Master's AA First approach ever


Mar 7, 2021

Suuuuuup yall! so this is officially the the start of my AA log, I didn't planned on doing it until I moved to my new apartment in early July, but after seeing Toast and Manganiello approches logs I said why not I have some free time that I use to play video games and such, so I can just use this free time to start the AA program. I've been here for 3months now, maybe some of you saw my weight loss/training log or results, so yeah I'm ready to start a new chapter in bettering myself after having gone through almost the whole part 1 of Andy's tinder guide (Loosing weight, improving looks etc etc) I feel confident in my capabilities to start and finish the AA program!

Day 1
This is done by saying Hi! Im Master and presenting myself! If you are weird and really want to know more about me check my log here:
I go in great details about my ups and downs with weight loss, confidence and overall life experiences.

Day 2
This is done by starting this vlog and my forum log! So there ya go!

Day 3
This is also done since I started both my Tinder and Badoo account yesterday evening! I will have to start other apps soon but with both of these it's a good start. I even got my first number using Andy's templates (needed to adapt for french. It was very easy and felt natural. Right now I only have 2 photos on it but I plan on adding much more in the coming weeks.

UPDATE: This number just transformed into my first date! My first since joining the forum, did not expect that especially not even 24h into creating my tinder account!

So that's it just wanted to say hi to the AA community. I will only have a log here since GLL is pretty much dead. I'm starting tomorrow, so with the gym, job and aa wont have much free time but you got to grindto become who you want to become.



Tinder photos ⇊ ⇊ ⇊
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Another baldy. We're starting a cult.

Lol actually i was thinking of shaving my head 5 minutes ago.

Glad to see you start master.

Stick to this and it will change your life. For real.
Manganiello said:
job and aa wont have much free time but you got to grindto become who you want to become.

This is an advantage. It will train you to be quick.

I did mine working fulltime and a pretty ugly commute.
Nice dude. You look really good in the 1st pic although I can't say if it works for Tinder. I don't use it.

I started my cutting in tandem with the AA program. My fat loss has been seamless. But no matter how many heavy weights I've lifted and cardio, how good I end up looking, it's the program that's the big kahuna. Plus you get all that extra cardio from walking during these drills anyway.

I agree that having a full-time job (43 hours here) is actually conducive to doing the drills in some ways. If I didn't have a job binding me, time would expand too much to fill it with something meaningful like the program. Too much time gives you choices of which many cause you to recede, i.e., Internet, forums, reading, shows, feel bad for yourself. Having a job helps keep lazy bedsit dudes like myself in line re the AA program. 6-hour days would be ideal so you could lift and drill same day but even then my drills would probably go from 30, 75 minutes to 60, 90 minutes. Because of the time-expanding effect I mentioned.

I take turns every other day lifting and drilling and have had at first tortuous but now linear progress in the program. The fat loss has been rapid and stable.
KillYourInnerLoser I'm down for the cult, but Manganiello won't do it 🐔🐔

Toast Yessir 💪 With your mentorship I'm certain to succeed 💪

Manganiello Yes man can't wait to see what I become from this, this will def help me structure my time better. Thanks for the continuous support 💪

offwego Hey what's up man! Thanks for the compliment! Yeah saw your AA log a few times without really interfering haha but now that I will be in it and know what you guys are going through I will def interact more with the AA comunity (when I have the time haha). I would also greatly prefer a 6hours per day job, but yeah like you say and job really keep the laziness on check, exactly what I was 3 months ago, so I just welcome this change with open arms! Glad to know your fat loss is going well let's keep crushing it and become better versions of ourselves 💪💪💪

First official day of drills, went pretty well even if I was somewhat nervous to just ask for the time at first -_- but after asking a few times It came pretty naturally especially towards cute girls interestingly enough. We could ask any women the time and I should have prob asked only cute girl since I prob could, but it would have taken a lot more time and I wanted to do it as fast as possible.

