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Meditating for 1,000 hours (Hour 287)


Nov 10, 2021
This is a log of my meditation sessions, until I reach 1,000 hours. I will document the emotions that I feel and the thoughts that I have during my meditation sessions. Obviously the amount of hours in mastering a skill isn’t the only thing that matters but I want to use this to push myself. I currently have 257 lifetime hours so I will be starting from there. Also using this to help me get through the AA Program.
Day 1:
Total: 20 minutes (257/1,000)
Today I had 2 sessions of 10 minute meditations, my thoughts were scattered in the beginning as usual but I found my breath by settling down. My thoughts have included my insecurity of being an introvert in an extroverted world, my ability to talk more, girls, and the pain of a couple of migraines that I have been having. After the meditation I felt way less on edge, noticing the swing of a door coming towards me, the pull of my hand on my hoodie, the sway of hips during walking, and the raw sound of conversations near me.
Noself said:
Oh cool, I just started using an app called Smiling Mind because it was free. Do you recommend Headspace, and is it worth paying for it monthly?
When you first start it’s worth it but once you get the fundamentals of the basic guided meditations, I would say to move on from the app. They have different types of meditations for different topics, emotions, and life events (acceptance, grief, kindness, productivity, etc….) but the foundation is still the same, focusing on the breath or body. Camtheman
Camtheman said:
Do you recommend Headspace, and is it worth paying for it monthly?

I'd recommend to pay for one month, to get the fundamentals, and then keep going on your own.
Day 2:
Total: 1 hour (258/1,000)
Today, I did a total of 4 sessions, 2 for 5 minutes, then one for 20 minutes, then another one for 30 minutes. All of these sessions are unguided. The first two sessions, I struggled for half the session to settle down, my areas of focus was primarily on my face which felt tight. I’ve always had tight facial muscles, particularly the area below my cheekbones. Next, I saw flashes of thoughts from the fellow members on the forum doing the AA program… idk…. back to the arms, then back to my thighs. Focus my attention on my legs, then my feet. Next, back up to my breath, I will count my breathe 1 for the inhale, 2 for the exhale, then repeat 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. The focus on my breathe was pretty foggy, it didn’t feel like I was completely focused. The third and fourth sessions featured thoughts of my job, my colleagues, and a small cameo appearance from a girl I met a couple months ago. Since I got 2-3 hours of sleep, I felt like something was blocking my focus on my breath perhaps fatigue but the last half of the sessions my mind became more settled.
Day 3:
Total: 2 hours (260/1,000)
Today I did 4 sessions, 1 for 1 hour, 1 for 10 minutes, 1 for 45 minutes, then 1 for 5 minutes. For session one (1 hour) my mind was foggy, settling down in the meditation I feel the pressure in my temples near my browline. This is the longest meditation I’ve done in a while, but I was surprisingly grounded, I varied it up but inhaling, holding, then exhaling my breath. This session was fun, after about the first 15 minutes I felt calm. I could feel greater awareness to the individual digits of my hands and toes. Thoughts mostly centered around: a girl messaging on Instagram, the Extrovert Ideal, the future of my current job, when is this session going to end? (5 times). I received a huge burst of energy (idk how to explain it) about 4 times. Session two, 10 minutes, shortly after session one, this session went by pretty quick 10 minutes felt like 2 minutes. Thoughts included: my co-workers, random girl, thinking about voice course, future of my career. My focus drifted drastically by the end of the session. Session three, 45 minutes, the thoughts in my head for this session: random girls, memories doing the AA program, and a local football team I root for. Session felt like it was 10 minutes. Last session, 5 minutes, short session which included thoughts of co-workers, random girls, drawing ideas, and snow.
Hey man this one hour mediation did you do it guided or you’re just focusing on your physical sensations?
Adrizzle unguided first scanning down the body from head to toe then focus on the breath counting to 10, 1 for inhale, 2 for the exhale, repeat this until you reach 10 then restart at 1.
Day 4:
Total: 35 minutes (261/1,000)
Today, I did 2 sessions, 1 for 30 minutes and the next one for 5 minutes. Here is the written transcript after session one: My eyes felt heavy at the start of the session, felt like there was a glass panel in front of my forehead preventing me from tapping into full focus of my breath. This was the first session of the day, shortly after walking, thoughts included: girls, art schools, my drawings, introversion/extroversion, and what to eat for breakfast. Session two was late at night, with my thoughts flowing as such: girl, Facebook images, guy friend, my drawings, Facebook group, my voice, and a girl I’m talking to.
Day 5:
Total: 5 minutes (261/1,000)
Just did one session for 5 minutes in the morning, thoughts included: girl, Facebook Images, girl I’m talking to, weird dream I had last night, my face.
Very interesting to read the thoughts you go through when meditating.

Been entertaining the thought of meditating myself but my sleep schedule is whack right now. Might give it a shot when I fix my sleep habits.
Day 6:
Total: 5 minutes (261/1,000)
One session of just 5 minutes today, the thoughts were: girl, my co-workers, the movie American Sniper, AA program memories, thinking about the AA program future drills.
Day 7:
Total: 5 minutes (261/1,000)
One short session of 5 minutes today, thoughts: girl, drawing schedule, AA program, fellow forum members, a friend of my mom, a couple I know, and stuff for my job.
Day 8:
Total: 5 minutes (261/1,000)
Short session of 5 minutes today, thoughts included: Super Bowl, Patrick Mahomes, Valentines Day, girl I talked to about a month ago, 21 Savage, Super Bowl trophy presentation, career.
Day 9:
Total: 30 minutes(262/1,000)
Today was one session of 30 minutes, thoughts included: 21 Savage, a medical appointment tomorrow, girl I’m talking to, co-workers, fatigue, drawing lesson I’m taking, another girl, the pressure of my headphones resting on my head, buying houses.
Day 10:
Total: 15 minutes (262/1,000)
One session of 5 minutes and another for 10 minutes. Can't remember all the thoughts I had.

Day 11:
Total: 15 minutes (262/1,000)
One session of 5 minutes and another for 10 minutes. Thoughts included: friend from work, girl I met on Tinder, moving houses, AA program.