Master Tinder Log - lay#12 4f10 Chinese girl + insane BDSM sex with #2

Relentless said:
Great pictures, good money spend on that photoshoot.

Awesome updates you are on fire.

Thanks a lot man, Trying hard! Very worth it man, I recommend to pay for a photoshoot to anyone who cant go do it with friends and want some awesome photos and get laid 💪
Your recent photoshoot and lay #6 story with the public sex inspired me to suck it up and buy a DSLR.

Looking forward to more of your posts.
colgate said:
Your recent photoshoot and lay #6 story with the public sex inspired me to suck it up and buy a DSLR.

Looking forward to more of your posts.

Hey thanks a lot man! Yeah of course go at it! But if you have no one to take photos with like I do, you can always pay someone to go on a photoshoot and it will be a great start! Of course I'm not done, I'll go on many more photo shoots, but with this set of photos, It's a good start and I have my hand full right now 😜
KillYourInnerLoser said:
You're killing it lately. You up for coming on my podcast again and giving an update on where you're at - maybe when you get to lay #10? Things you've learned, the fun stories you've had, more motivation to others who think they can't change, etc etc? You're a damn inspiration.

If so, just shoot me a message as soon as you hit #10 (which at this rate you could do in 2 fucking weeks...)

Thanks a lot Andy it means so much especially coming from you!! I'm more than hyped up! Last time was fun as hell. For sure I'm at 8 right now! I will soon update my log with lay #7-8 story, so sooner than later ill hit 10! Going to hit you up sometime soon!

Crazy ass week!

On Sunday, the 8th, I saw the Onlyfans(#6) girl again (third time in 1 week) before she goes back to Vancouver. I brought her to my place especially for that and she wanted to get fucked really bad. I asked her if she wanted to smoke since it's been a while since I had high sex, so we did. I honestly believe high sex is the most fun thing ever. It feels like I have super powers. I have more fun, I stay super hard and I feel like I can last longer. I gave her 2 wild fucking rides and ate her out a ton. She prob came like another 7 or 8 times during the whole time. After the sex she told me I was the most in shape dude she slept with and she was surprised my D was this big LOL (Thanks bathmate ;)) because the previous in shape dudes she slept with all had small weiners. She was all over my body and even took a picture of my torso so she can look at it while shes in Vancouver lol. Shit ton of validation right there, motivates me to keep going at the gym and keep going with the PE hehe. She left for Vancouver satisfied and said she would contact me as soon as she comes back. Super fun girl cant wait to see her again!

On Monday I saw a girl, got catfished... The girl was still super fucking cute, but she was prob weighting 30lbs more than her pictures. Ended up just drinking with her, talking and leaving. She didn't interest me sexually, so I just played it beta style, intentionally didnt make a move at the bar and just hugged when I dropped her at her place.

On Tuesday I saw the nurse/powerlifting(#2) girl again, 8th date with her. We went for ice cream and a walk, came back and I asked her if she wanted to smoke so we could have high sex lol. She accepted. Had crazy ass sex, again felt like I had super powers. Was super fun drove her back to hers.

On Wednesday I saw a Moroccan girl. We matched on tinder and in my bio I have "Lets skip the small talk and go for a drink 😉🍹🍺". She wrote to me first asking if I wanted to come take that drink to hers lol. Right off the bath I knew it would be a ez lay, so I said I was available that night (literally the only night I was available) and I went to hers. In person she had a cuter face then her pictures and big ol titties, but she was a bit fatter too, nothing too crazy tho, so I didnt mind. We drank and talked for a good 2h (really need to get this down to 1h max) until I made a move and we fucked. She wasn't shaved and her pussy didn't smell super fresh, prob because of the heat, but both those really put me off. I just pushed through it lol. Not the craziest nor the most fun sex ever but still plenty of fun. It's weird before we had sex she seems so reserved and didn't want to touch or cuddle, but after we had sex, she was just all over me, touching and kissing me, kind of put me off too. She wanted me to sleep there, but I said fuck no lol I have air conditioning at my place and I fucking hate heat (said it more politely lol). Lay #7!

