Master Tinder Log - lay#12 4f10 Chinese girl + insane BDSM sex with #2

ohhhhhhh boooyy. Nice work dude. Sucks when your junk stops working but probably means you went pretty hard. 2 girls in 24 hours nice work dude!!
Quickly becoming my favourite log/journey to check in on. You've made some mad progress dude
Jacobpalmer123 Yeah I think I'm suffering from a bit of performance anxiety. I'm very competitive in everything that I do hence the reason I went this hard and did so much progresss, but it comes backl to bite me in these situation. I'm putting a lot of pressure on myself and it kills the fun.

play_time_is_over Thanks man keep killing it yourself Play! 👊

Radical Wow man such an honor for real! Yeah I went really hard and those efforts are really paying off right now! Storys like yours, Andy's, Derek and GLL inspired me and now it comes back full circle. If I can inspire others while I keep improving my life I would be a happy man.
Crypto Got to go fast! Haha no but for real I cant really believe it myself how fast I'm progressing in this journey

Manganiello Thanks Manganiello really appreciated 👊
Yet another good one for yall today!

I previously mentioned it in another log, but I got my first phone number from cold approach by approaching a very cute girl at the gym last week. She was my third cold approach ever and approaching her felt so easy and natural. She was always smiling at me when we crossed path or made eye contact at the gym. We would talk here and there and when she was about to leave I just went for it. She gave me her number and seemed super happy and said I was the first guy to approach her like that ever. She's 23 and super cute, I would say the cutest of my lays up until now so how on earth am I her first. She said she didn't know, that guys might be intimidated by her.

Anyhow she texted me on Monday this week at around 8:45pm saying she was in my city if I was available. Long story short she moved the 1st of July to another city 1h30 from mine, but still have some things to do here in Quebec city. I was not available at the time since I was with family watching the hockey game, but she said she would come back on Thursday. Wednesday I text her to setup a date and she agreed. We meet for a drink 2min away from my new place. Talked for a good 1h30 before I go in for the kiss. She gladly accepted it and I said we should go. Invited her back to my place and she agreed. She had to go back to her city after our date so she didnt drink, but I put on some music, metal since shes a metal head. fucking with Bullet for my Valentine is pretty nice! We talked some more for 10min or so then things started.

The usual kiss, kiss more intensely while undressing each others. I played with her nipples while slowly going for her panties. She seemed super fucking into it, she was moaning just from me caressing her tits haha. more kissing and undressing and I ate her out. She really liked it and even said "Wow good job" after I made her cum. First time I receive a direct compliment from eating a girl out lol. She then gave me prob the best bj I ever received. The 18yo bdsm girl has a nasty bj, but I wouldn't know which one is the best. She rode me and it was pretty fucking hot, she was moaning like crazy. We were still in my living room and the apartment door is like right beside my sofa, so the whole fucking floor probably heard her. After maybe 5min she got off and installed herself in doggystyle and I went in like a starved bulldog. Had to slow down a few times to not cum, but at some point I just let it all out. I said I wasnt done with her, ate her out one last time, made her cum again. We cuddled for a good 15min and she dressed up and left.

Overall prob my favorite lay of all. The girl is super fucking cute, super affectionate, super feminine and in very good shape. She also is a goddess of BJ's and likes it rough and is not afraid to take the lead if she really wants it. So that's lay #4, first cold approach lay and only the 3rd girl I approached ever. I was kind of lucky to fall on a girl like her. She's super open minded and used to work in a sex shop for like 2years, so she's really in touch with her sexuality or so it seems.

On Friday I saw the Powerlifting girl again (3rd time) we went to a restaurant, had shit service but we both enjoy the company of the other so that wasnt so bad. Had food and drink, left after maybe 1h30 went to a ice cream place and then to my place. Put on a movie and didnt finish it. Same ol same ol, kissing, kissing more intensely. She surprisingly went for my pants real quick, so I accelerated the pace a little too. after maybe 5min we were both naked, I ate her out. I'm not sure if I made her cum but I went in before she could give me a bj. She doesnt have the best bj and since I'm kind of having libido issues in the last 2 weeks I didn't want to loose my erection. Fucked her missionary for a good 6-7min, then she wanted me sit on the couch. She rode me surprisingly very well and after 5min or so I couldnt hold it, she was going crazy so I just came. I let her continue to ride me for a little while then stopped her cause it was hurting. Asked her sit on my face and she did, but idk if its her or my sofa I had lots of issues eating her out this way. Got her to go on her back and ate her some more. I had to go for awhile and pretty intensely before she came, but after she came I continued and she came super quickly back to back, so 3 times fairly quickly, like our second lay. We finished the movie while cuddling and she left to go to her place.

Sick Thursday and Friday Yet again! Almost a copy paste of last week, but with 2 different girls. Like I said I have some libido issues recently so I'll slow down the chase for date a little. If I can have a rotation of 2 girls I'm used to lay with I would be happy and currently I couldnt really provide for more lol. So the 5th lay might take awhile or it might not, but I wont go super hard like I've been doing in the last 3-4weeks. The libido issue might be related to tons of things, like nofap flatline, intense caffeine consumption in the last 2 weeks since I was moving and all, performance anxiety from wanting to please the girls too much without enjoying the sex myself or like Toast brought up, I received so much validation from multiple angles in the last few weeks that it might play some tricks on my brain and have a negative effect on my libido. Or it might be a mix of multiple things, anyhow I'll take some time off to sort things out. I'm not going off of dating site completely, I'm just going to slow things down and try to space out date a little more!

Cheers yall

You got laid with your 3rd cold approach??


I want to go to every cunt who whinges about how being bald has fucked them in dating and shove this log down their throat. You fucking legend


Wtf? That was fast as hell lol.
I'm excited man.

Another Canadian having success from cold approach.

Can't wait for us to do some approaches.

Love it man!
Radical Yup my 3rd cold approach is my lay #4! Thanks a lot radical, but you are the legend haha! I'm only following in your steps. Honestly, being bald haven't hinder me in the slightest up until now. Anyone saying thats the reason they arent getting dates are just finding excuses and that's sad lol.

Manganiello Thanks a lot Managniello! Yeah that was fast I also didn't expect that lol. Yeah man let me know when you go to Montreal we will meet and approach girls there for sure 💪 Thanks for the continuous support you rock and gratz again on loosing your V-card with a cold approach. ✌️

KillYourInnerLoser Of course! Us bald man aint shit compared to people with hair. Look at Johnny sins or J mack, both tremendously failing porn actors, if only they had hair...
Congrats. Awesome to see your hard work paying off. Makes me want to get back into the gym.
Master said:
Honestly, being bald haven't hinder me in the slightest up until now. Anyone saying thats the reason they arent getting dates are just finding excuses and that's sad lol.

It is

It is fucking sad
Holden said:
Congrats. Awesome to see your hard work paying off. Makes me want to get back into the gym.

Well you do have quite a lot of success without the gym I get that you dont feel the need to, but going to the gym is cleansing for the soul
Hahaha the young girl. Thats actually kind of funny. Yeah I've had those issues with no fap flatline. A good issue to have of having multiple girls in a short time span also. But anyway nice work and in such a short time span. When it rains it pours.
Toast & Manganiello, I warned y'all - the master is going to clean up shop around here.

Awesome stuff man. Keep improving too.