was going shopping so fast. Anyway stopped her. Good conversation, from Vancouver.

Ok, so overall I feel like I got lucky with the number to approach ratio. But it feels good tho.

There's a few that contributed to today.
- I was still somewhat in work mode when I started. Which meant my headspace was "Just get it done and move on to the next thing".
- I was in a good mood, but it was more focus than happy. If that makes sense.
- The momentum really helped. First girl I got the number and then I kept going.
- I wasn't trying to hit a target or quota of approaches. I was just seeing how many I could do, almost out of a curiosity/challenge.
- I was taking today as a DRILL and not as an APPROACH. Meaning my focus was just on completing what I needed to say, and not really caring about what she said. That seemed to really work.
- I kept thinking "just say it and move on".

Other thoughts
- I noticed some of my thoughts as the day progressed...
--- The best approaches involved me not thinking. Social momentum makes just approaching easier.
--- The hard situations should be practiced on because once I get past those others like will be easier, and I can get my daily approach count up.
--- I more or less have no problem with the girl who's stationary and alone. I don't think I have any AA there actually.

~17,000 steps
~1400 calories (probably will go til 1700)
-Zero Caffiene is still making a positive difference. Quite Noticeably.
-Also my eye is a lot better (symptom-wise anyway).
Feels good to know I have 3 more numbers to text after this.


@SamJ_ Yeah hopefully you can learn and get some perspective from this. That's half the reason I write these tbh.

Great to read your posts, watch your videos, and learn from your experience. Really inspirational. Keep pushing man. The biggest thing holding me back right now is the difficulty of finding girls to approach where I live. But I like your advice on treating every approach like a drill. I need to always be ready to go up to an attractive girl as soon as I see her, no matter how many other people are around or how awkward it seems and have something ready to say, since opportunities are kinda rare for me and I've got to stop missing them. Even though my approach volume is going to be low just because of my situation, I want to try to push myself to do more difficult approaches and really learn from each approach, so that hopefully by the middle to end of the summer, most of my anxiety is gone and I stop hesitating completely.
May 31 (1)

Super Quick
Got one approach in.
Tan, perfect body, maybe 28 or 30 y.o., had a boyfriend.

I'm happy about it because this was the first time ever (i think), where I actually approached a girl without being in a session.

Meaning I went into the pharmacy to get my prescription filled and leave, but I saw her and approached her on my way out.

I think it's stuff like this that's important. Because to get my approach numbers up, and just being a 'guy who approaches' I need to be doing stuff like this as a normal part of my day.


Other stuff
Have a date lined up from Friday's cold approach tomorrow.

Found my old laptop that has all my old weight and calorie data, plus my TDEE.
So I burn about 2366 calories a day, in order to cut about 4 lbs per month, I'll need to go for 1900 calories a day.
The TDEE has been accurate, but weight loss projections have been notoriously inaccurate so I'm going to aim for 1800 per day.

So my new calorie goal is 1800.
I still owe you a scale picture Master . I'll do my weigh in tomorrow morning. And share.
Not looking forward to it honeslty, but I need to restore integrity to my weight loss plans, and start advancing there again.


1980 calories
idk steps, didn't have my phone on me.
Spent $25 on food and drinks today (too much for my current plan).


Thebastard Thanks man. There's more to come.

YouBetYourCottonPanties Thanks man, it feels good to get 3 contacts, but I also know that's not a typical conversion ratio from approaching 7 girls.

SamJ_ Yeah, I think you're seeing lots of cute girls, but they're not fitting your approach criteria. Meaning like you need them to be alone, in a safe situation to approach. I had the same issue (and possibly still do), of not finding enough girls to approach in a day, but I started keeping track of every hot girl I saw within walking distance as I went to the mall, grocery store, etc. And it was quite a bit. Like about 5x more opportunity then I was previously seeing. I just wasn't paying attention... (disqualifying groups, girls walking fast, paying at a cash register, walking down stairs, taking the elevator, in their car on their phone, etc.) There are lots of those girls, they're just in a situation I wasn't (and still am not) used to approaching in.
Oh man didnt know U were doing daily approach logs, def gonna start watching! Keep it up mang!

I did it. But the scale batteries were dead. So I'll have to send another one later.

Yeah aiming to get my approach count up. I mean what's the point doing the AA program if I'm not going to do that?
Manganiello said:

I did it. But the scale batteries were dead. So I'll have to send another one later.

Bummer 😂😂 yeah those suckers run out of betterie pretty quickly. Bought batteries at my local drug store if your not sure where to buy them.

Manganiello said:
Yeah aiming to get my approach count up. I mean what's the point doing the AA program if I'm not going to do that?

Agreed haha and your getting phone numbers like a madman as I could see from your last few posts can't wait to see more!