On Thursday I matched with the cutest and most fit girl yet on Fruitz, second very high quality girl from this app, highly recommend you guys check it out. She seemed super cute and pretty fit on her pictures, but she was even more so in person. She is a speed skating athlete and she has big ass legs and ass, but everything is super firm, I fucking loved it. We drank and talked for approx 1h30 and I tried making a move at some point, but she said she didn't like getting close in public. I was totally fine with it, we talked some more and I invited her back to my place. It was still super fucking hot and humid outside, but I told her I had air-conditioning and a fucking luck I had it. She agreed to come and when we got into my room it all started.

The shy girl in public turned out to be really wild once alone in the bedroom. for context, this girl is 23 and she has been in a relationship for basically the last 7 years with 2 different guys and only had like a 4 month break between the first and the second, so she didn't have tons of variety of dicks. I ate her out and made her cum super easily, a lot easier than a lot of girls. I fucked her in multiple position and at some point she just rode me and took me by the neck lol, it's not something that excite me, but I don't mind lol. When I say she is wild, she's wild lol. Even tho we were in my room, door closed with AC on it was still 27.5 with like 70% humidity and outside was even worse. I came, ate her out again and made her cum again. She was mind blown by the fact that I made her cum twice LOL. Poor girl, prob had shit ass partners who didn't want to please her. Whatever lol more points for me! Great ass fucking time with her, lay #8!

On Friday I saw another new girl and got catfished again... The girl was wayyy uglier than her photos and was prob 20-25lbs more than her photos. She didn't interest me at allll, so I talked with her for 5min and told her to come outside the bar and cancelled the date on the spot. I was not a ass about it and actually felt bad, but she was cool with it.

On Saturday I had a family gathering, tons of fun!

On Sunday I went to a sex shop and got myself a nice BDSM starter kit! Can't wait to try it with one of the girls! I later saw the speed skating(#8) girl again, we went for a walk and ice cream, same exact place I went with the powerlifting girl lol. We walked and talked for like 1h and headed to my place. Didn't even put on a movie, started kissing and undressing. Ate her nipples out and she was already moaning pretty loudly, played around her pussy with my fingers and tongue and she became crazy. Ate her out and made her cum. I fucked her pretty hard and had the control the whole time this time. Stopped in the middle of fucking when I was about to cum and ate her out. Made her cum again and finished. We took a 10min break to talk about experience we would like to have and other sex stuff, I really like those talks after sex and we then went for round 2. Unfortunately I ate her out again and made her cum a third time and she couldn't take it anymore. I cucked myself on this one, might have to go in with the D first on later rounds next time. Still great ass time and great ass sex with her again. Will def see her again and she was down to try some bdsm stuff with me in the futur.

Hope yall enjoyed, this shit can happen to all of you just keep fucking grinding and like David Goggins always say, "Stay hard!"

- Master
Follow up to a crazy ass fucking week!

Last week was pretty fucking insane with a date every night except for Saturday, 2 new lays tons of sex! The trend continued this week with Monday. I matched with a cute/fit Belgian girl on tinder around noon and I just proceeded with the templates. End up having her number and setup a date for the same night. Met up with her, drank, talked, she was tons of fun, made a move and she was really into it, not a care in the world if we were in public. Invite her to my place, she accepts. We smoked some Maryjane and started kissing. She seemed like the kind of girl who would like it gentle in bed and she was... kind of, but god damn she deepthroated my cock like no other. As a French Canadian, I never experienced sex with a French girl form another country. The accent is really different, but I find it super fucking hot. She was just moaning and saying how big I am and how she felt it, again thanks bathmate!

TANGENT: I was 5.5 in length and about the same in girth in February and I started doing PE. Like every guy, I've always been kind of ashamed of my D and since I've started dating this shame completely disappeared. in the past 6months I prob gained 1inch in length and Idk how much in girth, but my dick almost doesn't fit in the hydroextreme 7 at max pump (with the protection white thingy). I did some extension using the extender pro, but stopped it awhile back. If you have the time, it might take you an extra 20-25min per night doing PE with bathmate and results will happen really quickly in the beginning.