This consist of asking girls for the time 5times.
Completed the day in around 20min, went to a cap store between girl 3 and 4, but I'm still counting since I was in the middle of a drill. completed the drill and took a 10min break to read day 5 intro and listen to some of the audio.

This consist of asking girls for the time 5times
Then asking girls for the time 5 times, but quicker than the previous 5.
Completed the day in approx. 15min. Took 5min to ask the time for the first 5girls, then took a 5-6 min break, went into a book store and asked the next 5 girls the time in 4min.

I would have liked to do more today, but I had to go back to my place and prepare my evening and eat, then I was supposed to have a date at around 19h but she flaked. My brother called me and we went play basketball for approx 1h30, so I instead of a date I burned a shit ton of calories! That's it man not much to say it was pretty easy, can't wait to do more!

Cheers, Master
Manganiello said:
Are there no capacity limits in the stores?

Hmm there were for some store, but other not It's weird lol It's like we started deconfining, but not everyone got the memo I'm not sure.
The hesitation of doing drills near people who had recently seen you do a drill is an issue that everyone has to work out somehow. Ive come to find out that everyone really is in their own little world and doesn't pay as much attention to you as you might think.

Great job out there! 2 days in on. very nice
Toast said:
The hesitation of doing drills near people who had recently seen you do a drill is an issue that everyone has to work out somehow. Ive come to find out that everyone really is in their own little world and doesn't pay as much attention to you as you might think.

Great job out there! 2 days in on. very nice

Thanks a lot Toast, yeah I definitely felt like everyone was watching what I was doing but its not the case and this is something I need to work on.

First approach ever

So yeah today I was supposed to do day6 of the AA program but I had to go help my sister moving stuff and the date that flaked on me yesterday texted me this morning, and asked I wanted to do it tonight instead so of course I said yes. She texted me 1h before the date and said she had some last minute stuff... so whatever, I was pretty mad about myself for not doing anything, so I went out with the objective to do 1 approach before coming back home.
I went to a grocery store ( I needed some stuff and saw in multiple log that this is a great place to approach) and I bitched out of 2 possible approaches there... Left the grocery store really ashamed of myself. Decided to go a nearby park and wlaked for 30min without seeing a single potential approach (all girls with guys) returned home and took a detour to the nearby convenience store, saw a cute cashier that I'm used to see working there, but bnitched out and went home instead of parking and enter the store. Parked at my place fucking mad and ashamed about myself for not having the balls to do anything.

After leaving my car I pumped myself and walked towards the convenience store with 1 objective in mind, do the fucking approach and nothing else. Entered the store bought a gatorade (didnt really wanted one but whatever) and told the girl I found her cute, she immediately thanked me but said she had someone, so I said "ah better luck next time" (yikes I know lol, not used to this kind of situation) but felt good and not stressed out at all. The build up was 10000 times more stressful than the actual approach. I see what you guys have been telling in your vlogs and Andy's podcast now.

A very small step towards becoming better, but a step nontheless

Cheers Master 💪
Master said:
The build up was 10000 times more stressful than the actual approach. I see what you guys have been telling in your vlogs and Andy's podcast now.

Lol sounds about right.

First one of thousands.
Master said:
returned home and took a detour to the nearby convenience store, saw a cute cashier that I'm used to see working there, but bnitched out and went home instead of parking and enter the store. Parked at my place fucking mad and ashamed about myself for not having the balls to do anything.

After leaving my car I pumped myself and walked towards the convenience store with 1 objective in mind, do the fucking approach and nothing else. Entered the store bought a gatorade (didnt really wanted one but whatever) and told the girl I found her cute, she immediately thanked me but said she had someone, so I said "ah better luck next time" (yikes I know lol, not used to this kind of situation) but felt good and not stressed out at all. The build up was 10000 times more stressful than the actual approach. I see what you guys have been telling in your vlogs and Andy's podcast now.
The experienced you gained from bitching out and then going to do the approach is huge. Takes some really conviction to go back after having a failed attempt. Use the feeling of being ashamed and mad at yourself as fuel for your future approaches.

