Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

June 2nd (6)

6 approaches (one walked away, 5 had boyfriends) + 4 I screened out for age.

- Feel good about the day overall. But I do think I could've done MUCH better.
- I missed maybe 20+ approaches I could've made, but found reasons not to do them.
- I did 2 in about 90 minutes, then another 4 in half that time afterwards.
- Did 3 situatiosn that were more challenging (walking towards me hurried/waiting for food order/in a line with people.)


Get Social Momentum at all costs (Instead of looking for an Easy Approach to start the day)
It seems like Social Momentum is absolutely crucial with my experience level, I can approach but still need a boost to hit high numbers (it seems). So when I go for an easy approach at the start, I end up saying no to a lot of girls and creating Negative Momentum. It's actually a horrible way to start the more I think about it. I don't know the best way to get momentum quickly at the start, but it's starting to feel like it's imperative.

Is setting an approach quota a good or bad idea?
IDK yet... but it seems like sometimes when I set a quote I either make it too easy, or stress myself out too much. It worked today to get myself to do the final four. I was hovering at 2 forever, and then pushed myself for four.

Devoting some attention to pushing the comfort zone was useful again.
It made me approach the girl waiting for her food, the girl walking at me, and the girl in line.

The Less thinking the better.
The less time I analyze a situation the better off I am. This was true again today. The girl walking towards me, the time it took me to see her and commit to the approach was like 0.3 seconds.

Date for today rescheduled and suggested another time when I shot a confirmation text. Honestly it felt like a bonus, cuz it gave me more time to approach.

Other stuff:
Made another sale for coaching (hasn't signed yet but she 99% chance will). I'm raiding this one company's employees lol. That's 2nd client from that one company.

The eye doctors changed my diagnosis to something less serious (a parasite basically), but I still think that's unlikely since it comes from Meat predominantly and I'm vegan. I think they're just shotgunning solutions and seeing what will work... that's 100% fine with me cuz it's working.


1586 calories. Might just eat til 1800 today tho. Carrots and Apples have been lifesavers.
12000 steps.

Need to fucking lose weight more.


play_time_is_over Thanks man. Your effort is inspiring me dude.

Master said:
Agreed haha and your getting phone numbers like a madman as I could see from your last few posts can't wait to see more!

3 #s out of 7 approaches is not typical (at all), but it feels good to get a streak like that when the first number I got that week was being noncommittal.

Manganiello said:
June 2nd (6)

6 approaches (one walked away, 5 had boyfriends) + 4 I screened out for age.

- Feel good about the day overall. But I do think I could've done MUCH better.
- I missed maybe 20+ approaches I could've made, but found reasons not to do them.
- I did 2 in about 90 minutes, then another 4 in half that time afterwards.
- Did 3 situatiosn that were more challenging (walking towards me hurried/waiting for food order/in a line with people.)


Get Social Momentum at all costs (Instead of looking for an Easy Approach to start the day)
It seems like Social Momentum is absolutely crucial with my experience level, I can approach but still need a boost to hit high numbers (it seems). So when I go for an easy approach at the start, I end up saying no to a lot of girls and creating Negative Momentum. It's actually a horrible way to start the more I think about it. I don't know the best way to get momentum quickly at the start, but it's starting to feel like it's imperative.

Is setting an approach quota a good or bad idea?
IDK yet... but it seems like sometimes when I set a quote I either make it too easy, or stress myself out too much. It worked today to get myself to do the final four. I was hovering at 2 forever, and then pushed myself for four.

Devoting some attention to pushing the comfort zone was useful again.
It made me approach the girl waiting for her food, the girl walking at me, and the girl in line.

The Less thinking the better.
The less time I analyze a situation the better off I am. This was true again today. The girl walking towards me, the time it took me to see her and commit to the approach was like 0.3 seconds.

Date for today rescheduled and suggested another time when I shot a confirmation text. Honestly it felt like a bonus, cuz it gave me more time to approach.

Other stuff:
Made another sale for coaching (hasn't signed yet but she 99% chance will). I'm raiding this one company's employees lol. That's 2nd client from that one company.