So I ate her out after I finished and she wasn't properly shaved, apparently where she's from its pretty common, I subtly let her known that I would prefer her to be shaved next time, so we will see, but she wasn't offended, good thing. She also told me afterwards that I went a little too hard and that she's really into spirituality and stuff and she like it slow. That's something I would also like to try since pretty much all the girl I've seen up to now liked it rough. We will see next time I see her, she was down afterwards to meet me again so that's perfect! Lay#9 done, 1 more and I go on Andy's podcast 😜

Tuesday I saw the nurse/powerlifting(#2) girl again, 9th date with her, we went to a restaurant and got some drink and listened to scary movie 2 at my place. She liked the high sex last time she came over and wanted to try again, so we smoked and had great ass sex. I managed to make her cum using only my mouth, this is legit the first time that happened to me, I usually have to use fingers at the same time, but she is 100% clitoral (or however you say it in English lol). We also tried tons of BDSM stuff with the kit I got last Sunday. I tied her hand and feet with the hand/feet cuffs and she put on a collar, didn't use the leash yet but we will some other time! She really liked the experience and want to try more stuff, I fucking like this girl! great ass time with her again!

So yeah with her yesterday, it makes 3 girls in 3 days, so I can say my libido def went back to normal!

Cheers yall

- Master
Still killing it man! I've been caught up with moving during a harsh lockdown with a curfew and every time I read your shit I just want the move to be done and for me to be setup so I can work on my Tinder more and get back to losing weight and get back to routine. Feb to Aug for the PE? So about six months? I have have similar starting stats, I'm not too fussed about it but if its that fucking easy may as well.
Thanks a lot man for the convos, I'm from EU as well, love to see you're doing great. I try the template but doesn't work unless the girl is fat, most likely i'm not that attractive that non-fat/average girl to engage in the conversation. Need to work on my body as i think is my biggest weakness.

Btw, how many matches you get per week? I reached 30 and even with Tinder platinum and boosts they stalled, like I get one new match every 2 days.
Crypto Yesssir man if my log can kick your ass into gear as soon as you are done with moving that would be great! Yeah only about 6 months for this huge ass difference! Let me know if you go for it i'll give you some pointers :p

MakingAComeback Yessir 💪💪 Slayin and Layin
blueman said:
Thanks a lot man for the convos, I'm from EU as well, love to see you're doing great. I try the template but doesn't work unless the girl is fat, most likely i'm not that attractive that non-fat/average girl to engage in the conversation. Need to work on my body as i think is my biggest weakness.

Btw, how many matches you get per week? I reached 30 and even with Tinder platinum and boosts they stalled, like I get one new match every 2 days.

Hey np! I'm from NA actually from Quebec, we speak french here. Of course getting better good looking and looking more liek afuck boy on your photos might help you get away with the templates idk really.

I dont get many matches, I got a shit ton when I first created my account, but most of my matches come from the Likes section we get with tinder gold. But I usually get 1 or 2 per day, sometimes more sometimes 0. I also am on multiple site, like I recently had a lot of success on Fruitz.
Putain tabernac j'aimerai une ptite qwebeboise ou francaise me dire tout ca ca meeeere
Mais t'es bogosse alors t'inquite

But seriously huge respect, you earned everything and more success to come.

Do you feel the PE is a really worthy investment? I'm average, haven't had a complaint but considering it to up by game for maybe retainment, but weighing the time/cost investment as to make decision to order what. Already dermatology (dermanitor 2) for my face is poor consistency
Spazdig said:
Putain tabernac j'aimerai une ptite qwebeboise ou francaise me dire tout ca ca meeeere
Mais t'es bogosse alors t'inquite

But seriously huge respect, you earned everything and more success to come.

Do you feel the PE is a really worthy investment? I'm average, haven't had a complaint but considering it to up by game for maybe retainment, but weighing the time/cost investment as to make decision to order what. Already dermatology (dermanitor 2) for my face is poor consistency

That looks a lot like google translate isnt it haha
Thanks a lot Spaz really appreciated 👊
Yes PE has def been worth it for me, yes it cost money and time but we here not to be average but to be elite and I took it to the heart from the start. And that includes PE, for some reasons the first girls I've had sex with did not comment on it, but ever since my lay 5 or so every girl started commenting on it. Might be due to the fact that I do a 10-15min session before a date hehe, but yeah they all say they feel it large inside them and it makes them go fucking crazy. It's also a lot of fun for me, since now every pussy is kind of tight lol. Maybe don't do a session before seeing a smaller girl like I did with the 4f10 girl and end up hurting her.
Another good one today!