Good shit dude!
"Better luck next time." Lol. Might use that on women as they walk away to insulate my own fragile ego. :)
Master said:

First approach ever

So yeah today I was supposed to do day6 of the AA program but I had to go help my sister moving stuff and the date that flaked on me yesterday texted me this morning, and asked I wanted to do it tonight instead so of course I said yes. She texted me 1h before the date and said she had some last minute stuff... so whatever, I was pretty mad about myself for not doing anything, so I went out with the objective to do 1 approach before coming back home.
I went to a grocery store ( I needed some stuff and saw in multiple log that this is a great place to approach) and I bitched out of 2 possible approaches there... Left the grocery store really ashamed of myself. Decided to go a nearby park and wlaked for 30min without seeing a single potential approach (all girls with guys) returned home and took a detour to the nearby convenience store, saw a cute cashier that I'm used to see working there, but bnitched out and went home instead of parking and enter the store. Parked at my place fucking mad and ashamed about myself for not having the balls to do anything.

After leaving my car I pumped myself and walked towards the convenience store with 1 objective in mind, do the fucking approach and nothing else. Entered the store bought a gatorade (didnt really wanted one but whatever) and told the girl I found her cute, she immediately thanked me but said she had someone, so I said "ah better luck next time" (yikes I know lol, not used to this kind of situation) but felt good and not stressed out at all. The build up was 10000 times more stressful than the actual approach. I see what you guys have been telling in your vlogs and Andy's podcast now.

A very small step towards becoming better, but a step nontheless

Cheers Master 💪

Damn bro that's fucking awesome. And you did it all by yourself! That's damn fucking impressive to go from day 5 to an approach. Some KING SHIT right there. We'll have to add you to the approach group, would be good to have someone noobie like me to push each other. I'm also up to day 6 of the AA as well. It's amazing how much more stressful the lead up to the approach is compared to the actual approach.
play_time_is_over said:
Damn bro that's fucking awesome. And you did it all by yourself! That's damn fucking impressive to go from day 5 to an approach. Some KING SHIT right there. We'll have to add you to the approach group, would be good to have someone noobie like me to push each other. I'm also up to day 6 of the AA as well. It's amazing how much more stressful the lead up to the approach is compared to the actual approach.

I would be glad to join the approach group not matter what platform its on! Thanks a lot I'm very glad I did it even if it took me a whole evening, and yeah the build up is so much worst I hope the mental switch where the build up isnt so bad will happen quick haha
Master said:
The build up was 10000 times more stressful than the actual approach

ha ! no wonder i am scared every time i think about approaching - something just comes into my chest and my heart starts beating so fast

it's just approach anxiety and nothing else !

we can do this !

btw, i will do my first approach this month - i'm in Istanbul , so the enviroment and culture is a bit different and i don't know Turkish - but there's always a way through , we just have to be willing enough to find it !

we got this !

onwards !
Yaxir said:
Master said:
The build up was 10000 times more stressful than the actual approach

ha ! no wonder i am scared every time i think about approaching - something just comes into my chest and my heart starts beating so fast

it's just approach anxiety and nothing else !

we can do this !

btw, i will do my first approach this month - i'm in Istanbul , so the enviroment and culture is a bit different and i don't know Turkish - but there's always a way through , we just have to be willing enough to find it !

we got this !

onwards !

One thing that is helping me (and I still have a lot of approach anxiety, I've only done 20 some approaches) is realizing why my approach anxiety is so bad. One part of it is the anxiety about rejection or a bad reaction of the girl. But another big part of it is the fear of being visibly nervous in front of her and that that would somehow make me look "weak" and ruin my chances. So it's a a feedback loop of anxiety. So what I've been trying to do to break this (and it seems to help) is to accept the fact that I'm super nervous and actually even TRY to be nervous during the approach and HOPE that I fuck up and look really intimidated and that can trick your brain into actually being less nervous.