Master Tinder Log - lay#12 4f10 Chinese girl + insane BDSM sex with #2


Mar 7, 2021
Sup yall thanks again for the continuous support, this community is fucking awesome, always just constructive criticisms and words of encouragements just keep crushing it 💪

I got a good one for yall today!

I've been on Tinder since Friday the 4th (last week) and before last night I went on 1 date (the date was Thursday the 10th) and it went very well. I kissed the girl multiple times, but no lay, it was super fun nonetheless. I could have pushed more but I was not at all on top of my game since it was basically my first date since joining the forum 3months ago. The girl was super sweet, 27yo(like myself), super active and showed a lot of interest in going on a second date, so that's it for this date, now to the heavy stuff.

I've been talking to this cute 18yo girl who lives 1h from where I live for a couple of days at this point and since she lives pretty far away from where I live, I did not put much effort into going on a date asap with her, since I had other options closer to me. So Friday is usually my last training day of the week and I'm about to get rdy to go there at around 7:30PM, when she texts me to ask me what do I do. We chat back and forth and I end up cancelling the gym (I know sorry, pussy > gym) , jump in the shower do a little 10min of bathmate 😏 and preparing my stuff and meet her at a Tim Horton's not too far from where she lives. The ride is smooth, arrive there by 9PM. First thing that I notice, the girl is unable to look at me in the eyes, but is still very affectionate. She hug me thigh as soon as we meet and we chat back and forth and she literally cant look me in the eyes. She's 5f7 and I'm 5f9 (not really just added a pair of 2 inch height increasing sole hehehe) so she is literally looking away or looking down when talking to me, I found this pretty cute.

We rode to her place so I can park my car and I get into hers so she can show me the place around, we end up going to 4 really beautiful spots she knew. The first spot she still isn't capable of looking me in the eyes, so I ask her if it's because she's shy and she said yes while also hugging me and grinning, again fucking cute lol, but I'm like "fuck man how am I going to do this". I started rubbing her back and holding her hand, she kept looking down or away when I was talking to her or she was talking to me. We go to the second spot, and again she's still very shy but she starts getting a bit more comfortable and affectionate, no move forward on my part, this was a pretty crowded place and I didn't felt like it was the right time (I know excuses lol, I'll get better I believe me). When leaving the second spot and getting into her car, I don't really remember what I say, but she just said "Yeah It's fun ridding around a handsome male"... Bro it felt like a thunder just hit me right in the chest. I've basically never been told a compliment by a girl ever other than my girlfriends several weeks into the relationship. It felt out of this world man I swear. All my hours of training and fasting and dieting were worth just for the feeling I felt at this moment. We rode to the third place and this is where I made my move, maybe I'm a bitch and it's only because I now know she's really into me that I did it, but whatever I did it. Went for the kiss and she was very receptive, she even bit my lower lip at the end (hint#1). I was thinking "oh she's starting to get really comfortable that's good", but she was still almost unable to look at me in the eyes. I challenged her before leaving, "Why aren't you able to look at me in the eyes, am I making you uncomfortable?". She said "No it's because I find you really fucking handsome", again the compliment hit like a truck, I returned the compliment and told her that I found her really fucking sexy and she didn't have to be shy since we both found each other super attractive. 4th place comes around and I realize it's a beach and she brought a blanket. We lay down, there's tons of people around. At that time it's 12AM. We chat for a bit and the sex topic just came naturally and oh god I woke a beast. We talked about our past experiences what we would like to try. She told me she was heavily into BDSM and she had a "collection". I was thinking "holy mother jesus, this is a dream come true". I previously never had any experience with BDSM, but it was in my plans to learn and get better at it. Instantly she wasn't shy anymore, she was telling me all this stuff while looking at me in the eyes and I felt the lust and she felt mine. We made out pretty hardcore while she grabbed my dick through my pants and I was grabbing her breast and rubbings her panties. At some point we just said we got to go. Rode back to her place chatted while taking drinks and the fun began.

Remember the girl is 18 fucking years old. She showed me her room and her "collection". She had rings screwed in the wall and at the feet of her bed, a gagball collar, whips and a lot more. I told her I had 0 experience with BDSM, but I really wanted to learn, so she showed me and pretty much everything worked and we started making out. As she was undressing me, she was biting my stomach, arms and pecs and was telling me how "HOT" I was. Bruh man at this point with the escalation of the last hour or so, it just feels like I'm dreaming and getting told that by a girl again, is just magical, or "healing for the soul" like one of Andy's watcher once said. We make out, undress each other and touch each other. Then came the blowjob. I kid you not, the best fucking blowjob ever. 0 Teeth, she was almost able to go all in, perfect tongue movements, perfect saliva hydration, just overall S tier from what I had up until now. She was even doing the anime sexual face "Ahegao" when trying to go all in, that was so fucking hot, holy mother fuck (Im kind of a weeb yes). Sex came, we tried a bunch of stuff and position. Asked her if she had a toy, since I didn't bring one, (received my own magic wand today) and she seemed happily surprised. Had a good 45min ish of sex and we both came almost at the same time, she came like 5 sec before me.