The eye doctors changed my diagnosis to something less serious (a parasite basically), but I still think that's unlikely since it comes from Meat predominantly and I'm vegan. I think they're just shotgunning solutions and seeing what will work... that's 100% fine with me cuz it's working.


1586 calories. Might just eat til 1800 today tho. Carrots and Apples have been lifesavers.
12000 steps.

Need to fucking lose weight more.


@play_time_is_over Thanks man. Your effort is inspiring me dude.

Master said:
Agreed haha and your getting phone numbers like a madman as I could see from your last few posts can't wait to see more!

3 #s out of 7 approaches is not typical (at all), but it feels good to get a streak like that when the first number I got that week was being noncommittal.


Good stuff. You're way ahead of most guys on here, I'm lucky to get one or two approaches in a day but obviously I have to try way harder. I think one of my main problems is being way too analytical and thinking way too much before I act, I'm trying to train myself to act on impulse more and not think. It's hard tho but keep it up
Manganiello said:
@Master here:

Not as bad as I thought... I feel heavier tho.

Damn man that's good! If I remember correctly you are 6feet something right ? 173 is loooow, and it's understandable having difficulty balancing gym, new place just because of how many approaches you do a day man, even if you think you could do more it's prob in the top 1% of people who finished the AA program! So you are a legend amongst legends haha
Master said:
even if you think you could do more it's prob in the top 1% of people who finished the AA program! So you are a legend amongst legends haha

Anything under 15 a day is low.
June 2 (3)

Got 3 in today in roughly 20 minutes.
There were about 6 approachable girls I saw.

Today was restricted by work. It was actually really stupid. It was hot as fuck, and we were rushing to get stuff done, and took my original plan to leave at 3:30 to do approaches and pushed that back closer to 5:30. I had no plan to approach after that, but I saw a mall when I was on the highway and couldn't resist (the mall was ok).

The approaches

1 - Quick reject. She had a boyfriend. I could tell just how she responded.
2- Didn't completely stop, she kept walking midway
3- Super hot, never had a boyfriend ever tho, and then she wouldn't give her number. I wonder why she's single?

Other stuff

2010 Calories (had to adjust this #)
I drank 3 gallons of water today. Fuck that. Never sweated so much in my life. Just nursing my health back from that. Need more electrolytes.

Overall thoughts

I profoundly want to approach more. That was all I was thinking about last night, this morning, driving to work, at work, during break, during lunch, leaving work, doing approaches, driving home, getting home. I just want to approach.

Think I'm going to change my goal from 70-80 approaches/week to 120.

I think it's doable. Especially if I went to a subpar location today near closing and saw 6 opportunities in close to 30 minutes.


Master 173 is low, but I was at 169 3 months ago. So that isn't a good sign. I honestly think I'll be at my ideal weight with my current muscle mass at around 155 lbs.
Manganiello said:
I profoundly want to approach more. That was all I was thinking about last night, this morning, driving to work, at work, during break, during lunch, leaving work, doing approaches, driving home, getting home. I just want to approach.
I feel this! Literally all i'm thinking about is approaching. How to maximize encounters per min. Good dense locations, How to schedule time for approaching. Thoughts on logistics of instadates. Even while at work I saw a chick and had to hold back cuz im in uniform.

I think its is a really good thing. You are taking yourself seriously now and want to improve. No more sitting on your hands. You have been out there for the past few days taking action. That's whats important.

Are you immediately leaving after she mentions she has a boyfriend? I think its valuable to push the approach even further. She could be lying, or just in defensive mode.
Say you could be her second. Say, well call him and tell him its over. Ask if he's bold enough to do what you just did. These are things im personally going to try out.
Toast said:
Are you immediately leaving after she mentions she has a boyfriend? I think its valuable to push the approach even further. She could be lying, or just in defensive mode.
Say you could be her second. Say, well call him and tell him its over. Ask if he's bold enough to do what you just did. These are things im personally going to try out.

No I haven't been pushing, but I will. I think I trained myself automatically to jet as soon as she says boyfriend. Instead of pushing. Just need to get into that habit so I don't need to think about it. An instant reflexive rebuttal comes out when she's says "boyfriend".