After a crazy ass week and a half, things simmered down a little until Thursday where I used 2 boost at around 6PM. Got a shit load of matches and likes. Got 2 messaged by 2 girls right off the bath. I had already planned to go to the gym, so I played the template game with both of them, got their numbers and setup a date with the redhead girl for the next night and the shy girl for Saturday.

Met up with the redhead girl Friday night at my usual place, a bar near my place. Again another girl that looked better in person than her photos, second time this happens in the last 3 girls, lucky? Whatever, I was glad. Talked a bunch, but I couldn't make a move since we couldn't sit next to each other. Asked her to come to my place and she was very hesitant. She even said "I want to come over but I don't want to sleep with you tonight". Didn't think much of it. At my place, we listened to some music and I finally made my first move. She gladly kissed me back and seemed really into it. I didn't exaggerate since I know she's already hesitant to being at my place. Stopped put on a movie and not even 5min into the movie, kissed her again. At some point I asked her to go to my room so we can be more comfortable. I only have AC in my room so I can sleep at night. She accepted. Put on some music in my room and kissed some more. At some point she asked if I would be mad if we didn't sleep together. I said No and it's weird she became more into kissing and grinding after I said it was fine.

After a good 10-15min kissing and grinding, she just removed my t-shirt, so I did the same and some more. I went really slowly for every piece of clothes and she didn't stop me. I ate her nipples all the while she's grinding on my cock through her clothes. Move my hand down her panties and again no resistance, so I just went for it. Fingered her and ate her out, intentionally didn't make her cum, so she would want more. I whispered in her ears "Do you want it now" and she almost screamed "YES". Put on a condom and fucked her. Got soft at some point because of the fucking heat, I cant bear heat and being sweaty it fucking kills my boner, slowed down and fucked slowly, it helps getting back my boner, fucked her some more and ate her out again after finishing. She said coming was very worth it in the end lol. Walked her back to her car. Lay#10!

Saturday I schedule the shy girl, I didn't know at this point how shy she would be. She rode 1h to get to my city and seemed very chatty when texting. But as soon as I saw her in person she was super fucking shy, had a lot of difficulty looking me in the eyes. We went to the same place I went to the night prior, talked a bit and drank. Couldn't make a move still, but I knew this girl was already in the bag anyway. Went to a nearby convenience store, got some beer went back to my place and listened to Van Helsing.

15min into the movie I make my move and she was waiting for it. She was super into kissing and we slowly undressed each other. Moved to my room, more undressing, I ate her out and then we fucked. I dont know what the hell happened but I was unstoppable and didn't lose my erection. Fucked her for a good 45min. She didn't stop saying how good it was and how big I was (thanks again and again bathmate!). Finally came, ate her out again and rested my case. Fucked her again in the morning before she left. Lay#11!

So there it is boys, got the confirmation from Andy that im going back on his podcast! Can't wait!

Hope yall enjoyed, keep grinding, slayin and layin!

- Master
Master said:
I dont know what the hell happened but I was unstoppable and didn't lose my erection. Fucked her for a good 45min.

Congrats, sounds like you found a girl you click with sexually. With some girls there is just some magic chemistry there and I don't think there is a way to know before you fuck them... So it's all about fucking a lot of girls and finding these gems.

It's funny, in my experience, one out of every 10 girls will be compatible like this, and this was your #11.

Also, good job on persisting with the other girl. If they say "we're not sleeping together" it's a done deal man. They're already thinking about fucking you.
Hey man,

I just joined the forums and wanted to say that you are a HUGE inspiration.

Thank you so much for inspiring me. I'm sure it will give me to inspiration to keep going in my own journey.


Holden ya def a nice experience, hope I can have another soon! And yeah didnt went overboard and just continued with the gameplan and it was ez done deal! 2/2 girls saying they dont want to sleep but end up in my bed anyway lol

oddish glad I can be of any help my man, now its time to go ahead and write your own story and become a legend yourself, we all have it in us it's just a matter of how bad you want it cheers man 💪👊

Radical Getting called a legend by a legend is legendary. Cheers radical 👊💪