We chatted and hugged for a bit. I told her it was pretty much the best sex I ever had and I definitely wanted to see her again and she said that likewise, I was her number 1. The guys she had up until now were always offended when she brought up her wand to add to the fun and she was really happy that I was the first guy to ask her to use it during sex which I found strange since shes only 18, had lot of BDSM experience but guys she slept with didnt want to use the wand? Maybe she said that to stroke my ego, but whatever, she clearly wants to see me again, so I did some things right. Chatted some more and went to bed at 3am. We wok up at 8am, she had to go to work, and I came back home.

So there it is boys, best sexual experience of my life and prob best experience overall. I learned that I could be desired this much and found a super cute, experienced with BDSM and affectionate 18yo girl. I'm not going to make her into my girlfriend, but I'll def see her again.

Cheers if you read all that haha

Master said:
She was even doing the anime sexual face "Ahegao"
This made me lol

Good shit brutha. Very proud of u being able to land a lay without a spot to go back to. Seemed like it worked out for the better.
Toast said:
She was even doing the anime sexual face "Ahegao" when trying to go all in, that was so fucking hot, holy mother fuck

LOL this is the weebest shit I've read.

It's all good though. Congrats! What a change you have gone through!
Fucking killing mate. Inspiring weebs everywhere to have some chicks pulling ahegao faces for them
Master said:
he was even doing the anime sexual face "Ahegao" when trying to go all in, that was so fucking hot, holy mother fuck (Im kind of a weeb yes). Sex came, we tried a bunch of stuff and position

Ha, I'm incredibly jealous! Good job Master, you're an inspiration to us all!
RogerRoger Haha thanks Roger, I did in fact turned my life around pretty hard, but it's not only because of me! Everyone here contributed to this and you are one of the first to have supported me so thanks man 👊

Toast Thanks man haha, yeah it definitely makes it harder, but it's not impossible and I can see that now! In 3 weeks it wont be a problem anymore though! can't wait.

SIGMA_1234 Thanks a lot Sigma, yeah that's quite a huge change but it's far from over lets all keep going hard and become legends 💪

Crypto That was so unexpected, but god I'm glad it happened haha. Hoping it happens to all of you haha.

Holden It was, and I'm glad I finally made my jump into the dating apps otherwise it wouldn't have happen. I'm still far from a level like yours, but it will get better believe me!

MakingAComeback Thanks MAC, this is the kind of experience that makes all the suffering and efforts we go through worth it, so keep it up yourself man work hard and it's bound to happen. Cheers MAC!

Sin Silver Damn it means a lot to hear that man, thanks a bunch. Really hope this also happens to you someday man! In the mean time go take some awesome tinder pictures 😜👊
Yall are fucking killing me none of you mentioned or commented the fact that a 18YO had tons of BDSM experience, but the fucking Ahegao got all your attention hahahah I'm dead 🤣🤣🤣
KillYourInnerLoser said:

Thanks a lot Andy for giving us the opportunity to share our stories and better ourselves amongst like minded people! 👊
Sounds like a great date. And all on your second Tinder Date ever. Way to go man.
Adam Yeah got pretty lucky with this one not gonna lie. It's like everything I want in a girl and I got it as my first lay and second date 😅. Got to keep going 💪

Manganiello Thanks Manganiello! You support is always appreciated, def more to come! 😁
Another good one for yall today!

Yesterday I went on a second date with the girl I had my first date ever since joining the KYIL forum. The first date was last Thursday and I briefly explain how it went, so I'll go in a bit more details go give more context.

Thursday the 10th I went on a date with a girl I matched on Tinder and getting here number was super fucking easy and quick. Note: The girl talked to me first so she was by default super interested by my photos apparently. She basically responded exactly how she was supposed to to Andy's templates. I'll share screenshots of how the convos went and how long it took to setup the first date.
Another good one for yall today!

Yesterday I went on a second date with the girl I had my first date ever since joining the KYIL forum. The first date was last Thursday and I briefly explained how it went during my first post, so I'll go in a bit more details go give more context.

Thursday the 10th I went on a date with a girl I matched on Tinder and getting her number was super fucking easy and quick. Note: The girl talked to me first so she was by default super interested by my photos apparently. She basically responded exactly how she was supposed to to Andy's templates. I'll share screenshots of how the convos went and how long it took to setup the first date. Sorry in advance, it's in french lol.

Tinder convo:
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Text message template:
View attachment 2

It literally took 10 messages from my part to setup the date and they are basically a copy paste of Andy's following template.

Andy's Tinder Template:
View attachment 1
Andy's Text message template:

I've always been the kind of guy to just talk about stuff without inviting on a date from fear of rejection and with these templates I do not feel that AT ALL! Yes some girl stopped responding to me after the last tinder template message "...We should go for a drink... I'm not looking for anything serious...", but those are the girls we want to eliminate from the start, so that's perfect! And the girls that really want to go and dates and have some winky pinky thinky dinky with me, will gladly share their phone numbers and go on dates.