Yeah man I want to pour myself into approaches this weekend. Go full on approach mode.

... I'm going to try and leave work a bit earlier today too. I'm tired now, so I'll do what I can to get my energy up later in the afternoon. Either way I'll just approach.

Supposed to be even hotter today than yesterday so I'll have to be super on top of this.
June 3 (1/18)


- 18 approaches today.
- 1 number
- I owe Toast a lot for this one. He basically gave me the inspiration to aim that high.

Cutest girl I talked to was the number I got too.

All in all, I still feel like 18 was low. It could've been 40. Honestly. I know some of you guys might think 18 is a lot. But I also know the 30+ approaches are pretty realistic. And I need to be able to approach efficiently, if I want time to go on dates.

Notable stuff:
- Approached one pair at night, honestly it wasn;t that great.
- Did 3 approaches from behind, and I'm starting to really like them. The number I got was the hottest girl i talked today and she was an approach from behind.
- Ran into some old vegan friends while walking down the street, hung out with them for a bit. I forgot last time they saw me I was fat.

Foot Traffic.
Where do I find huge foot traffic?

Honestly not a lot to report here guys.
I just pushed myself today and got that number really high. I still think I can do better.

Still need to work on pairs. I feel like I suck at it. Or maybe just hesitant to do it.
I want to be able to get 15 approaches in within 30 minutes. Idk how. But I just want to be able to do that.

1600 to 1800 calories (dunno, I'm at 1400 now, going to eat a bit more before bed).
~20,000 steps.
Manganiello said:
I just pushed myself today and got that number really high. I still think I can do better.

Still need to work on pairs. I feel like I suck at it. Or maybe just hesitant to do it.
I want to be able to get 15 approaches in within 30 minutes. Idk how. But I just want to be able to do that.
This is the same issue I'm working on as well. I think with time we will get a feel for our area for the best times and places.

I also think that being extra bold with approaches will help increase volume as well. Your past experiment where you counted every girl in every situation was like 60 girls in the span of an hour. So somehow we both need to work up the courage to approach girls in those extreme situations.
Good fucking hustle mate. Didn't realise this was the most you've done. Toast showed you 16 is possible. You're showing me 18 is possible, and agreed. 5 / day is not enough.

You have a WINNERS ATTITUDE. Thanks for the vlog mate.
play_time_is_over said:
Good fucking hustle mate. Didn't realise this was the most you've done. Toast showed you 16 is possible. You're showing me 18 is possible, and agreed. 5 / day is not enough.

You have a WINNERS ATTITUDE. Thanks for the vlog mate.

Thanks man.

After doing 18 I see that I could double that number.

Plus like once covid kind of smoothes out, people will start going back to normal life and that opens up a few new high traffic venues.
- Universities
- Downtown Transit stations at rush hour.
- Arenas (Maybe - it might just be a sausage fest).

It's super inspiring to see your and Toast pushing.

You live in Melbourne right?
I think Melbourne is fairly dense and has high foot traffic areas? I could see you getting 50 a day regularly with that kind of place.

Looking forward to your next update dude.
Manganiello said:
June 3 (1/18)


- 18 approaches today.
- 1 number
- I owe @Toast a lot for this one. He basically gave me the inspiration to aim that high.

Cutest girl I talked to was the number I got too.

All in all, I still feel like 18 was low. It could've been 40. Honestly. I know some of you guys might think 18 is a lot. But I also know the 30+ approaches are pretty realistic. And I need to be able to approach efficiently, if I want time to go on dates.

Notable stuff:
- Approached one pair at night, honestly it wasn;t that great.
- Did 3 approaches from behind, and I'm starting to really like them. The number I got was the hottest girl i talked today and she was an approach from behind.
- Ran into some old vegan friends while walking down the street, hung out with them for a bit. I forgot last time they saw me I was fat.

Foot Traffic.
Where do I find huge foot traffic?

Honestly not a lot to report here guys.
I just pushed myself today and got that number really high. I still think I can do better.

