Matias's AA Log


Dec 31, 2021
Day 1
Well, I'm rebooting this, I pressured myself to start this program and I was uncomfortable after time my expectations/pressure on myself lowered and now I wanting to take action and start this program! Trying to respect as much as possible the drills.
Notes for the day:
- Am I really committed to this?
- #1 Goal = #1 Priority
- This isn't the hardest thing ever.
- It starts off easy, gets progressively harder than it will seem easy again.

I will keep you update in this log as I continue with the days.
Thank you for reading. I left my goals and a little bit of background as introduction below.

Hi I'm Matias I'm 20 I've been not so social for the last years. Two months ago my head clicked and wanted to make a change. I started gym, therapy and made some new friends, also reconnected from with I lost contact. Despite that I'm bad with women and want to improve that, I wanna get laid. And be a better person

Near term goals:
- Get a better haircut (bored af of currently)
- Get a good diet and Improve Sleep
- Improve social skills with women
- Take new pictures
- Get laid
- Go on a date
- Make new friends

Longer term
- Regular get laid
- Get a girlfriend
- Be a nice guy
- Graduate
Day 2
I will DO THE DRILL as it is written and leave.
What I did:
  • Signed the petition
  • Listened to audios
  • Learned to execute

This is something that everyone who starts our AA program will sign on Day 2 of Week 1.

- My goal and only goal for the next 3+ months is to beat approach anxiety.

- Because that is my ONLY #1 goal and I care a lot about it- I won't try to balance it with anything other than going to work/school/gym.

- Since I'm not trying to BALANCE it with several other goals, I will have more than enough time to do the drills.

- I agree to FORGET ABOUT GETTING LAID (for now).

- I will DO THE DRILL as it is written and leave.
- I will DO THE DRILL as it is written and leave.
- I will DO THE DRILL as it is written and leave.
- I will DO THE DRILL as it is written and leave.

- I will NOT turn the drill into an 'indirect' approach and get deflated if it doesn't go well.

- I will also start a POF (or OkCupid) account and use GLL's or Rooster's guide because I understand that giving myself some online options will decrease my neediness.

- I will check in on ~daily basis, documenting what day I'm on, what I plan to do and if I did it.

- I understand that doing a Vlog will only help me be more accountable and get better results.

- I will stop ONLY WHEN I have beaten 90-100% of my approach anxiety. (~3-5.5months, @Level 7).

- I will see this through or get professional help for my anxiety and do it again.

I signed this petition in order to improve myself.
- Matias

Remember though- what is MOST IMPORTANT is that you EXECUTE. You have got to learn to EXECUTE. Any "skill" or "smoothness" involved in picking up women is simply a guy EXECUTING his game plan. I sometimes look "smooth" because I am simply EXECUTING a repeatable plan with confidence. You can learn to freestyle or whatever later. You have got to get used to just walking up to girls and saying a few things. We'll build on that.