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MCGoobins' AA program log


May 11, 2024
Get Laid
Before starting, is it better to do the GLL AA program or to just approach girls? I've done about 60 approaches without much success (got a few numbers but that's about it.)

What do you think?
IMO, if you can do it, you're better off doing real approaches.
Cool, went out to a mall near me and approached 2 girls.
First one: blonde w big butt.. told me she was flattered but married and to keep going..
Second one: walked up to girl on phone, she looked up, I was trying to give her shit/be cheeky, I said in a commanding tone "you can't do that here", she got up and just walked away. Blimey.
Approached 3 chicks today at mall, keeping momentum going.
Approached one girl at park after my workout \, Got her Instagram. Ill be supplementing approaches with DOING THE ENTIRETY of the AA program because I'm bored with run of the mill approaches.
Starting tomorrow with day one of the AA program..
Approached one girl at park after my workout \, Got her Instagram. Ill be supplementing approaches with DOING THE ENTIRETY of the AA program because I'm bored with run of the mill approaches.
Starting tomorrow with day one of the AA program..
Cool man, im doing the AA program as well. Let's keep each other accountable! 💪
Fuck yea brotherman lets get it 💯
Approached a few girls, got 1 number. Will start AA program tomorrow.
Approached a few girls, got 1 number. Will start AA program tomorrow.
Just curious why you are doing the AA program if you're already doing real approaches and getting numbers?

One benefit is the extra social freedom boost it gives you. Otherwise, the way you get better at cold approach is by doing cold approach.
I've decided to focus on real approaches. I set a goal to do 30 a week exclusively on campus which does pose its own set of challenges.