So for the first date we went to a bar, I paid for her first drink, but that's all (as recommended by my older sister) I'm pretty fucking shit with dates at this stage, so I asked advice from a wiser women (she's 37). I sat next to her (as recommended by Andy's guide, for more proximity and intimacy) and we talked for a good 2hours. I made the move to kiss her half way through. She got god like lips, I wish I could show yall. She stopped me after like 30 sec of kissing the first time, I felt like she was shy to kiss in public, but she did it anyway so I was fine with that "rejection". After the 2h I went for the kiss again before leaving and she gladly accepted. That time I stopped myself after a good 45 sec to not look over bearing and asked her to take a walk. I bitched out of asking her to go to hers. I can't invite any girls back since I live with my ex for the rest of the month, but starting July 1st I'll have my own place near bars and shit, so then I will be able to invite girls back. So we took a 45min walk and talked some more. Didn't even make a move forward, like the bitch I am. She emanate a weird vibe, she seems super reserved and doesn't seems to be attracted to me, but whenever I make moves or take the lead she gladly follows. She doesn't tell compliments, but always respond to my text messages instantly and instantly agreed for a second date when I asked her. It feels weird, but I guess there's girl like this. If any of yall have the same experience or insight on wtf is wrong with her plz let me know. To end the date I walked her back to her car and kissed her again for a good 2min, that was nice. First date since joining the forum and like maybe 4th or 5th date ever, so I was pretty satisfied with the results.

Sunday comes around and I remember her saying she really liked sushi and was about to leave town to go see her parents where she grew up, so I asked her if she wanted to go take another drink or go to a sushi place before she leave town. She almost immediately responded saying she was interested in going to a sushi place and that she was free on Monday, so I reserved a place for Monday 19h30. There's little to no small talk between our text exchange, this is basically logistic only and that's something I really like about her, she is independent and can wait for the date before talking about stuff. The date went weird at first, she didn't have a choice but to sit on the opposite side of the table, since how the restaurant with covid measures is setup. Didn't have any proximity during the whole night. We talked about stuff... again and like the date before, I didn't feel her desire towards me. Our talks were pretty bland and we were eating so there were long moments of silence. Loved the food, but didn't like the restaurant date experience. I ended up paying for both of us, since I'm the one who invited her and as recommended yet again by my older sister and we headed outside. When outside I told her I didn't want the night to stop here and would really like to watch a movie with her. (She already knew about my place situation) So she immediately agreed to bring me back to hers! I was excited inside because I really found her hot and I was like "If I smash her holy hell will I be a happy man".

We drove to hers, got a drink and installed ourselves to watch a movie. The movie was dog fucking shit and we both agreed. It was really hard to make a move the way she was setup on the couch, so nothing happened for the first hour or so. When both our drink were finished, she got up and went to the bathroom. At this point I don't think I even kissed her on the date yet I feel like shit so I gather the small amount of manliness in me for when she comes out of the bathroom. As soon as she comes out, she head to grab a drink and go back to the couch, so I stopped here right here and there, grab her drink and put it on the table and start kissing her. She seemed very glad that this was happening with the huge grin she had when I took the drink out of her hand. Like I said before, she seems to like when I take the lead and take control, but I don't feel any desire or affection emanate from her, it's very weird. So we kissed and start kissing more intensely. I lay her down on the couch and start kissing her neck, boobs and slowly unzipping her pants, 0 resistance there. More kissing and undressing and god when I saw her body it blew my fucking mind. Her panties were in a V formation with her small waist and big thighs, that was gorgeous. then I ate her out for like a good 10min, made her cum. She then "tried" to suck me and it was pretty unpleasant. Lots of teeth involved and not a lot of saliva hydration. Basically the exact opposite of my first lay. The girl have been studying nursing for the last 6 years while also working as a nurse so I can understand she didn't have the time to learn THAT MUCH. It's whatever though since the rest was pretty good. I kind of lost my erection from that BJ so I asked her to go to her bed and we went. On her bed We made out some more, gained back my erection and I put a rubber on. Fucked in multiple position, but I didn't last that long and It was hot as shit. I have a pretty big problem, I sweat very very easily and I sweat a lot. As soon as I start sweating, I usually loose my max erection. I stay at like 80%, but when I don't feel like I'm at 100% I start having performance anxiety and it just goes downhill from there. Will have to work on that. It prob lasted around 15min and when I came I decided to finish her with the good ol Cunnilingus and finger trick (I fucking love eating girls out). It worked, she came again and her pussy was convulsing like crazy, sucks that my dick wasn't in there.

So there you go boys, my lay #2, def had more issues than lay #1, but overall had a great experience and I'll def see her again, she still respond to my text and shit so that's a good sign!

Hope yall have a good one cheers 💪