Still need to work on pairs. I feel like I suck at it. Or maybe just hesitant to do it.
I want to be able to get 15 approaches in within 30 minutes. Idk how. But I just want to be able to do that.

1600 to 1800 calories (dunno, I'm at 1400 now, going to eat a bit more before bed).
~20,000 steps.

This is great, making me look like a real slacker, to be fair I haven't done the AA program because I wanted to jump right in, but I still should be able to increase mine even without that.
SamJ_ said:
This is great, making me look like a real slacker, to be fair I haven't done the AA program because I wanted to jump right in, but I still should be able to increase mine even without that.

Yup. Most guys who approach out there have not done the AA program. So you could easily get high numbers.

You just need to do more and maybe stop expecting your approaches to be easy til you've done several hundred.

ALSO get to a place where you absolutely do not care what she says or thinks about you.

Do not value numbers. The rejections are what will get rid of your AA not the numbers or how many good responses you get. You need to get the calluses from bad reactions to your approach. It's the ONLY way.

What makes approaching easier is when you've done a lot (10+ per day) 4 or 5x a week.
Manganiello said:
SamJ_ said:
This is great, making me look like a real slacker, to be fair I haven't done the AA program because I wanted to jump right in, but I still should be able to increase mine even without that.

Yup. Most guys who approach out there have not done the AA program. So you could easily get high numbers.

You just need to do more and maybe stop expecting your approaches to be easy til you've done several hundred.

ALSO get to a place where you absolutely do not care what she says or thinks about you.

Do not value numbers. The rejections are what will get rid of your AA not the numbers or how many good responses you get. You need to get the calluses from bad reactions to your approach. It's the ONLY way.

What makes approaching easier is when you've done a lot (10+ per day) 4 or 5x a week.

Yeah I can already feel some of my AA is going away for girls solo and stationary. I can make myself approach a girl now if I really want to, in fact if I see a hot girl I think to myself oh shit, I gotta approach lol because I know I'm gonna end up doing it and it's a mixture of feelings of dread and excitement. But overall the approaches are a good experience and I feel happier after doing them, even if I do get rejected. Like I said, I think I need to have a breakthrough day where I do a bunch of them, but it's still hard for me to be aggressive and quick enough to approach girls walking fast with earbuds in.
June 4 (1/4)

1 number
4 approaches. 3 duos/1 single.
Did it all at night.

Not nearly as big of a day as yesterday or the sick ass stuff Toast and play_time_is_over were doing.

But a decent growth day. Even though there's a lot more to be desired.

So today I was solely looking for groups or pairs of girls to approach. Pairs of girls have
been the hardest approaches to make by far... and before today I've only approached one pair and it was hard as fuck.

Pair #1
After 45 minutes of bitching out I approached a pair... but as I'm walking there this 40 year old black guy starts dancing towards them. The fucking start literally running away. I was actually mad at the guy for fjcking it up. Anyway I found the same girls later and approached. Unreceptive.

2nd pair.
Super nice and appreciative. They both responded well. Felt like a daytime approach. Had a boyfriend.

3rd pair.
Probably the most swagger I had in an approach. I was gefinitely getting eyed by girls when I was out. Plus seeing crowds of guys dress up and fucking stand around and stare at girls and do nothing like kicked some competitive drive in me. So these 2 girls were in front of a bunch of guys. And the one girl started looking at me from 50 ft away. I walked directly up to her and held eye contact the whole way. There was definitely tension there. Talked to both and got her number.

Feels somewhat redeeming to end the day how I did. But there was soooo much left on the table. There were a ton of opportunities. And the street was fucking busy from 7pm til when I left at 11pm. There's so much more to do during the night.

Just getting my feet wet, but once I get used to the venue and the scenarios I can't see why I won't get high volume in at night. It will be a nice bonus to approach in the streets after the malls close.

Anyway not too bad of a day. The girl I had a date with today flaked. Would've been the 1st cold approach date.

But it was a good day. Felt like I grew a bit and got more comfortable with duos.
Fucking awesome man. Duos is huge. It just opens up so many more opportunities. Fuck now I feel like I have to do some duos!! Glad we're all pushing each other. 25/day is to new goal for ya :p